Mrs. Westell's Merrill Moments
February 9, 2025
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and had the opportunity to enjoy the snow on Sunday. Here is our information for the week.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and had the opportunity to enjoy the snow on Sunday. Here is our information for the week.
- iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic results will be sent home this Friday. Please contact your child’s teacher or me if you have any questions.
- It’s hard to believe, but our 100th day of school is this Monday, February 10th! To acknowledge this special day, we ask students (if they would like) to create a t-shirt that has items on it. For example…100 buttons, 100 stickers, 100 googly eyes, and so on. Let’s see how creative our Merrill Cubs can get! Again, this is on a volunteer basis. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- The ECPO and Merrill’s amazing art teacher, Mrs. Doherty will host once again, Art from the Heart, on Wednesday, February 12th from 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm in the Merrill School Cafeteria. Join us for a family night of fun, friends, and arts & crafts. Art From the Heart
- Friendship Concert - Our talented music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez is in the process of preparing students for our Friendship Concert that will take place in March. Please see the performance schedule to mark your calendars! Merrill School Friendship Concert Schedule
- Valentine’s Day is Friday, February 14th. Please wear red, pink, white or hearts!
- Early Dismissal this Wednesday, February 12th - Students will be dismissed at 12:05 so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
- February Vacation - There is no school from February 17 - 21 for February vacation.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
February 2, 2025
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Thank you to eveyrone who called in their child absent last week and providing us with information regarding their illness. It was most helpful. Here is our weekly information:
I hope you enjoy your first week of February. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Thank you to eveyrone who called in their child absent last week and providing us with information regarding their illness. It was most helpful. Here is our weekly information:
- First Grade iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic results were sent home on Friday. Please contact your child’s teacher or me if you have any questions.
- It’s hard to believe, but our 100th day of school is Monday, February 10th! To acknowledge this special day, we ask students (if they would like) to create a t-shirt that has items on it. For example…100 buttons, 100 stickers, 100 googly eyes, and so on. Let’s see how creative our Merrill Cubs can get! Again, this is on a volunteer basis. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- The ECPO and Merrill’s amazing art teacher, Mrs. Doherty will host once again, Art from the Heart, on Wednesday, February 12th from 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm in the Merrill School Cafeteria. Join us for a family night of fun, friends, and arts & crafts. Art From the Heart
- Friendship Concert - Our talented music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez is in the process of preparing students for our Friendship Concert that will take place in March. Please see the performance schedule to mark your calendars!
- Sick Child - As you know, currently the flu season is very active as is Covid, strep throat, and conjunctivitis. Please do not send your child to school if they are not feeling well. If you need to give them Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin in the morning, then they should not be coming to school that day. Please call the nurse or the office the morning of your child’s absence with the symptoms and/or diagnosis of their illness. This will allow Nurse Fallon the ability to monitor any outbreaks within our school building or individual classroom. Below are the phone numbers to call. You can leave a message at any time.
- Merrill School 508-824-2490
- Nurse Fallon (508) 824-2715 fax: (508) 828-3913
- Extra Set of Clothes - Please provide your child with an extra set of school to be left in their cubby in the event they have an accident or their clothing gets soiled. For this time of the year, students should have long pants, a long sleeve shirt, socks and underwear. Thank you!
- Procedures for Dismissing your Child Early from School - Just a friendly reminder, that if you need to dismiss your child early from school, please send in a blue slip, note or email that day. Having advanced notice will allow the teacher to have your child ready to go and the office will expect your arrival at the front door. Also the latest you can dismiss your child from the front office is 3:00 pm. Any dismissal after that time will take place at 3:15 in parent/guardian end of the day dismissal behind the school.
- Bridgewater-Raynham SEPAC will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, February 6 at 6:30 at the Bridge Center. Please see SEPAC Flyer for more details.
- February Vacation - There is no school from February 17 - 21 for February vacation.
I hope you enjoy your first week of February. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
January 26, 2025
Hello Merrill Families,
We are starting our last full week of January and this month has certainly flown by!
Here is our information for this week:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Dressing for Winter - With the cold weather upon us, it is imperative that students wear the proper clothing to school. Even if we have indoor recess, students are still exposed to dangerous temperatures at the bus stop and car drop off. For more information, please visit, How to Dress for Winter.
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
Hello Merrill Families,
We are starting our last full week of January and this month has certainly flown by!
Here is our information for this week:
- Early Release Day - Students will be dismissed from school at 12:05 pm this Wednesday, January 29th so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
- Grade 1 iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic results will be sent home this Friday. Please contact your teacher or me with any questions
- Kindergarten iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic testing will finish this week. Results will be sent home shortly.
- It’s hard to believe, but our 100th day of school is February 10th! To acknowledge this special day, we ask students (if they would like) to create a t-shirt that has items on it. For example…100 buttons, 100 stickers, 100 googly eyes, and so on. Let’s see how creative our Merrill Cubs can get! Again, this is on a volunteer basis. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Sick Child - As you know, currently the flu season is very active as is Covid, strep throat, and conjunctivitis. Please do not send your child to school if they are not feeling well. If you need to give them Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin in the morning, then they should not be coming to school that day. Please call the nurse or the office the morning of your child’s absence with the symptoms and/or diagnosis of their illness. This will allow Nurse Fallon the ability to monitor any outbreaks within our school building or individual classroom. Below are the phone numbers to call. You can leave a message at any time. Merrill School (508-824-2490), Nurse Fallon (508-824-2715), Fax (508-828-3913)
- The ECPO and Merrill’s amazing art teacher, Mrs. Doherty will host once again, Art from the Heart, on Wednesday, February 12th from 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm in the Merrill School Cafeteria. Join us for a family night of fun, friends, and arts & crafts. Art From the Heart
- Friendship Concert - Our talented music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez is in the process of preparing students for our Friendship Concert that will take place in March. Please see the performance schedule to mark your calendars! Merrill School Friendship Concert Schedule
- Procedures for Dismissing your Child Early from School - Just a friendly reminder, that if you need to dismiss your child early from school, please send in a blue slip, note or email that day. Having advanced notice will allow the teacher to have your child ready to go and the office will expect your arrival at the front door. Also the latest you can dismiss your child from the front office is 3:00 pm. Any dismissal after that time will take place at 3:15 in parent/guardian end of the day dismissal behind the school.
- February Vacation - There is no school from February 17 - 21 for February vacation.
- Extra Set of Clothes - Please provide your child with an extra set of school to be left in their cubby in the event they have an accident or their clothing gets soiled. For this time of the year, students should have long pants, a long sleeve shirt, socks and underwear. Thank you!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Dressing for Winter - With the cold weather upon us, it is imperative that students wear the proper clothing to school. Even if we have indoor recess, students are still exposed to dangerous temperatures at the bus stop and car drop off. For more information, please visit, How to Dress for Winter.
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
January 19, 2025
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you had a nice weekend. Here is our information for this week:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Dressing for Winter - With the cold weather upon us, it is imperative that students wear the proper clothing to school. Even if we have indoor recess, students are still exposed to dangerous temperatures at the bus stop and car drop off. For more information, please visit, How to Dress for Winter.
Please be sure that the extra set of clothes that you have for your child at school is season appropriate. Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you had a nice weekend. Here is our information for this week:
- Kindergarten iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic Testing - First grade students will take the iReady mid year test in reading and math at the end of this week and next week. Results from this test will be sent home shortly after the test is completed.
- Please visit our January Family Literacy Newsletter developed by our Title I team. Here you will find valuable literacy resources that you can use at home.
- Registration is open for Raynham t-ball, baseball, and softball. Please visit RYBSA for more information.
- Please see the following information for the BR Youth Road Race
- Early Release Day - Students will be dismissed from school at 12:05 pm on Wednesday, January 29th so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Dressing for Winter - With the cold weather upon us, it is imperative that students wear the proper clothing to school. Even if we have indoor recess, students are still exposed to dangerous temperatures at the bus stop and car drop off. For more information, please visit, How to Dress for Winter.
Please be sure that the extra set of clothes that you have for your child at school is season appropriate. Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
January 12, 2025
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Dressing for Winter - With the cold weather upon us, it is imperative that students wear the proper clothing to school. Even if we have indoor recess, students are still exposed to dangerous temperatures at the bus stop and car drop off. For more information, please visit, How to Dress for Winter.
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets. Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
Please copy/paste the link with the BR policy of "When to Keep a Child Home"
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is our weekly information:
- Grade 1 iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic Testing - First grade students will take the iReady mid year test in reading and math this week. Results from this test will be sent home shortly after the test is completed.
- Please visit our January Family Literacy Newsletter developed by our Title I team. Here you will find valuable literacy resources that you can use at home.
- Registration is open for Raynham t-ball, baseball, and softball. Please visit RYBSA for more information.
- Raynwater STEAM is hosting an after school STEM Club at Merrill School. Please visit Merrill School Winter STEM Club for more information. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.
- Martin Luther Jr. Day - There is NO SCHOOLl on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Dressing for Winter - With the cold weather upon us, it is imperative that students wear the proper clothing to school. Even if we have indoor recess, students are still exposed to dangerous temperatures at the bus stop and car drop off. For more information, please visit, How to Dress for Winter.
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets. Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
Please copy/paste the link with the BR policy of "When to Keep a Child Home"
News from the ECPO:
Save the date for an evening of art, fun and friends! Mrs. Doherty and the ECPO will be hosting Art from the Heart in the evening on February 12th in the Merrill Cafeteria. Join us for music, photos and lots of fun art activities.
Yearbook sales are open - Order yours today by visiting - enter Merrill25 for the school password.
Next ECPO Meeting is on Thursday February 13th at 6pm in the Merrill Library - join us to help plan all of our big events for the spring!
January 5, 2025
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed the first weekend of 2025. We had a wonderful return back to school last week. Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets.
Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
Please copy/paste the link with the BR policy of "When to Keep a Child Home"
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed the first weekend of 2025. We had a wonderful return back to school last week. Here is our weekly information:
- Just a reminder…Morning Arrival Car Drop Off - All children must remain in their car seat/booster until you are greeted by a staff member who will help your child exit the car at that time. Students cannot exit the car until they are greeted by a staff member. Please know these procedures are put in place for the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.
- Please call Merrill School at 508-824-2490 if your child is going to be absent that day.
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, January 9th @ 6:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets.
Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
Please copy/paste the link with the BR policy of "When to Keep a Child Home"
December 22, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed your time with family and friends. This winter break has certainty gone by fast, but I’m looking forward to seeing our Merrill Cubs and getting back to our routine.
Just a few reminders…
- We return to school this Thursday, January 2nd.
- Early Release Days for Staff Professional Development. Students will be dismissed at 12:05. Lunch will be served. Wednesday January 8th and Wednesday, January 29th
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL - Monday, January 20
On behalf of the Merrill School staff, we wish you and your family a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed your time with family and friends. This winter break has certainty gone by fast, but I’m looking forward to seeing our Merrill Cubs and getting back to our routine.
Just a few reminders…
- We return to school this Thursday, January 2nd.
- Early Release Days for Staff Professional Development. Students will be dismissed at 12:05. Lunch will be served. Wednesday January 8th and Wednesday, January 29th
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL - Monday, January 20
On behalf of the Merrill School staff, we wish you and your family a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal

December 15, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
We have lots of fun happening at Merrill this week!!! Here we go!
Holiday Spirit Week - Staff and students will dress up this week to spread some holiday cheer.
Early Dismissal - Students will be dismissed at 12:05 on Friday, December 20th. Lunch will be served.
NO SCHOOL December 23 - January 1st. School resumes on Thursday, January 2nd.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season making special memories with your family and friends.
Happy Holidays,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
We have lots of fun happening at Merrill this week!!! Here we go!
Holiday Spirit Week - Staff and students will dress up this week to spread some holiday cheer.
Early Dismissal - Students will be dismissed at 12:05 on Friday, December 20th. Lunch will be served.
NO SCHOOL December 23 - January 1st. School resumes on Thursday, January 2nd.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season making special memories with your family and friends.
Happy Holidays,
Deb Westell, Principal
December 8, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
Once again, the ECPO’s Winterfest family event that was held on Saturday was outstanding!! The decorations, games, raffles, food, Arts & crafts, were all amazing, not to mention the visit from Santa. My sincere thanks and gratitude to the members of the ECPO Executive Board, the many volunteers and community members who worked so hard to make this event possible. Here is our information for this week:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
Once again, the ECPO’s Winterfest family event that was held on Saturday was outstanding!! The decorations, games, raffles, food, Arts & crafts, were all amazing, not to mention the visit from Santa. My sincere thanks and gratitude to the members of the ECPO Executive Board, the many volunteers and community members who worked so hard to make this event possible. Here is our information for this week:
- Holiday Spirit Week - NEXT WEEK, during the week of December 16 - 20, our last week of school before winter break, we will have Holiday Spirit Week. Each day, students and staff will have the opportunity (if they wish) to show their holiday spirit. Please see the attached flier for more information. Holiday Spirit Week
- 12/16 Monday - Holiday hats and socks day
- 12/17 - Tuesday - Pajama Day
- 12/18 - Wednesday - Crazy hair and Inside out day
- 12/19 - Thursday - Holiday Sweater Day (ugly or pretty)
- 12/20 - Friday - Holiday color day
- Trimester 1 Report Cards -. Report cards will be released on PowerSchool Monday, December 9th after 4:00 pm.
- Morning Arrival Car Drop Off - All children must remain in their car seat/booster until you are greeted by a staff member who will help your child exit the car at that time. Students cannot exit the car until they are greeted by a staff member. Please know these procedures are put in place for the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
- The ECPO meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 12th is cancelled.
- The deadline for placing orders for the Square 1 Art Fundraiser has been extended to Tuesday, December 10th.
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
December 1, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you and your family enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. Here is our weekly information.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you and your family enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. Here is our weekly information.
- Holiday Spirit Week - During the week of December 16 - 20, our last week of school before winter break, we will have Holiday Spirit Week. Each day, students and staff will have the opportunity (if they wish) to show their holiday spirit. Please see the attached flier for more information. Holiday Spirit Week
- 12/16 Monday - Holiday hats and socks day
- 12/17 - Tuesday - Pajama Day
- 12/18 - Wednesday - Crazy hair and Inside out day
- 12/19 - Thursday - Holiday Sweater Day (ugly or pretty)
- 12/20 - Friday - Holiday color day
- Early Dismissal Day - This Wednesday. December 4th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
- Trimester 1 Report Cards - Grades close for the first trimester this Tuesday, December 3rd. Report cards will be released on PowerSchool Monday, December 9th.
- Outdoor Recess - Weather permitting, students will continue to go outside for recess. It is important for your child to have a jacket and winter attire each day.
- End of the day parent/guardian dismissal - Just a reminder to please have your car tag visible when picking up your child at the end of the day.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, December 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Square 1 Art Fundraiser is happening now. Students brought home their personalized catalogs so you may start placing your orders. This will make great Christmas gifts for families and friends. Order deadline is 12/3/2024.
- Winterfest - Join us on Saturday, December 7th for the ECPO’s annual Winterfest family event from 9:00 - 12:00. There will be games, raffles, food, dancing, and pictures taken with Santa!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 22, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I can’t believe that this is the last week of November!!! We have a short week ahead.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I can’t believe that this is the last week of November!!! We have a short week ahead.
- Early Dismissal on Wednesday, November 27th. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served.
- Thanksgiving Break - No School Thursday November 27 and Friday, November 29th.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, December 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Square 1 Art Fundraiser is happening now. Students brought home their personalized catalogs so you may start placing your orders. This will make great Christmas gifts for families and friends.Order deadline is 12/3/2024.
- Winterfest - Join us on Saturday, December 7th for the ECPO’s annual Winterfest family event from 9:00 - 12:00. There will be games, raffles, food, dancing, and pictures taken with Santa!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 16, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is our information for the upcoming week:
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is our information for the upcoming week:
- Merrill School Library - New library procedures will begin next week. Please read the attached letter for more information. Merrill School Library
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- R.A.V.E. Reminder: RAVE's Lyman Orchard Pie and Classic Cookie Dough Fundraiser is Coming to a Close! Orders will be available for pick up just in time for the winter holidays in December! Please return order forms and check payments to the main office at your child's school by Monday, November 18th. Or use the paperless online option below and pay by credit card. All pies and cookie dough come frozen and will need to be picked up on Friday, December 13th, from 4:00pm-6:30pm at 37 Queen's Circle, Raynham (More details are included within the attached information sheet and order form.) No cash please. Please make checks payable to R.A.V.E., Inc. OR register to sell online using the link below: Credit card payment is available using the paperless online option. Please contact Becky George at [email protected] with any questions. Thank you!
- Special TownMeeting Information: Attached is the Town Meeting packet for the Special Town Meeting of Tuesday, November 19, 2024. The packet includes the warrant articles for the Special Town Meeting of November 19, 2024 with an article summary, assorted financial information, and recommendations of the Finance Committee and Capital Planning Committee. Also attached is a handout for Article 9 of this Special Town Meeting. Please be aware that the Special Town Meeting warrant packet will not be mass mailed but will continue to be shared through the Town’s website, Town’s email list, and posted on Town bulletin boards. Paper copies of the Town Meeting warrant packet may be obtained prior to Town Meeting in the Board of Selectmen’s Office at Town Hall, at the Raynham Library, and at the Raynham Senior Center as well as at Town Meeting itself. Any citizens who wish paper copies mailed to them may call the Selectmen’s office or e-mail [email protected] and will also be added to a mailing list for all future Town Meeting warrants.
The website link is .
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, December 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Square 1 Art Fundraiser is happening now. Students brought home their personalized catalogs so you may start placing your orders. This will make great Christmas gifts for families and friends.Order deadline is 12/3/2024.
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 10, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Here is our weekly information.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Here is our weekly information.
- Merrill School Library - This past Thursday, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held to acknowledge the new and updated Merrill School Library.
- Veterans Day Celebration - On Friday, students and staff participated in a memorable ceremony celebrating our Veterans. Thank you RAVE for organizing this special event and to the classrooms who performed.
- On Tuesday, students will observe a Prismatic Light Show sponsored by the ECPO.
- LifeTouch Picture Retake - If your child was absent or you would like your child to retake their picture, picture retake day is Friday, November 15th.
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- Early Dismissal on Wednesday, November 27th. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served.
- Thanksgiving Break - No School Thursday November 27 and Friday, November 29th.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 3, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
It was great to see so many families last week during conferences. Our last conference will be held Monday evening. Here is our weekly information:
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It was great to see so many families last week during conferences. Our last conference will be held Monday evening. Here is our weekly information:
- Library Updates - We have exciting news!! On Thursday, we will have a ribbon cutting ceremony for our newly updated Merrill School Library! The following week, students will be able to check out a library book to bring home for the first time. There are many people that worked very hard for this to become a reality, but no one has worked harder than the mother and daughter volunteer duo, Laura Christentian and Katrina Fisher. These two ladies spent countless hours looking at the condition of every book, then scanning and barcoding each one. They reorganized every shelf and created a top notch library system. Without their time, effort, and dedication, the library would not be up and ready to activate our new system. I’d also like to thank the ECPO for their generosity and the many RAVE volunteers who helped as well.
- November Literacy Newsletter - Please visit the November Title I Newsletter for interesting and important information on reading support and strategies.
- Online Educational Websites - Recently, I asked students not to complete iReady assignments at home. The program is designed for students to spend a specific amount of time completing the individualized lessons. The time allotted each week for first grade is 30 - 49 minutes for both reading and math and kindergarteners are to spend between 20 -30 minutes for each subject per week. These minutes are met within the school week. It is not beneficial for the student to spend more than this time and we risk the possibility of students getting burned out. However, if you would like your child to participate in additional online activities for support, review and fun, please visit the Online Educational Website document that our Title I and math coach created for families to use. Please contact me or your child's teacher with any questions.
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- LifeTouch Picture Retake - If your child was absent or you would like your child to retake their picture, picture retake day is FRiday,November 15th.
- Veteran’s Day Program - R.A.V.E Organization is sponsoring their annual, Salute to our Veterans, program which will take place on Friday, November 8th @ 2:00 pm. Please see the flier bove for more information.
- NO SCHOOL - Tuesday, November 5th for voting. Teachers and staff will participate in Professional Development.
- NO SCHOOL - Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
October 27, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
We have another busy week at Merrill School. Here's what’s happening.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
We have another busy week at Merrill School. Here's what’s happening.
- STEM Week - First grade students participated in a grade level STEM activity called Playful Engineers. Students were given the challenge to engineer a variety of contraptions using a wide range of materials. Our students were very creative and had a great time!
- Positive Bus Behavior Program - Laliberte Principal Mrs. Hargraves and I are implementing a Positive Behavior Program on all buses. More information to follow.
- Friendly Reminder - Halloween costumes cannot be worn to school. Thank you!
- Trunk or Treat sponsored by the TRI-M Music Honor Society - join us for a night of candy, trunks, music and fun!!! This is a great family event. Please see the attached flier for more information: Trunk or Treat by the TRI-M Music Society
- Parent/Guardian Teacher Conference - Conferences will take place this week during the following times:
- Monday, October 28th 5:00 - 7:30 pm
- Wednesday, October 30th, 1:00 - 3:30 pm
- Monday, November 4th, 5:00 - 7:30 pm.
- Scholastic Book Fair will take place October 28 - November 4th. Here is the Scholastic Book Fair Schedule sharing when your child will visit the book fair. The book fair will be open during school conferences as well. This is a great time to start your holiday shopping!
- Title I Newsletter - Please visit the Title I October Newsletter for interesting and important information on reading support and strategies.
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- R.A.V.E. Organization - Each year, R.A.V.E. creates a classroom list of student names and addresses so families can send birthday invitations, make play dates, etc… This is done on a volunteer basis and you must give your permission to have your child’s name on the list. Please see the attached letter from R.A.V.E. for details and further explanation. 2024-2025 Rave Classroom Contact List
- Veteran’s Day Program - R.A.V.E Organization is sponsoring their annual, Salute to our Veterans, program which will take place on Friday, November 8th @ 2:00 pm. Please see the flier bove for more information.
- NO SCHOOL - Tuesday, November 5th for voting. Teachers and staff will participate in Professional Development.
- NO SCHOOL - Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, October 10th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
- The ECPO has created a newsletter to keep families informed of ECPO news and school events. Please visit the newest edition of Paws for Thought.
- Scholastic Book Fair EWallett
- Square One Art
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
October 20, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying another beautiful fall weekend ! Here is our information for this week:
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying another beautiful fall weekend ! Here is our information for this week:
- Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Testing will end this week. Results will be sent home shortly after its completion.
- STEM WEEK will take place next week October 21 - 25.
- Parent/Guardian Teacher Conference slips were sent home last week. Please return your appointment slip as soon as possible so teachers can do their best to accommodate your schedule. Conferences will take place during the following times:
- Monday, October 28th 5:00 - 7:30 pm
- Wednesday, October 30th, 1:00 - 3:30 pm
- Monday, November 4th, 5:00 - 7:30 pm.
- Scholastic Book Fair will take place October 28 - November 4th. Here is the Scholastic Book Fair Schedule of when your child will visit the book fair. The book fair will be open during school conferences as well. This is a great time to start your holiday shopping!
- Title I Newsletter - Please visit the Title I October Newsletter for interesting and important information on reading support and strategies.
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- R.A.V.E. Organization - Each year, R.A.V.E. creates a classroom list of student names and addresses so families can send birthday invitations, make play dates, etc… This is done on a volunteer basis and you must give your permission to have your child’s name on the list. Please see the attached letter from R.A.V.E. for details and further explanation. 2024-2025 Rave Classroom Contact List
- Veteran’s Day Program - R.A.V.E Organization is sponsoring their annual, Salute to our Veterans, program which will take place on Friday, November 8th @ 2:00 pm. Please see the flier bove for more information.
- NO SCHOOL - Tuesday, November 5th for voting. Teachers and staff will participate in Professional Development.
- NO SCHOOL - Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
October 14, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you and your family are enjoying the long weekend. Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Nurse Fallon has included important information regarding water bottles: Water Bottle Illness
News from the ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you and your family are enjoying the long weekend. Here is our weekly information:
- Dress for Outside Recess - Fall is definitely here and we definitely have that chill in the air. Please note that the school behind the school where we have recess is quite windy, making it a very cool event in the afternoon. Please provide your child with the proper outside attire ( sweatshirt, sweat, jacket, etc…) in order to safely participate in outdoor activities.
- Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Testing will take place the next 2 weeks. REsults will be sent home shortly after its completion.
- STEM WEEK will take place next week October 21 - 25.
- Parent/Guardian Teacher Conference slips were sent home last week. Please return your appointment slip as soon as possible so teachers can do their best to accommodate your schedule. Conferences will take place during the following times:
- Monday, October 28th 5:00 - 7:30 pm
- Wednesday, October 30th, 1:00 - 3:30 pm
- Monday, November 4th, 5:00 - 7:30 pm.
- Monday, October 28th 5:00 - 7:30 pm
- Scholastic Book Fair will take place October 28 - November 4th. A schedule of when your child will visit the book fair to make a purchase will be sent home this week. The book fair will be open during school conferences as well. This is a great time to start your holiday shopping!
- Title I Newsletter - Please visit the Title I October Newsletter for interesting and important information on reading support and strategies.
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- Unity Day - Wednesday, October 16 is Unity Day. We will wear orange to encourage kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
- R.A.V.E. Organization - Each year, R.A.V.E. creates a classroom list of student names and addresses so families can send birthday invitations, make play dates, etc… This is done on a volunteer basis and you must give your permission to have your child’s name on the list. Please see the attached letter from R.A.V.E. for details and further explanation. 2024-2025 Rave Classroom Contact List
- Trunk or Treat sponsored by the TRI-M Music Honor Society - join us for a night of candy, trunks, music and fun!!! This is a great family event. Please see the attached flier for more information: Trunk or Treat by the TRI-M Music Society
- Easter Seals sponsoring Trunk or Treat - Please see the attached flier for more details. Trunk or Treat at the Bridge Center
- Early Release Day - Wednesday, October 30th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm for Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences. Lunch will be served.
- NO SCHOOL - Tuesday, November 5th for voting. Teachers and staff will participate in Teacher Professional Development.
- NO SCHOOL - Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
Nurse Fallon has included important information regarding water bottles: Water Bottle Illness
News from the ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, November 14th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
October 6, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring another fun family event on Saturday,Fall Fest. It was a beautiful day and fun was had by all! Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets. Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring another fun family event on Saturday,Fall Fest. It was a beautiful day and fun was had by all! Here is our weekly information:
- Bus Safety - Over the last couple of weeks, students have been bringing toys on the bus. As a result, students are getting out of their seats and arguing. As you can imagine, this makes it difficult for the driver to address these situations while driving. Moving forward, please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. I thank you in advance for your support.
- Fire Safety Week - This week we acknowledge Fire Safety Week with the Raynham Fire Department. On Wednesday, the RFD will visit students to discuss the importance of fire safety.
- Unity Day - Wednesday, October 16 is Unity Day. We will wear orange to encourage kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
- Title I Newsletter - Please visit the Title I October Newsletter for interesting and important information on reading support and strategies.
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- R.A.V.E. Organization - Each year, R.A.V.E. creates a classroom list of student names and addresses so families can send birthday invitations, make play dates, etc… This is done on a volunteer basis and you must give your permission to have your child’s name on the list. Please see the attached letter from R.A.V.E. for details and further explanation. 2024-2025 Rave Classroom Contact List
- Trunk or Treat sponsored by the TRI-M Music Honor Society - join us for a night of candy, trunks, music and fun!!! This is a great family event. Please see the attached flier for more information: Trunk or Treat by the TRI-M Music Society
- B-R Varsity Cheer is sponsoring a Youth Night on Friday, October 11th. Please see the attached flier for more information: B-R Varsity Cheer Youth Night
- Easter Seals sponsoring Trunk or Treat - Please see the attached flier for more details. Trunk or Treat at the Bridge Center
- Lifetouch Fall Pictures will take place Friday, October 11th.
- Early Release Day - Wednesday, October 30th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm for Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences. Lunch will be served.
- NO SCHOOL - There will be NO SCHOOL, Monday, October 14 in observance of Indigenous People Day.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets. Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, October 10th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
- The ECPO has created a newsletter to keep families informed of ECPO news and school events. Please visit the newest edition of Paws for Thought
- Square Art Letter our next fundraiser.
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
September 29, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is the first week of October!!! Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets. Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is the first week of October!!! Here is our weekly information:
- Merrill School Spirit Day - Every Friday we celebrate Merrill School Spirit Day by wearing Merrill School apparel or wearing the color blue. Join us each Friday and show your Merrill School pride!!!
- Merrill Apparel - the last day to order your Merrill School apparel online is Tuesday, October 1st. There’s a great selection of shirts, sweatshirts, hats and fleece jackets available.
- R.A.V.E. Organization - Each year, R.A.V.E. creates a classroom list of student names and addresses so families can send birthday invitations, make play dates, etc… This is done on a volunteer basis and you must give your permission to have your child’s name on the list. Please see the attached letter from R.A.V.E. for details and further explanation. 2024-2025 Rave Classroom Contact List
- B-R Varsity Cheer is sponsoring a Youth Night on Friday, October 11th. Please see the attached flier for more information: B-R Varsity Cheer Youth Night
- Monthly Birthdays & Book Vending Machine - We will acknowledge every student's birthday at the end of the month by allowing them to choose one book from the book vending machine located in the cafeteria. This will be done during lunch and we will all sing happy birthday to celebrate!
- Fall Fest - I hope to see everyone this Saturday at the ECPO’c annual Fall Fest from 10:00 - 12:00. This is always a great family event!
- Lifetouch Fall Pictures will take place Friday, October 11th. Order forms will be sent home soon.
- Early Release Day - This Wednesday, October 2nd, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets. Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, October 10th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
- The ECPO has created a newsletter to keep families informed of ECPO news and school events. Please visit the newest edition of Paws for Thought
- Fall Fest is Saturday, Oct 5th. For more information visit: Fall Fest
- Square Art Letter our next fundraiser.
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
September 21, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying this rainy Saturday. Here is our information for this week.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets.
Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
Please copy/paste the link with the BR policy of "When to Keep a Child Home"
News from the ECPO:
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying this rainy Saturday. Here is our information for this week.
- First graders completed the iReady Diagnostic testing last week. Families will receive results in approximately 2 weeks.
- Kindergarteners will have their iReady Diagnostic testing between October 14 - 25. Families will receive the results shortly thereafter.
- Lifetouch Fall Pictures will take place Friday, October 11th. Order forms will be sent home soon.
- Friendly reminder…please complete the blue dismissal form or send in a note if you are dismissing your child early. Advanced notice will allow your child’s teacher the ability to have them ready beforehand. Also, Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Rusello in the office will be prepared for your arrival. Students will not be dismissed from the office after 3:00 pm.
- I’d like to welcome Alyssa Reynold’s, new day custodian, to the Merrill School family. Miss Alyssa has already brought a smile to many of our Merrill students and staff. Welcome, Miss Alyssa!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
If your child vomits or has diarrhea before school, DO NOT send them to school. They are not allowed to attend school due to a possible contagious illness. Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. If they vomit/episode of diarrhea again, the 24 hour clock resets.
Please call (508-824-2715) or email ([email protected]) with any questions.
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you if they are not used during the year.
Please copy/paste the link with the BR policy of "When to Keep a Child Home"
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, October 10th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
- The ECPO has created a newsletter to keep families informed of ECPO news and school events. Please visit: Paws for Thought
- Fall Fest is Saturday, Oct 5th. For more information visit: Fall Fest
- Square Art Letter our next fundraiser.
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
September 16, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
What another beautiful weekend! Our first full week of school went exceptionally well. It was so nice to see so many families attend our Open House last Tuesday evening. Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
News from the ECPO:
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
What another beautiful weekend! Our first full week of school went exceptionally well. It was so nice to see so many families attend our Open House last Tuesday evening. Here is our weekly information:
- Please send in a note if you are dismissing your child early. This will allow yur child’s teacher to have them ready before you arrive and the office will be expecting you.
- Just a reminder, for safety reasons, in order to dismiss your child from the front office, you must do so by 3:00pm. Otherwise, they will be dismissed from the parent/guardian pick up area behind the school at 3:15.
- Please palace your child’s name on all belongings.
- LifeTouch Picture Day will take place on Friday, October 11th. More information will be sent over the next few weeks.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
- Medications - Please contact Nurse Fallon if your child needs to take information at school. All medication must be dropped off by an adult, properly labeled, with written doctor’s orders.
- Please notify Nurse Fallon if your child has any medical concerns, including asthma, or allergies of any kind.
- In the event that your child has an accident or gets their clothes soiled, please send in an extra outfit placed in a labeled bag to be kept at school
News from the ECPO:
- ECPO Meeting - Thursday, October 10th, 6:00 pm., in the Merrill School Library
- The ECPO has created a newsletter to keep families informed of ECPO news and school events. Please visit Paws for Thought
- Fall Fest is Saturday, Oct 5th. For more information visit: Fall Fest
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
September 8, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed this beautiful day! We had a great opening to the 2024-2025 school year. Below is the this week’s information:
Deb Westell, Principal
Nurse Fallon Information:
ECPO Meeting: September 19th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Babysitting available
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed this beautiful day! We had a great opening to the 2024-2025 school year. Below is the this week’s information:
- Merrill School Open House - Please join us Tuesday, September 10th for our annual Open House. Kindergarten families will attend from 5:30 - 6:30 and first grade families.
- Emergency Forms - Please return your child’s emergency form as soon as possible.
- Buses: Typically, during the first week of school, buses may run late. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate the new bus routes. Just a reminder, for the morning and afternoon, please be at the bus stop 10 - 15 minutes before the estimated time of arrival.
- Morning drop off - For safety reasons, please do not allow your child to exit the vehicle until you are greeted by a staff member.
- Label items - Please label your child’s belongings, lunch box, hats, jackets, etc.. Each year, our lost and found area gets filled with misplaced and expensive items that never find its owner.
- Title I Literacy Newsletter
Deb Westell, Principal
Nurse Fallon Information:
- Medications - Please contact Nurse Fallon if your child needs to take information at school. All medication must be dropped off by an adult, properly labeled, with written doctor’s orders.
- Please notify Nurse Fallon if your child has any medical concerns, including asthma, or allergies of any kind.
- In the event that your child has an accident or gets their clothes soiled, please send in an extra outfit placed in a labeled bag to be kept at school.
ECPO Meeting: September 19th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Babysitting available
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
June 9, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is the last full week of school! This year has gone by incredibly fast!!Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is the last full week of school! This year has gone by incredibly fast!!Here is our weekly information:
- Kindergarten screening will take place all week for our incoming kindergarteners.
- Step Up Day - will take place on Wednesday. On this day, all first grade classrooms will walk over to Laliberte School to meet Principal Hargraves, several second grade teachers, and have a tour of the building. Later on in the afternoon, the ECPO has planned a special outside celebration for our soon to be second graders!!
- Tide Pool Fair and Concert - The first grade classrooms below will present a Tide Pool Fair then perform a concert afterwards. The Tide Pool Fair begins at 1:30 followed by the concert at 2:15. The schedule is as follows: Monday, June 10 - Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor, Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Baillargeon
- Dismissal after concert - Please send in a note to your child’s teacher if you are going to dismiss your child after their concert. This allows for a quick and smooth dismissal process as so many students are being dismissed at one time. Students do not need to be dismissed, only if you would like to do so..
- Kindergarten Registration - If yourself, or someone you know has a child entering kindergarten this September, please know that in order for a child to participate in kindergarten screening, all documents must be submitted in order for the registration to be complete. Please call Merrill School with any questions.
- Last day of School is Monday, June 17th. This is a half day of school. Students will be dismissed at 12:05pm. Lunch will be served.
- Medication - If your child has medication in the nurse’s office, please see Nurse Fallon by the last day of school. Any medication left after June 17th will be discarded.
- ECPO Meeting - The last ECPO meeting will be held this Thursday in the library from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. All are welcome to attend.
- Merrill School Block Party - Come celebrate the end of the school year this Friday, June 14th from 5:00 - 7:30 pm at the annual Merrill School Block Party!!! There will be games, food, music, and lots of fun!!! Hope to see you there!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
June 2, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!! Here is what’s happening at Merrill School this week.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!! Here is what’s happening at Merrill School this week.
- Field Day - Thank you to Mr. Lewis and to the many volunteers who helped with our Field Day last week. It was a HUGE success and fun was had by all.
- Kindergarten Grand Finale Concert - Kindergarteners will perform an arraignment of special songs as they celebrate their kindergarten year. All concerts begin at 2:15 The schedule is as follows:
- Monday, June 3rd - Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake, Miss Belcher, Mrs. Reilly
- Tide Pool Fair and Concert - First grade students will present a Tide Pool Fair then perform a concert afterwards. The Tide Pool Fair begins at 1:30 followed by the concert at 2:15. The schedule is as follows:
- Friday, June 7 - Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Tavares
- Monday, June 10 - Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor, Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Baillargeon
- Dismissal after concert - Please send in a note to your child’s teacher if you are going to dismiss your child after their concert. This allows for a quick and smooth dismissal process as so many students are being dismissed at one time. Students do not need to be dismissed, it's your choice.
- Kindergarten Registration - If yourself, or someone you know has a child entering kindergarten this September, please share that in order for a child to participate in kindergarten screening, which happens next month, all documents must be submitted in order for the registration to be complete. Please call Merrill School with any questions.
- Kindergarten Screening for incoming kindergarteners will take place next week.
- Scholastic BOGO Book Fair - Last week, the ECPO sponsored a BOGO Scholastic Book Fair. This book fair was not like our typical book fairs we have throughout the year. At the end of each school, the ECPO provides each student with a gift. This year, the purpose of this special book fair was to provide each child a book of their choosing. Students were so excited to pick a book to read over the summer!!! Thank you to the ECPO for your continued support and generosity!
- Kindergarten Registration - If yourself, or someone you know has a child entering kindergarten this September, please share that in order for a child to participate in kindergarten screening, which happens next month, all documents must be submitted in order for the registration to be complete. Please call Merrill School with any questions.
- Kindergarten Screening - Screening of all incoming kindergarten students will take place next week.
- Fun Run Incentive Prize - Because nearly all families registered for the Fun Run, students earned a dance party! This will take place on Tuesday during recess.
- Lost and Found Items - Please take a look at our Lost and Found area before the end of the school year. Any items left after the last day of school will be donated.
- Last day of School - Please note the last day of school for Kindergarten & Grade 1
- Kindergarten - Friday, June 7th - Full Day of School
- Grade 1 - Monday, June 17th - Half Day of School
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
May 28, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed this beautiful Memorial Day weekend with family and friends. On behalf of the Merrill School staff, I ‘d like to thank all our Veterans and current servicemen and women for your duty and service.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed this beautiful Memorial Day weekend with family and friends. On behalf of the Merrill School staff, I ‘d like to thank all our Veterans and current servicemen and women for your duty and service.
- Field Trips - Students had a great time on their field trips last week. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the field trip for three kindergarten classrooms to Sheep’s Pasture due to bad weather. The good news is that Sheep’s Pasture will come to Merrill School on Friday, June 7th with many of the activities that would take place on their farm.
- Kindergarten Registration - If yourself, or someone you know has a child entering kindergarten this September, please share that in order for a child to participate in kindergarten screening, which happens next month, all documents must be submitted in order for the registration to be complete. Please call Merrill School with any questions.
- Kindergarten Screening Letters were mailed last week to all incoming kindergarten students.
- Kindergarten Grand Finale Concert - Kindergarteners will perform an arraignment of special songs as they celebrate their kindergarten year. All concerts begin at 2:15 The schedule is as follows:
- Wednesday, May 29 - Mrs. Trott, Miss McCarthy, Mrs. Himberg/Miss Swart
- Monday, June 3rd - Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake, Miss Belcher, Mrs. Reilly
- Tide Pool Fair and Concert - First grade students will present a Tide Pool Fair then perform a concert afterwards. The Tide Pool Fair begins at 1:30 followed by the concert at 2:15. The schedule is as follows:
- Friday, June 7 - Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Tavares
- Monday, June 10 - Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor, Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Baillargeon
- Field Day - This Friday, May 31, students will participate in our annual Field Day activities. Parents/Guardians are welcome to watch from outside the fenced area.
- Kindergarten - 9:30 - 11:00
- First Grade - 1:00 - 2:30
- Last day of School - Please note the last day of school for Kindergarten & Grade 1
- Kindergarten - Friday, June 7th - Full Day of School
- Grade 1 - Monday, June 17th - Half Day of School
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
May 18, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
It looks like this week should be sunny and warm! I know we are all looking forward to that! Here is what’s happening this week at Merrill School.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It looks like this week should be sunny and warm! I know we are all looking forward to that! Here is what’s happening this week at Merrill School.
- Last Friday kindergarten students enjoyed an exciting science presentation, Up, Up , and Away. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event.
- RAVE Fingerprinting - Thank you to the many volunteers who helped with our annual fingerprinting session. This event is sponsored by RAVE under the direction of retired Fire Chief Peter King.
- Nurse’s Day - Last week celebrated Nurse Fallon on Nurse’s Day. We appreciate her hard work, care, and concern as she keeps Merrill students and staff healthy and safe.
- Field Trips - This week, classrooms will venture on their field trip. Kindergarteners are going to Sheep’s Pasture and first grade students will visit the Bristol Audubon Society. Please note the day and time your child's class is scheduled to go.
- Incoming Kindergarten Students Information Night will be held this Tuesday from 6:30 - 7:30 at Merrill School. At this event, we will share important information regarding our curriculum , routines, procedures, and schedules for new kindergarten students joining us this fall. Students do not need to attend this evening as it is structured for parents/guardians.
- Kindergarten Registration - If yourself, or someone you know has a child entering kindergarten this September, please share the word that in order for a child to participate in kindergarten screening, which happens next month, all documents must be submitted in order for the registration to be complete. Please call Merrill School with any questions.
- Memorial Day - There is no school, Monday, May 27th to observe Memorial Day.
- Last day of School - Please note the last day of school for Kindergarten & Grade 1
Kindergarten - Friday, June 7th - Full Day of School
Grade 1 - Monday, June 17th - Half Day of School
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
May 12, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
On behalf of the School Staff, I would like to thank all of our families, the ECPO, especially Sarah Leaonard, for the outpouring of gifts, treats, goodies, flowers, notes, pictures, and support that was given to us during Teacher Appreciation Week. Your generosity, thoughtfulness , and kindness was overwhelming and certainly much appreciated. Without a doubt, we have the best families and school community. We also would like to thank the many local businesses that donated their goods and services as well. We are deeply touched and grateful to you all.
Enjoy your upcoming week. Hopefully, warmer weather will arrive soon!! As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
ECPO VOLUNTEER FLYER: Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flier. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
On behalf of the School Staff, I would like to thank all of our families, the ECPO, especially Sarah Leaonard, for the outpouring of gifts, treats, goodies, flowers, notes, pictures, and support that was given to us during Teacher Appreciation Week. Your generosity, thoughtfulness , and kindness was overwhelming and certainly much appreciated. Without a doubt, we have the best families and school community. We also would like to thank the many local businesses that donated their goods and services as well. We are deeply touched and grateful to you all.
- Nurse’s Day - We are celebrating Nurses Day this Monday, May 13th. We would like to thank Nurses Fallon for her unending support, care and concern she gives us everyday!!! Thank you for keeping us safe and healthy! We appreciate you and all you do!!
- iReady End of the Year Diagnostic Testing will take place Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 24. Students will be assessed in math and reading. Reulst will be sent home in June.
- RAVE C.A.S.T. Readers will read to classrooms this Thursday afternoon.
- Up,Up, and Away Science Presentation will take place this Friday for our Kindergarteners.
- R.A.V.E.Fingerprinting took place last week. Thank you to Retired Chief King and the many volunteers that helped make this day such a success.
- Incoming Kindergarten PArent/Guardian Information Nightwill take place Tuesday, May 21st from 6:30 - 7:30pm in the Merrill School Cafeteria. During this time, parents/guardians will receive important information regarding our curriculum, schedules, procedures and the day to day happenings that take place in a kindergarten classroom. Due to the amount of information that is shared during this time, we ask, if possible, for adults to attend this event.
- Field Day - Merrill School’s Annual Field Day is Friday, May 31st (June 7th Rain Date) Mr.Lewis needs volunteers to help facilitate each station. If you would like to volunteer (you do need an approved CORI) please see information from Mr. Lewis:
- Last day of School - Please note the last day of school for Kindergarten & Grade 1
- Kindergarten - Friday, June 7th - Full Day of School
- Grade 1 - Monday, June 17th - Half Day of School
Enjoy your upcoming week. Hopefully, warmer weather will arrive soon!! As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
ECPO VOLUNTEER FLYER: Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flier. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is June 13th th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
May 5, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
Another busy week at Merrill School. Here is what’s happening…
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Our next meeting is May 9th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
Another busy week at Merrill School. Here is what’s happening…
- Community Day - What a huge success our Community Day was last week!!! Members of our community came to visit students to share with us what their role is in the community and how we all work together to help and support each other. Our community members included: Raynham Police Department, Raynham Fire Department, Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant (TMLP), Freedom Farm, Raynham Post Office, Raynham Library, Pediatric Dental Hygienist from Commonwealth Pediatric Dental of Raynham and the Raynham Highway Department. Many thanks to you all for taking the time from your busy day to visit us at Merrill School. Your kindness and generosity is most appreciative.
- Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week- This week we celebrate and acknowledge our dedicated and hard working teachers and staff. The ECPO has planned an AMAZING week of treats, goodies and events for our amazing Merrill Staff!!
- Bristol Audubon Society - First grade students will have a visit this Monday and Tuesday from the Bristol Audubon Society where they will be presenting Animal Habitats and How They Change Throughout the Year.
- RAVE Fingerprinting - If you granted permission for your child to be fingerprinted, this will take place Thursday and Friday this week. This event is sponsored by RAVE under the direction of retired Fire Chief Peter King.
- Kindergarten Registration - If yourself, or someone you know has a child entering kindergarten this September, please share the word that in order for a child to participate in kindergarten screening, which happens next month, all documents must be submitted in order for the registration to be complete. Please call Merrill School with any questions.
- Field Trips - Please return field trip permission forms as soon as possible in order for your child to attend their classroom field trip.
- Field Day - Merrill School’s Annual Field Day is Friday, May 31st (June 7th Rain Date) Mr.Lewis needs volunteers to help facilitate each station. If you would like to volunteer (you do need an approved CORI) please see information below from Mr. Lewis: Merrill Field Day 2024
- Last day of School - Please note the last day of school for Kindergarten & Grade 1
- Kindergarten - Friday, June 7th - Full Day of School
- Grade 1 - Monday, June 17th - Half Day of School
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Our next meeting is May 9th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
April 28, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
The next several weeks will be very busy at Merrill School. Here is our weekly information:
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Our next meeting is May 9th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
The next several weeks will be very busy at Merrill School. Here is our weekly information:
- BMX Presentation - This past Friday, students enjoyed a thrilling presentation by professional BMX bike rider, Manny Nguyen. He shared an important message of kindness, perseverance, and integrity while performing his amazing BMX moves. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event.
- Community Day - Students will participate in our special events, Community Day, this Tuesday. Students will have the opportunity to learn from various friends in our community as they share how their job helps everyone.
- Incoming Kindergarteners Class Night for Class 2037 - Thursday, May 2nd, incoming kindergarten students and their families will have the opportunity to meet some new friends, learn about the parent groups, meet their principal and many other exciting events. Thai will take place from 5:30 - 7:00 at Bridgewater-Raynham Regional District High School. Please see the following flier for more information: Class Of 2037 Class Night
- Early Release Day - Wednesday, May 1st, students will be dismissed at 12:05 in order for teachers and staff to participate in professional development. Lunch will be provided.
- Last day of School - Please note the last day of school for kindergarten & Grade 1
Kindergarten - Friday, June 7th
Grade 1 - Monday, June 17th
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Our next meeting is May 9th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
April 20, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed our April Vacation with family and friends. Here is our weekly information:
Boosterthon Fun Run - Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity that made our annual Fun Run fundraiser such a HUGE success!!! Due to vacation, I haven’t received our final amount, but at last count, we raised over $38,000.00!!!! This is absolutely AMAZING!!! Although we weren’t able to run outside due to the weather, our Merrill Cubs had a blast in the gym participating in the dance party and movement event. Thank you to the many, many volunteers who helped make this day happen. A HUGE thank you to Fun Run Coordinator, Fallon Dale, for her exceptional organizational skills, hard work and unending support. A great time was had by all!!!!
BMX Presentation - The ECPO is sponsoring an outside assembly this Friday about achieving goals, perseverance, and hard word with a BMX professional rider and motivational speaker. Students truly enjoyed his performance last year and we are looking forward to seeing him again this week.
Merrill School Yearbook - Please don’t forget to order your yearbook. All orders are due this Wednesday, APRIL 24!!! We cannot place any orders after this time. Please visit to order your yearbook.
Have a great week! As always, Please contact me with any questions or concerns!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Please visit to order your yearbook! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
Our next meeting is May 9th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed our April Vacation with family and friends. Here is our weekly information:
Boosterthon Fun Run - Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity that made our annual Fun Run fundraiser such a HUGE success!!! Due to vacation, I haven’t received our final amount, but at last count, we raised over $38,000.00!!!! This is absolutely AMAZING!!! Although we weren’t able to run outside due to the weather, our Merrill Cubs had a blast in the gym participating in the dance party and movement event. Thank you to the many, many volunteers who helped make this day happen. A HUGE thank you to Fun Run Coordinator, Fallon Dale, for her exceptional organizational skills, hard work and unending support. A great time was had by all!!!!
BMX Presentation - The ECPO is sponsoring an outside assembly this Friday about achieving goals, perseverance, and hard word with a BMX professional rider and motivational speaker. Students truly enjoyed his performance last year and we are looking forward to seeing him again this week.
Merrill School Yearbook - Please don’t forget to order your yearbook. All orders are due this Wednesday, APRIL 24!!! We cannot place any orders after this time. Please visit to order your yearbook.
Have a great week! As always, Please contact me with any questions or concerns!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Please visit to order your yearbook! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
Our next meeting is May 9th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
April 6, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
We will be quite busy this week at Merrill School. Here are this week’s happenings:
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
SPIRIT GEAR FUNDRAISER Our Spring apparel sale ends April 2nd. This will be the last chance to by Merrill Cub apparel for the school year. Don’t forget to buy any for your incoming Kindergarteners so they will have shirts to wear at the beginning of the year!
FUN RUN PRIZE PATROL: It’s that time of year again! We are about to kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year! Our school has always been grateful for the generous donations that our fun run brings to our school. Each donation your child receives helps them earn prizes. We are looking for parents to help hand out the prizes each morning to the students. It is a quick and fun way to help a fundraiser that does so much for our school. Please take a look at the sign up genius and grab a slot or two!
ECPO VOLUNTEER FLYER Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
YEARBOOKS Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Also, please send over any pictures from our cubs in the Community, sporting events, girl/boy scouts, Art from the Heart, playdates, etc. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
NEXT MEETING Our next meeting is April 11th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year! Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
We will be quite busy this week at Merrill School. Here are this week’s happenings:
- Please review the April Literacy Newsletter created by B-R Title I Team.
- Wednesday Early Release Day - Students will be dismissed Wednesday at 12:05 so staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served
- April Vacation - There will be no school on the week of April 15 - 19 for April vacation.
- Merrill FUN RUN is Friday!!! - We are only days away from our Merrill Fun Run and our students and staff are beyond excited! Families are invited to join in on the fun while cheering on our Merrill Cubs as they participate in one of our most anticipated school wide events of the school year.
- Fun Run Event - Friday April 12th (Kindergarteners 9:45 - 10:30 / First Graders 11:00 - 11:45)
Please help support our fundraising efforts. This year, our school is raising funds for a shade structure, new library books and enrichment activities. Our goal is to raise $40,000, and, if you’d like to, we are inviting YOU to help! Here’s how you can support Merrill Elementary School:
1. Register on tonight. It’s so easy!
2. Share about our fundraiser with your family and friends using the SHARE BUTTON on
3. Give a donation, if you are able.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting Merrill School!! - Solar Eclipse Watch Party - RaynWater STEAM’s solar eclipse watch party will take place Monday, April 8th. Please review the Solar Eclipse Watch Party Dismissal Process for imperative details on our dismissal process.
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
SPIRIT GEAR FUNDRAISER Our Spring apparel sale ends April 2nd. This will be the last chance to by Merrill Cub apparel for the school year. Don’t forget to buy any for your incoming Kindergarteners so they will have shirts to wear at the beginning of the year!
FUN RUN PRIZE PATROL: It’s that time of year again! We are about to kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year! Our school has always been grateful for the generous donations that our fun run brings to our school. Each donation your child receives helps them earn prizes. We are looking for parents to help hand out the prizes each morning to the students. It is a quick and fun way to help a fundraiser that does so much for our school. Please take a look at the sign up genius and grab a slot or two!
ECPO VOLUNTEER FLYER Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
YEARBOOKS Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Also, please send over any pictures from our cubs in the Community, sporting events, girl/boy scouts, Art from the Heart, playdates, etc. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
NEXT MEETING Our next meeting is April 11th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
MABELS LABELS The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year! Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
April 1, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!!! It was so nice to see the sun for two days in a row! Here is our weekly information;
Boosterthon FUN RUN - We’re only ONE week away from our Merrill Fun Run and our students and staff are so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together.
Fun Run Event - Friday April 12th --> Kindergarteners 9:45 - 10:30 / First Graders 11:00 - 11:45
Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started! ️This year if we get 75% of our whole school registered by the Merrill Fun Run, our WHOLE SCHOOL gets a PJ Day!
Register & share today to help our school reach our goal of $40,000 for new library books, a shade structure for the playground, and enrichment activities for our Merrill Cubs!
Fun Run Pep Rally - This Wednesday, we will kick off our Fun Run Fundraiser with a school-wide Fun Run Pep Rally! Who knows?? Merrill may stop to say hello!
Solar Eclipse Watch Party - We are pleased to support RaynWater STEAM’s solar eclipse watch party on Monday, April 8th. Dismissal notices were due last Thursday. March 28th. All children at the Merrill School will be provided free solar eclipse viewing glasses, compliments of the ECPO, to ensure safe viewing opportunities at the watch party or at home.PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARK AT LALIBERTE OR MERRILL SCHOOLS. YOU MUST PARK AT RAYNHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL AND WALK OVER OR ORGANIZE A CARPOOL DROP OFF.
Have a great week!!! As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Our Spring apparel sale ends April 2nd. This will be the last chance to by Merrill Cub apparel for the school year. Don’t forget to buy any for your incoming Kindergarteners so they will have shirts to wear at the beginning of the year!
It’s that time of year again! We are about to kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year! Our school has always been grateful for the generous donations that our fun run brings to our school. Each donation your child receives helps them earn prizes. We are looking for parents to help hand out the prizes each morning to the students. It is a quick and fun way to help a fundraiser that does so much for our school. Please take a look at the sign up genius and grab a slot or two!
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers for to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Also, please send over any pictures from our cubs in the Community, sporting events, girl/boy scouts, Art from the Heart, playdates, etc. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
Our next meeting is April 11th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!!! It was so nice to see the sun for two days in a row! Here is our weekly information;
Boosterthon FUN RUN - We’re only ONE week away from our Merrill Fun Run and our students and staff are so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together.
Fun Run Event - Friday April 12th --> Kindergarteners 9:45 - 10:30 / First Graders 11:00 - 11:45
Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started! ️This year if we get 75% of our whole school registered by the Merrill Fun Run, our WHOLE SCHOOL gets a PJ Day!
Register & share today to help our school reach our goal of $40,000 for new library books, a shade structure for the playground, and enrichment activities for our Merrill Cubs!
Fun Run Pep Rally - This Wednesday, we will kick off our Fun Run Fundraiser with a school-wide Fun Run Pep Rally! Who knows?? Merrill may stop to say hello!
Solar Eclipse Watch Party - We are pleased to support RaynWater STEAM’s solar eclipse watch party on Monday, April 8th. Dismissal notices were due last Thursday. March 28th. All children at the Merrill School will be provided free solar eclipse viewing glasses, compliments of the ECPO, to ensure safe viewing opportunities at the watch party or at home.PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARK AT LALIBERTE OR MERRILL SCHOOLS. YOU MUST PARK AT RAYNHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL AND WALK OVER OR ORGANIZE A CARPOOL DROP OFF.
Have a great week!!! As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Our Spring apparel sale ends April 2nd. This will be the last chance to by Merrill Cub apparel for the school year. Don’t forget to buy any for your incoming Kindergarteners so they will have shirts to wear at the beginning of the year!
It’s that time of year again! We are about to kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year! Our school has always been grateful for the generous donations that our fun run brings to our school. Each donation your child receives helps them earn prizes. We are looking for parents to help hand out the prizes each morning to the students. It is a quick and fun way to help a fundraiser that does so much for our school. Please take a look at the sign up genius and grab a slot or two!
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers for to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Also, please send over any pictures from our cubs in the Community, sporting events, girl/boy scouts, Art from the Heart, playdates, etc. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
Our next meeting is April 11th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
March 25, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
It was so nice seeing so many families this past week during conferences. Here is our weekly information.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Our Spring apparel sale ends April 2nd. This will be the last chance to by Merrill Cub apparel for the school year. Don’t forget to buy any for your incoming Kindergarteners so they will have shirts to wear at the beginning of the year!
It’s that time of year again! We are about to kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year! Our school has always been grateful for the generous donations that our fun run brings to our school. Each donation your child receives helps them earn prizes. We are looking for parents to help hand out the prizes each morning to the students. It is a quick and fun way to help a fundraiser that does so much for our school. Please take a look at the sign up genius and grab a slot or two!
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers for to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Also, please send over any pictures from our cubs in the Community, sporting events, girl/boy scouts, Art from the Heart, playdates, etc. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
Our next meeting is April 11th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It was so nice seeing so many families this past week during conferences. Here is our weekly information.
- Lifetouch Spring Photos - Spring picture day will be this Tuesday, March 26.
- RaynWater STEAM - We hope you might take time to enjoy the upcoming, awe-inspiring celestial event on Monday, April 8th - a solar eclipse! We are pleased to support RaynWater STEAM’s solar eclipse watch party on Monday, April 8th, by offering an early dismissal opportunity on this day to attend their solar eclipse watch party. The watch party will take place outdoors at the Bettencourt Field (the field between Merrill and LaLiberte) from 2:30pm-4:00pm. (The eclipse begins around 2:30pm and reaches its maximum coverage of 91% around 3:30pm). Families can drop into the event at any time, including after the school day ends.
- Please return the dismissal notice your child received to their teacher by Thursday, March 28th, to ensure we have a smooth early dismissal process. All children at the Merrill School will be provided free solar eclipse viewing glasses, compliments of the ECPO, to ensure safe viewing opportunities at the watch party or at home. Solar Eclipse Watch Party Flyer
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARK AT LALIBERTE OR MERRILL SCHOOLS. YOU MUST PARK AT RAYNHAM MIDDLE SCHOOL AND WALK OVER OR ORGANIZE A CARPOOL DROP OFF. - Scholastic Book Fair - Thank you to Sarah Borden and the many, many volunteers that helped make our Scholastic Spring Book Fair a huge success!
- Boosterthon FUN RUN - We’re only ONE week away from our Merrill Fun Run and our students and staff are so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together. Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started! ️
This year if we get 75% of our whole school registered by the Merrill Fun Run, our WHOLE SCHOOL gets a PJ Day!
Register & share today to help our school reach our goal of $40,000 for new library books, a shade structure for the playground, and enrichment activities for our Merrill Cubs!
Thank you for supporting our school - we are grateful for our amazing school community! - No School Friday, March 29th - In observance of Good Friday, there will be no school this Friday, March 29th.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
Our Spring apparel sale ends April 2nd. This will be the last chance to by Merrill Cub apparel for the school year. Don’t forget to buy any for your incoming Kindergarteners so they will have shirts to wear at the beginning of the year!
It’s that time of year again! We are about to kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year! Our school has always been grateful for the generous donations that our fun run brings to our school. Each donation your child receives helps them earn prizes. We are looking for parents to help hand out the prizes each morning to the students. It is a quick and fun way to help a fundraiser that does so much for our school. Please take a look at the sign up genius and grab a slot or two!
Be on the lookout for our spring volunteer flyer. We are searching for volunteers for to help organize some spring and end of the year events. Let’s make the end of the school year memorable for our students!
Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! We are especially looking for class photos from special events in the classroom. Also, please send over any pictures from our cubs in the Community, sporting events, girl/boy scouts, Art from the Heart, playdates, etc. Remember, yearbook orders are due by APRIL 24TH.
Our next meeting is April 11th at 6pm. Please join us to help finish out the year with a Bang! Come learn about the upcoming Spring Enrichment activities we have planned as well as some of our End of the Year special activities. Please consider joining us for our last few meetings of the year! We are always looking for new faces and ideas! **BABYSITTING PROVIDED**
The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
March 9, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoyed this beautiful Sunday afternoon. Here is our weekly information.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, April 11th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoyed this beautiful Sunday afternoon. Here is our weekly information.
- Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our 2nd Trimester conferences will be held Tuesday, March 19 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm; Wednesday March 20 from 1:00 - 3:40 pm; Thursday, March 21 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm. If you have any questions, or you did not receive an appointment slip, please contact your child’s teacher.
- Scholastic Book Fair - Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place March 18 - 22 in the library. It will be open during conferences. Please stop by and visit the amazing books we have available. Please see the following link to see when your child is visiting the book fair. Spring Scholastic Book Fair Schedule
- Lifetouch Spring Photos - Spring picture day will be Tuesday, March 26.
- Boosterthon Fun Run - Our Merrill Fun Run fundraiser is kicking off soon! Lookout for more information in the coming weeks. For more information, please visit: Fun Run Program Newsletter. For now, mark your calendars with these key dates!
- REGISTRATION OPENS - 03/20/2024 - Register on MYBOOSTER.COM
- Merrill Fun Run Kickoff - 04/03/2024
- Event Day - 04/12/2024
- Raynwater STEAM Solar Eclipse Watch Party - Monday, April 8th, we will experience an exciting solar eclipse. As a wonderful learning opportunity, We are pleased to support RaynWater STEAM’s solar eclipse watch party on Monday, April 8th, by offering an early dismissal opportunity on this day to attend their solar eclipse watch party. The watch party will take place outdoors at the Bettencourt Field (the field between Merrill and LaLiberte) from 2:45pm-4:00pm. (The eclipse begins around 2:30pm and reaches its maximum coverage of 91% around 3:30pm). More information will be sent home this week along with a permission slip to participate.
- Lost and Found Items - During conferences this week, please visit the Lost and Found table in the main hallway to see if any items may belong to your child.
- Early Release Day for Conferences - This Wednesday, March 20th, students will be dismissed at 12:05. Lunch will be provided.
- No School Friday, March 29th - In observance of Good Friday, there will be no school onFriday, March 29th.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, April 11th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
March 9, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is our weekly information:
- 2024 - 2025 Kindergarten Students - Registration is now open for all new kindergarteners joining us next school year. Please register online at
- Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our 2nd Trimester conferences will be held Tuesday, March 19 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm; Wednesday March 20 from 1:00 - 3:40 pm; Thursday, March 21 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm. Please return your conference appointment request slip as soon as possible. If you have any questions, or you did not receive an appointment slip, please contact your child’s teacher.
- Scholastic Book Fair - Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place March 18 - 22 in the library. It will be open during conferences if parents/guardians would like to visit.
- Read Across America Celebration - Last Friday, we celebrated Read Across America sponsored by RAVE. Students and staff dressed up as their favorite storybook character, or wore their Merril Shirt or the color blue! Thank you to RAVE for organizing this special event!
- Lifetouch Spring Photos - Spring picture day will be Tuesday,March 26.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
March 3, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Sunday afternoon!!! Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Sunday afternoon!!! Here is our weekly information:
- Art from the Heart - Thank you to Mrs. Doherty, the ECPO and the many volunteers that helped to make this year’s art event the best one yet! It was so nice to see so many families spending time together as they created such impressive art projects.
- Friendship Concerts - Thank you to everyone who attended our Friendships concerts last week. A huge thank you to Mrs. Rodriguez for creating such a heartfelt and heartwarming performance for our Merrill Cubs. It was truly a special moment.
- Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our 2nd Trimester conferences will be held Tuesday, March 19 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm; Wednesday March 20 from 1:00 - 3:40 pm; Thursday, March 21 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm. Please return your conference appointment request slip by this Wednesday, March 6. If you have any questions, or you did not receive an appointment slip, please contact your child’s teacher.
- Scholastic Book Fair - Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place March 18 - 22 in the library. It will be open during conferences if parents/guardians would like to visit.
- Read Across America Celebration - This Friday, March 8th, we will celebrate ReadActoss America. We encourage students and staff to dress up as their favorite storybook character, or wear their Merril Shirt, or wear the color blue! RAVE will also have volunteers visit each class to read a story as well.
- Title I Monthly Newsletter - Please visit the link below to access: March Literacy Newsletter 2024
- 2024 - 2025 Kindergarten Students - Registration is now open for all new kindergarteners joining us next school year. Please register online at
- NO SCHOOL TUESDAY - There is no school this Tuesday, March 5th in order for all staff to participate in professional development.
- Reminder: ALL visitors and volunteers entering Merrill School must report to the office upon arrival. For safety reasons, all adults are not to proceed to the classrooms without the knowledge of the office staff.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
February 25, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
Welcome Back!! I hope you and your family enjoyed a relaxing February break! It certainly went by quickly! Here is our weekly information…
Art From the Heart will be held this Thursday, February 29 from 6:00 - 7:30 in the cafeteria. During this event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Friendship Concert - To celebrate our February Word of the Month, Friendship, our music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, has created a Friendship Concert that students will perform at the end of February. The performance dates and times are listed below: Tuesday February 27
9:45: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
Friday March 1
9:45: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15 Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" Comedy Night Fundraiser Proceeds from this event will support RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" efforts including sponsoring Raynham's Annual Memorial Day Parade, purchasing and maintaining flags and flagpoles used to decorate the center of Town for our patriotic holidays, and sponsoring Veterans Day assemblies and programs in our Raynham Schools.
Don't miss your chance to laugh along with the biggest and best of Boston area comedy! Tickets always sell out for this fun adult night out! You don't have to travel far, as it will be held right here in Raynham! The event will feature fantastic comedy and an amazing raffle table along with a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will be available, and light snacks will be provided, however feel free to bring your own.
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2024
Time: Doors open at 6:45pm- Show at 8:00pm
Place: American Legion Post #405, 291 Mill St., Raynham
Tickets: $25 each
How to purchase tickets: (21+ for this event)-
Tables can be reserved with a purchase of a minimum of 8 tickets and a maximum of 10.-Just let us know if you're interested! Tables cannot be reserved without payment.
(1) Online tickets are available at:
(Print ticket(s) or access your ticket by phone at the event for ticket confirmation.)
(2) By Order form (attached below) and check payment - All checks can be made payable to: RAVE-Salute to our Veterans and dropped off at any Raynham School along with the attached order form. More details are provided within the order form attachment below.
Other Ways to Support this Fundraiser:
(1) Raffle baskets or gift cards etc. to include with our raffle table. Let's make this raffle table our best yet!
(2) Event sponsors ($100.00+) - All event sponsors will be posted at the event. (Fundraising letter/participation form is attached.) Businesses, organizations, and families have been event sponsors in the past.
(3) Monetary contributions (any amount) are always appreciated. (Venmo is available for donations only.). Are you not able to attend the event, but would still like to contribute to our fundraising efforts?)
Donations can be accepted by Venmo:
*Please keep in mind that RAVE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with all donations tax-deductible. All checks can be made payable to RAVE-Salute to our Veterans. If interested in supporting this fundraiser, or if you have any questions, please email Becky George at [email protected] or call Sandy Leahy at (508)272-7245.
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
Welcome Back!! I hope you and your family enjoyed a relaxing February break! It certainly went by quickly! Here is our weekly information…
Art From the Heart will be held this Thursday, February 29 from 6:00 - 7:30 in the cafeteria. During this event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Friendship Concert - To celebrate our February Word of the Month, Friendship, our music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, has created a Friendship Concert that students will perform at the end of February. The performance dates and times are listed below: Tuesday February 27
9:45: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
Friday March 1
9:45: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15 Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" Comedy Night Fundraiser Proceeds from this event will support RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" efforts including sponsoring Raynham's Annual Memorial Day Parade, purchasing and maintaining flags and flagpoles used to decorate the center of Town for our patriotic holidays, and sponsoring Veterans Day assemblies and programs in our Raynham Schools.
Don't miss your chance to laugh along with the biggest and best of Boston area comedy! Tickets always sell out for this fun adult night out! You don't have to travel far, as it will be held right here in Raynham! The event will feature fantastic comedy and an amazing raffle table along with a 50/50 raffle. A cash bar will be available, and light snacks will be provided, however feel free to bring your own.
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2024
Time: Doors open at 6:45pm- Show at 8:00pm
Place: American Legion Post #405, 291 Mill St., Raynham
Tickets: $25 each
How to purchase tickets: (21+ for this event)-
Tables can be reserved with a purchase of a minimum of 8 tickets and a maximum of 10.-Just let us know if you're interested! Tables cannot be reserved without payment.
(1) Online tickets are available at:
(Print ticket(s) or access your ticket by phone at the event for ticket confirmation.)
(2) By Order form (attached below) and check payment - All checks can be made payable to: RAVE-Salute to our Veterans and dropped off at any Raynham School along with the attached order form. More details are provided within the order form attachment below.
Other Ways to Support this Fundraiser:
(1) Raffle baskets or gift cards etc. to include with our raffle table. Let's make this raffle table our best yet!
(2) Event sponsors ($100.00+) - All event sponsors will be posted at the event. (Fundraising letter/participation form is attached.) Businesses, organizations, and families have been event sponsors in the past.
(3) Monetary contributions (any amount) are always appreciated. (Venmo is available for donations only.). Are you not able to attend the event, but would still like to contribute to our fundraising efforts?)
Donations can be accepted by Venmo:
*Please keep in mind that RAVE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with all donations tax-deductible. All checks can be made payable to RAVE-Salute to our Veterans. If interested in supporting this fundraiser, or if you have any questions, please email Becky George at [email protected] or call Sandy Leahy at (508)272-7245.
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
February 16, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that February break is upon us. I hope you and your family have a fun-filled yet relaxing week planned. Just a few pieces of information I would like to share with you.
Art from the Heart - As you know, Art from the Heart was canceled this week due to the snowstorm. It has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 29 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. I hope to see you there!
Friendship Concert - We also had to change the dates of our Friendship Concert. The new date are as follows:
Tuesday February 27th
9:45: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
Friday March 1st
9:45: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15: Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
Mr. Poulos Leave of Absence - A letter went home with students today regarding this information. Please see a copy of the letter that was sent home here: Mr. Poulos Leave of Absence
Merrill School Report Card - Every year, each public school and every school district in the State of Massachusetts receives a report card. Please see our Report Card Below: Merrill School Report Card
Have a great week creating fond memories with family and friends!! As always, please contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that February break is upon us. I hope you and your family have a fun-filled yet relaxing week planned. Just a few pieces of information I would like to share with you.
Art from the Heart - As you know, Art from the Heart was canceled this week due to the snowstorm. It has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 29 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. I hope to see you there!
Friendship Concert - We also had to change the dates of our Friendship Concert. The new date are as follows:
Tuesday February 27th
9:45: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
Friday March 1st
9:45: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15: Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
Mr. Poulos Leave of Absence - A letter went home with students today regarding this information. Please see a copy of the letter that was sent home here: Mr. Poulos Leave of Absence
Merrill School Report Card - Every year, each public school and every school district in the State of Massachusetts receives a report card. Please see our Report Card Below: Merrill School Report Card
Have a great week creating fond memories with family and friends!! As always, please contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is March 14th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
February 4, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!! I hope you and your family were able to enjoy the nice weather ! Here is our information for this week:
Raynwater STEAM Classroom Lessons - Thank you to Raynwater STEAM for visiting our first grade classrooms last Friday to facilitate an engaging Solar Eclipse activity. The students loved it!!
Art from the Heart - This Tuesday evening from 6:00 - 7:30 pm., the ECPO is sponsoring our annual family fun event, Art from the Heart. During this event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Friendship Concert - To celebrate our February Word of the Month, Friendship, our music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, has created a Friendship Concert that students will perform at the end of February. The performance dates and times are listed below:February 26 - Friendship Concert
9:45: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
February 29 - Friendship Concert
9:45: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15 Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
Early Release Professional Development Day - This Wednesday, February 14th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There is no school February 19 - 23 for February Vacation.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
As parents, we want to pack snacks/ lunches for our children that they consume at home. At school, students are excited and animated during lunch. They are also expected to ingest their lunch in a specific time frame. Students often lose track of time and then try to eat faster because of this. The risk of choking increases every time the child stuffs more food into their mouth. Please be conscious of the food you are sending in from home. Grapes range in size and can easily become lodged in a child’s airway. Additional choking hazards include baby carrots, hot dogs (round slices), and cheese cubes which can all be cut in half to ensure the child will not choke. Smaller pieces of food will decrease the risk of choking and actually improve digestion! Thank you for helping to keep your child safe here at school.
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!! I hope you and your family were able to enjoy the nice weather ! Here is our information for this week:
Raynwater STEAM Classroom Lessons - Thank you to Raynwater STEAM for visiting our first grade classrooms last Friday to facilitate an engaging Solar Eclipse activity. The students loved it!!
Art from the Heart - This Tuesday evening from 6:00 - 7:30 pm., the ECPO is sponsoring our annual family fun event, Art from the Heart. During this event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Friendship Concert - To celebrate our February Word of the Month, Friendship, our music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, has created a Friendship Concert that students will perform at the end of February. The performance dates and times are listed below:February 26 - Friendship Concert
9:45: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
February 29 - Friendship Concert
9:45: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15 Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
Early Release Professional Development Day - This Wednesday, February 14th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There is no school February 19 - 23 for February Vacation.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
As parents, we want to pack snacks/ lunches for our children that they consume at home. At school, students are excited and animated during lunch. They are also expected to ingest their lunch in a specific time frame. Students often lose track of time and then try to eat faster because of this. The risk of choking increases every time the child stuffs more food into their mouth. Please be conscious of the food you are sending in from home. Grapes range in size and can easily become lodged in a child’s airway. Additional choking hazards include baby carrots, hot dogs (round slices), and cheese cubes which can all be cut in half to ensure the child will not choke. Smaller pieces of food will decrease the risk of choking and actually improve digestion! Thank you for helping to keep your child safe here at school.
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
February 4, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine this weekend!!!! Here is our weekly information.
iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic Family Reports - Students brought home iReady Family Reports this past Friday. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Art from the Heart - Each year, the ECPO sponsors a family fun event called, Art from the Heart. During this evening event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Art from the Heart will take place Tuesday, February 13th., from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!
100 Days of School - This Tuesday, February 6th is our 100 days in school!! To acknowledge this exciting day, we are asking students and staff to create a shirt with 100 items. For example…100 stickers, 100 circles made with markers or daubers, 100 bows…the possibilities are endless! We are looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative shirts!!!
February Literacy Newsletter - Here is February Literacy Newsletter created by Title I. This is a great resource for you to find interesting and important information regarding literacy and how you can work with your child at home.
Early Release Professional Development Day - Next Wednesday, February 14th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There is no school February 19 - 23 for February Vacation.
Friendship Concert - To celebrate our February Word of the Month, Friendship, our music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, has created a Friendship Concert that students will perform at the end of February. The performance dates and times are listed below:
February 26 - Friendship Concert
9:45AM: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15PM: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
February 29 - Friendship Concert
9:45AM: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15PM: Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
The Health Office has received numerous reports this week from the students stating they have received medication and/or have vomited prior to coming to school. If your child has an illness that warrants medication (including Tylenol, Motrin, Ibuprofen) for them to attend school OR has vomited prior to coming to school please, DO NOT SEND THEM.
Your child will not make the full day if they were administered medication or if they vomited before school. Please help us maintain a healthy environment for our students and staff.
Thank you!
Friendly Reminders
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you in the event they are not used during the year.
There has been an increase in the number of conjunctivitis cases in the school. If your child presents with a pink coloring to their eye, drainage, crusties (an eye sealed shut upon waking), itchiness, or discomfort, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL. *Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious* If your child presents to school this way, you will be called to dismiss the child to have them assessed by a doctor. If the doctor prescribes a medication, your child is contagious for 24 hours after starting treatment. Keep them home to prevent spreading in the school.
Children are presenting with extremely chapped lips at this time. Please send in a water bottle for your child so they can hydrate themselves which will help prevent their lips from chapping.
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine this weekend!!!! Here is our weekly information.
iReady Mid-Year Diagnostic Family Reports - Students brought home iReady Family Reports this past Friday. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Art from the Heart - Each year, the ECPO sponsors a family fun event called, Art from the Heart. During this evening event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Art from the Heart will take place Tuesday, February 13th., from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!
100 Days of School - This Tuesday, February 6th is our 100 days in school!! To acknowledge this exciting day, we are asking students and staff to create a shirt with 100 items. For example…100 stickers, 100 circles made with markers or daubers, 100 bows…the possibilities are endless! We are looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative shirts!!!
February Literacy Newsletter - Here is February Literacy Newsletter created by Title I. This is a great resource for you to find interesting and important information regarding literacy and how you can work with your child at home.
Early Release Professional Development Day - Next Wednesday, February 14th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There is no school February 19 - 23 for February Vacation.
Friendship Concert - To celebrate our February Word of the Month, Friendship, our music teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, has created a Friendship Concert that students will perform at the end of February. The performance dates and times are listed below:
February 26 - Friendship Concert
9:45AM: Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake
2:15PM: Mrs. Gaffney, Mrs. Bambery, Mrs. Reilly, Miss Belcher
February 29 - Friendship Concert
9:45AM: Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. O’Connor
2:15PM: Mrs. Himberg, Mrs.Baillargeon, Miss McCarthy
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
The Health Office has received numerous reports this week from the students stating they have received medication and/or have vomited prior to coming to school. If your child has an illness that warrants medication (including Tylenol, Motrin, Ibuprofen) for them to attend school OR has vomited prior to coming to school please, DO NOT SEND THEM.
Your child will not make the full day if they were administered medication or if they vomited before school. Please help us maintain a healthy environment for our students and staff.
Thank you!
Friendly Reminders
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you in the event they are not used during the year.
There has been an increase in the number of conjunctivitis cases in the school. If your child presents with a pink coloring to their eye, drainage, crusties (an eye sealed shut upon waking), itchiness, or discomfort, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL. *Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious* If your child presents to school this way, you will be called to dismiss the child to have them assessed by a doctor. If the doctor prescribes a medication, your child is contagious for 24 hours after starting treatment. Keep them home to prevent spreading in the school.
Children are presenting with extremely chapped lips at this time. Please send in a water bottle for your child so they can hydrate themselves which will help prevent their lips from chapping.
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
January 27, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. Here is our information for the week ahead.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. Here is our information for the week ahead.
- Art from the Heart - Each year, the ECPO sponsors a family fun event called, Art from the Heart. During this evening event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Art from the Heart will take place Tuesday, February 13th., from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!
- 100 Days of School - Tuesday, February 6th is our 100 days in school!! To acknowledge this exciting day, we are asking students and staff to create a shirt with 100 items. For example…100 stickers, 100 circles made with markers or daubers, 100 bows…the possibilities are endless! Please note that if we have a snow day, that date will change. We will notify you if any changes should take place.
- Early Release Professional Development Day - THIS Wednesday, January 31st, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
- Early Release Professional Development Day - On Wednesday, February 14th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
- iReady Diagnostic Testing - This Friday, February 2nd, students will be sent home with their iReady Diagnostic Test results. Please be sure to check your child’s backpack for this important information.
- February Vacation - There is no school February 19 - 23 for February Vacation.
- Car Pick-Up Dismissal Procedures - I have received numerous complaints and genuine concern for how people are parking and navigating the parking lot during our afternoon dismissal. I understand that our space is limited and that everyone has a busy schedule, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to use care and caution in our parking lot during this time. I also understand that parents from Laliberte use this area as well which causes additional concerns. Please know that we are looking at this situation and changes will be taking place soon. Please do not allow children to run in the parking lot unattended. ALL children, regardless of age, must be accompanied by an adult in the parking and surrounding areas during dismissal time. Thank you for your attention in this important matter.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
January 21, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. This was a great weekend to stay home watching movies and playing board games with the family. Here is our information for this week:
Kindergarten iReady Testing - Kindergarten students will complete the mid year iReady Diagnostic Assessment for math and reading this week, January 22 - 26. Results will be sent home to families the first week of February.
Art from the Heart - Each year, the ECPO sponsors a family fun event called, Art from the Heart. During this evening event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Art from the Heart will take place Tuesday, February 13th. More details will come soon.
Early Release Professional Development Day - On Wednesday, January 31st, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
Car Tags - Just a reminder that all students must have their car tag visibly secured to their backpack. Also, we will not accept an adult showing a picture of a car tag on their phone. For safety reasons, each adult’s car tag must be physically present at the time of dismissal for proper identification.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
Information To Help You Know When To Keep Your Child Home From School
The decision to keep a sick child home from school can be difficult and stressful. It may involve schedule changes with some parents having to miss work, and children having to miss important classroom instruction. However, when a child is truly ill, they need to stay home in the care of an adult to get well and to prevent the spread of illness to others.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests starting with these three quick questions:
1. Does your child have a fever?
2. Is your child well enough to engage in the educational process? If an ill child seems too run down to endure the day or get much out of school, keep them home.
3. Do you think your child has a contagious illness, such as the flu or conjunctivitis?
The following circumstances necessitate keeping a child home from school:
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. This was a great weekend to stay home watching movies and playing board games with the family. Here is our information for this week:
Kindergarten iReady Testing - Kindergarten students will complete the mid year iReady Diagnostic Assessment for math and reading this week, January 22 - 26. Results will be sent home to families the first week of February.
Art from the Heart - Each year, the ECPO sponsors a family fun event called, Art from the Heart. During this evening event, families will visit numerous art stations throughout the cafeteria to create adorable art pieces centered around hearts. Art from the Heart will take place Tuesday, February 13th. More details will come soon.
Early Release Professional Development Day - On Wednesday, January 31st, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
Car Tags - Just a reminder that all students must have their car tag visibly secured to their backpack. Also, we will not accept an adult showing a picture of a car tag on their phone. For safety reasons, each adult’s car tag must be physically present at the time of dismissal for proper identification.
- Important Transportation Reminders:
- Students can only ride the bus they are assigned to. Students cannot be placed on a different bus for a last minute childcare concern or to have a playdate with a friend. Please call the office if a situation arises and we will be happy to help anyway we can.
- Adults are not allowed to get on the bus.
- Please be at the bus stop 10-15 minutes before and after the estimated morning and afternoon scheduled bus time. There are numerous factors that determine when the bus arrives such as traffic, road construction, a substitute driver, the number of students riding the bus that day and weather conditions.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
Information To Help You Know When To Keep Your Child Home From School
The decision to keep a sick child home from school can be difficult and stressful. It may involve schedule changes with some parents having to miss work, and children having to miss important classroom instruction. However, when a child is truly ill, they need to stay home in the care of an adult to get well and to prevent the spread of illness to others.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests starting with these three quick questions:
1. Does your child have a fever?
2. Is your child well enough to engage in the educational process? If an ill child seems too run down to endure the day or get much out of school, keep them home.
3. Do you think your child has a contagious illness, such as the flu or conjunctivitis?
The following circumstances necessitate keeping a child home from school:
- Fever of 100˚ or more – Children should be kept home 24 hours after fever is no longer present without the use of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Encourage fluids and rest.
- Vomiting or Diarrhea – Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. Encourage fluids and rest.
- Cough – When coughing interferes with sleep or ability to participate in school activities, children should be kept home. If it is associated with fever or a change in breathing, contact a pediatrician.
- Sore Throat – If associated with fever or difficulty swallowing, the child should be kept home for 24 hours. If associated with a diagnosis of strep throat, the child should be kept home 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment. Encourage fluids.
- Rash – If it is associated with fever or is itchy, scaly, open, draining or spreading, the child should be kept home and evaluated by their pediatrician before being sent to school.
- Earaches – If pain is severe, associated with fever or more than 24 hours in duration, the child should be kept home and evaluated by a pediatrician.
- Conjunctivitis - Child should be kept home and evaluated by a pediatrician if eye is draining, itchy or excessively inflamed. Children should not be sent back until after the start of antibiotic eye medication.
- Narcotic Medication – A child on narcotic pain medication should be kept home until 24 hours after the last dose due to associated impairments and side effects.
- Diagnosed Infection – Children should be kept home 24 hours after first dose of antibiotics and if associated with the skin, the site should remain covered.
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is February 15th. Please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
January 14, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! Here is our weekly information…
Deb Westell, Principal
Nurse Fallon Information:
We have noticed increased cases of students diagnosed with Influenza. At school we are proactively cleaning and disinfecting high-contact surface areas each night as part of our cleaning routine. We are also emphasizing routine hand washing and sanitizing throughout the day and opening windows to increase air circulation. Your cooperation in monitoring your child’s symptoms is appreciated. While we certainly want students attending school every day, please keep your child home if they are experiencing symptoms such as fever. Please remember that students must be fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications like Tylenol or Motrin. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Nurse Fallon in the Health Office 508-824-2715 or email at [email protected].
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is January 18th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! Here is our weekly information…
- Kindergarten iReady Testing - Kindergarten students will complete the mid-year iReady Diagnostic Assessment for math and reading next week, January 22 - 26. Results will be sent home to families in several weeks once the results are calculated.
- Early Dismissal Procedures - Please submit a note to your child’s teacher if you are dismissing them early from school. Depending on your child’s schedule, they may not be in their classroom when you arrive which requires additional time for you to wait as our office staff, Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Rusello, locates your child and escorts them to the classroom to get their things. If we know your child is leaving early, the teacher will be able to have their things packed and ready for your arrival which will expedite your child coming to the office. We understand that there are times when unexpected situations may occur, however, letting us know in advance is most helpful and much appreciated.
- IMPORTANT - For safety and security reasons, if you are dismissing your child early, it must be before 3:00 pm. Students will not be dismissed from the office after 3:00 pm. During afternoon dismissal, students are transitioning to many different areas of the building and the main office is the hub of where everything takes place. As a result, in order to ensure the safety of all students, parent/guardian dismissal must take place before 3:00 pm. I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - In remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we encourage everyone to promote peace by engaging in an act of kindness.
Deb Westell, Principal
Nurse Fallon Information:
We have noticed increased cases of students diagnosed with Influenza. At school we are proactively cleaning and disinfecting high-contact surface areas each night as part of our cleaning routine. We are also emphasizing routine hand washing and sanitizing throughout the day and opening windows to increase air circulation. Your cooperation in monitoring your child’s symptoms is appreciated. While we certainly want students attending school every day, please keep your child home if they are experiencing symptoms such as fever. Please remember that students must be fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications like Tylenol or Motrin. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Nurse Fallon in the Health Office 508-824-2715 or email at [email protected].
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is January 18th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
January 8, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
This is a perfect Sunday afternoon to be wrapped in a blanket and watch movies with the family!! Here is our weekly information.
Grade 1 iReady Testing - First grade students will complete the mid year iReady Diagnostic Assessment for math and reading this week. Results will be sent home to families in several weeks once the results are calculated.
Library/Technology Proctor - Mrs. Koczela, our Library/Technology Proctor, has taken a teaching position in another district. Congratulations and we wish her well. I am happy to share that Ms. Katie Swart is our new L/T Proctor. Welcome Ms. Swart to the Merrill School family!
School Council Meeting - Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9th @ 4:00 pm in the Merrill Conference Room.
Early Release Professional Development Day - On this Wednesday, January 10th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
NO SCHOOL - There is no school Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Wishing you a great week! As always, please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is January 18th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
This is a perfect Sunday afternoon to be wrapped in a blanket and watch movies with the family!! Here is our weekly information.
Grade 1 iReady Testing - First grade students will complete the mid year iReady Diagnostic Assessment for math and reading this week. Results will be sent home to families in several weeks once the results are calculated.
Library/Technology Proctor - Mrs. Koczela, our Library/Technology Proctor, has taken a teaching position in another district. Congratulations and we wish her well. I am happy to share that Ms. Katie Swart is our new L/T Proctor. Welcome Ms. Swart to the Merrill School family!
School Council Meeting - Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9th @ 4:00 pm in the Merrill Conference Room.
Early Release Professional Development Day - On this Wednesday, January 10th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
NO SCHOOL - There is no school Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Wishing you a great week! As always, please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is January 18th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
January 1, 2024
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a restful winter break! This week, we will concentrate on getting acclimated to our previous routines so there really isn’t too much happening. However, I will provide you with some announcements and important reminders.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
Recently, we have had sick students waiting in the office to go home for an extended period of time. We understand it can be difficult to find someone to watch your sick child while you work or provide transportation home, however, it’s important to have several contingency plans in place should this situation occur. If you receive a call that your child needs to be picked up from the health office, please respond as soon as you can. We have numerous visitors in the office who may become infected by our sick student awaiting pickup. If you feel you cannot make it within a reasonable timeframe, please let us know the adult you have designated that would be able to get your child immediately. Thank you!!
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is January 18th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a restful winter break! This week, we will concentrate on getting acclimated to our previous routines so there really isn’t too much happening. However, I will provide you with some announcements and important reminders.
- School Council Meeting - Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9th @ 4:00 pm in the Merrill Conference Room.
- Early Release Professional Development Day - On Wednesday, January 10th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
- NO SCHOOL - There is no school Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
- Drop off and dismissal traffic -I understand that traffic is an issue during our arrival and dismissal times each day. However, for safety reasons, please do not park off to the side where cars enter and exit the parking lot. I ask for everyone’s patience and cooperation during this busy time of day.
- Outdoor Recess - We will continue to go outside for recess if the weather permits. Please provide your child with the appropriate winter apparel to play outside. Please know that we will not allow students or staff to go outside if it is too cold. We take into account both the temperature and wind chill when determining if it is outdoor or indoor recess.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
Recently, we have had sick students waiting in the office to go home for an extended period of time. We understand it can be difficult to find someone to watch your sick child while you work or provide transportation home, however, it’s important to have several contingency plans in place should this situation occur. If you receive a call that your child needs to be picked up from the health office, please respond as soon as you can. We have numerous visitors in the office who may become infected by our sick student awaiting pickup. If you feel you cannot make it within a reasonable timeframe, please let us know the adult you have designated that would be able to get your child immediately. Thank you!!
News from the ECPO:
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is January 18th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
December 18, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that we are entering our last full week of school for 2023!!! We have a fun and exciting week planned for our Merrill Cubs.
Kindergarten Polar Express - Kindergarteners will participate in a Polar Express read aloud on Tuesday, December 19th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all kindergarteners and kindergarten staff.
First Grade Holiday Read Aloud - First graders will participate in a Holiday Read Aloud on Wednesday, December 20th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all first graders and first grade staff.
Early Release Day - On Friday, December 22nd, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served.
Winter Vacation - Winter vacation begins December 25th through January 1st. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 2nd.
This Week's Daily Events:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
News from the ECPO:
The members of the ECPO would like to wish all our Merrill Families and staff a wonderful holiday season. Sending best wishes to all for a Happy, Healthy, and Peaceful New Year!
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that we are entering our last full week of school for 2023!!! We have a fun and exciting week planned for our Merrill Cubs.
Kindergarten Polar Express - Kindergarteners will participate in a Polar Express read aloud on Tuesday, December 19th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all kindergarteners and kindergarten staff.
First Grade Holiday Read Aloud - First graders will participate in a Holiday Read Aloud on Wednesday, December 20th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all first graders and first grade staff.
Early Release Day - On Friday, December 22nd, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served.
Winter Vacation - Winter vacation begins December 25th through January 1st. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 2nd.
This Week's Daily Events:
- Monday, December 18 - Mele Kalikimaka - Wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt
- Tuesday, December 19 - Kindergarten - Pajama Day / Grade 1 - Wear your Holiday colors
- Wednesday, December 20 - Grade 1 - Pajama Day / Kindergarten - Wear your Holiday colors
- Thursday, December 21 - Ugly Holiday Sweater - Wear you ugly Holiday sweater or shirt
- Friday, December 22 - Holiday Apparel - Wear your favorite Holiday hat and/or socks
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
- If you receive a call that your child needs to be picked up from the health office, please respond in a timely fashion. We have numerous visitors in the office who may become infected by our sick student awaiting pickup.
- If you feel you cannot make it within a reasonable timeframe, please let us know who would be able to come immediately.
- When children are sick, they want to be snuggled up at home, not in the Health Office for an extended period of time.
- Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you in the event they are not used during the year.
- There has been an increase in the number of conjunctivitis cases in the school.
- If your child presents with a pink coloring to their eye, drainage, crusties (an eye sealed shut upon waking), itchiness, or discomfort, PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL *Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious*
- If your child presents to school this way, you will be called to dismiss the child to have them assessed by a doctor.
- If the doctor prescribes a medication, your child is contagious for 24 hours after starting treatment. Keep them home to prevent spreading in the school.
- Children are presenting with extremely chapped lips at this time.
- Please send in a water bottle for your child so they can hydrate themselves which will help prevent their lips from chapping.
News from the ECPO:
The members of the ECPO would like to wish all our Merrill Families and staff a wonderful holiday season. Sending best wishes to all for a Happy, Healthy, and Peaceful New Year!
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
December 11, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
This past Saturday, the E.C.P.O. sponsored our annual Winterfest family event and it was a huge success! It was so nice to see so many families enjoying such wonderful activities. Thank you to the E.C.P.O. and to the MANY volunteers that helped make this event possible. Special memories were made and a great time was had by all!! Here is our weekly information:
Distribution of Report Cards - Trimester 1 Report Cards were made available via PowerSchool portal this past Friday, December 8th. Please let us know if you have difficulty accessing your child’s report card and we will be happy to assist you.
Kindergarten Polar Express - Kindergarteners will participate in a Polar Express read aloud on Tuesday, December 19th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all kindergarteners and kindergarten staff.
First Grade Holiday Read Aloud - First graders will participate in a Holiday Read Aloud on Wednesday, December 20th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all first graders and first grade staff.
Early Release Day - On Friday, December 22nd, students will be dismissed at 12:05 to begin winter vacation which will take place Monday, December 25 through Monday, January 1st. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
Wishing you an amazing week! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
Friendly Reminder: If you receive a call that your child needs to be picked up from the health office, please respond in a timely fashion. We have numerous visitors in the office who may become infected by our sick student awaiting pickup. If you feel you cannot make it within a reasonable timeframe, please let us know who would be able to come immediately. When children are sick, they want to be snuggled up at home, not in the Health Office for an extended period of time.
Change of Clothing - Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) in a labeld Zip Loc bag for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you in the event they are not used during the year.
Conjunctivitis There has been an increase in the number of conjunctivitis cases in the school. If your child presents with a pink coloring to their eye, drainage, crusties (an eye sealed shut upon waking), itchiness, or discomfort, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL. *Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious* If your child presents to school this way, you will be called to dismiss the child to have them assessed by a doctor. If the doctor prescribes a medication, your child is contagious for 24 hours after starting treatment. Keep them home to prevent spreading in the school.
Chapped Lips - Children are presenting with extremely chapped lips at this time. Please send in a water bottle for your child so they can hydrate themselves which will help prevent their lips from chapping.
News from the ECPO:
WINTERFEST: Winterfest was held this past weekend. It was such a special Merrill event from the holiday shoppe, dancing around the gym, visiting Santa or participating in raffles , smiles were seen all around. Thank you to all who attended and enjoyed the special morning. We want to thank all of our parent volunteers, high school and middle school volunteers, and raffle donations. Without all the support, events like this would not be so successful. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The ECPO and Merrill families/staff would love to thank Fernanda Fossatto Grande, a Merrill parent and artist, for bringing her talents to our school and creating an amazing winter scene in our main hallway. We are so excited to have this display to brighten up those long winter days!
STOCK THE LOUNGE: We are looking for donations to help us stock the teacher’s lounge for the holidays. Please check out the sign up genius below and help us clear our list. Please drop off all donations by 12/17 to Sarah Leonard at 390 South Main Street. . You can also arrange to meet up by emailing at [email protected] /
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
This past Saturday, the E.C.P.O. sponsored our annual Winterfest family event and it was a huge success! It was so nice to see so many families enjoying such wonderful activities. Thank you to the E.C.P.O. and to the MANY volunteers that helped make this event possible. Special memories were made and a great time was had by all!! Here is our weekly information:
Distribution of Report Cards - Trimester 1 Report Cards were made available via PowerSchool portal this past Friday, December 8th. Please let us know if you have difficulty accessing your child’s report card and we will be happy to assist you.
Kindergarten Polar Express - Kindergarteners will participate in a Polar Express read aloud on Tuesday, December 19th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all kindergarteners and kindergarten staff.
First Grade Holiday Read Aloud - First graders will participate in a Holiday Read Aloud on Wednesday, December 20th in the library. This will be a pajama day for all first graders and first grade staff.
Early Release Day - On Friday, December 22nd, students will be dismissed at 12:05 to begin winter vacation which will take place Monday, December 25 through Monday, January 1st. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
Wishing you an amazing week! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
Friendly Reminder: If you receive a call that your child needs to be picked up from the health office, please respond in a timely fashion. We have numerous visitors in the office who may become infected by our sick student awaiting pickup. If you feel you cannot make it within a reasonable timeframe, please let us know who would be able to come immediately. When children are sick, they want to be snuggled up at home, not in the Health Office for an extended period of time.
Change of Clothing - Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) in a labeld Zip Loc bag for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you in the event they are not used during the year.
Conjunctivitis There has been an increase in the number of conjunctivitis cases in the school. If your child presents with a pink coloring to their eye, drainage, crusties (an eye sealed shut upon waking), itchiness, or discomfort, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL. *Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious* If your child presents to school this way, you will be called to dismiss the child to have them assessed by a doctor. If the doctor prescribes a medication, your child is contagious for 24 hours after starting treatment. Keep them home to prevent spreading in the school.
Chapped Lips - Children are presenting with extremely chapped lips at this time. Please send in a water bottle for your child so they can hydrate themselves which will help prevent their lips from chapping.
News from the ECPO:
WINTERFEST: Winterfest was held this past weekend. It was such a special Merrill event from the holiday shoppe, dancing around the gym, visiting Santa or participating in raffles , smiles were seen all around. Thank you to all who attended and enjoyed the special morning. We want to thank all of our parent volunteers, high school and middle school volunteers, and raffle donations. Without all the support, events like this would not be so successful. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The ECPO and Merrill families/staff would love to thank Fernanda Fossatto Grande, a Merrill parent and artist, for bringing her talents to our school and creating an amazing winter scene in our main hallway. We are so excited to have this display to brighten up those long winter days!
STOCK THE LOUNGE: We are looking for donations to help us stock the teacher’s lounge for the holidays. Please check out the sign up genius below and help us clear our list. Please drop off all donations by 12/17 to Sarah Leonard at 390 South Main Street. . You can also arrange to meet up by emailing at [email protected] /
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures submitted early if you attended Winter Fest or participated in any of our town events with classmates!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
December 4, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Welcome to the first week of December!!! Here is our weekly information:
Early Release Professional Development Day - This Wednesday, December 6th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide professional development. Lunch will be served.
School Council Meeting Canceled: Our next School Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th @ 4:00 pm has been canceled. I will share the rescheduled time once it is determined.
Enjoy your week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you in the event they are not used during the year.
There has been an increase in the number of conjunctivitis cases in the school. If your child presents with a pink coloring to their eye, drainage, crusties (an eye sealed shut upon waking), itchiness, or discomfort, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL. *Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious* If your child presents to school this way, you will be called to dismiss the child to have them assessed by a doctor. If the doctor prescribes a medication, your child is contagious for 24 hours after starting treatment. Keep them home to prevent spreading in the school.
Children are presenting with extremely chapped lips at this time. Please send in a water bottle for your child so they can hydrate themselves which will help prevent their lips from chapping.
News from the ECPO:
Winterfest is next weekend. We are desperately in need of volunteers to help make it successful. Please look at the sign up genius posted on our Facebook page or email us at [email protected] if you can help. We are looking for adult and high school volunteers in hour long blocks to help with crafts, Santa, raffles and the Holiday Shoppe. We also could use any help Friday, December 8th in the evening for set up and decorations. Without volunteers we may have to rethink our spring/end of school events.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, pleasejoin us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Vouchers have been sent out. The wreaths are ready to be picked up at the Garden Patch at any point. Thank you to all who helped to make our fall fundraiser a success!
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
Welcome to the first week of December!!! Here is our weekly information:
Early Release Professional Development Day - This Wednesday, December 6th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide professional development. Lunch will be served.
School Council Meeting Canceled: Our next School Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th @ 4:00 pm has been canceled. I will share the rescheduled time once it is determined.
Enjoy your week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
Please send an additional set of weather appropriate clothing (shirt, pants and undies) for your child to keep inside their cubbies in the event of a spill, or accident. The clothing will be returned to you in the event they are not used during the year.
There has been an increase in the number of conjunctivitis cases in the school. If your child presents with a pink coloring to their eye, drainage, crusties (an eye sealed shut upon waking), itchiness, or discomfort, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL. *Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious* If your child presents to school this way, you will be called to dismiss the child to have them assessed by a doctor. If the doctor prescribes a medication, your child is contagious for 24 hours after starting treatment. Keep them home to prevent spreading in the school.
Children are presenting with extremely chapped lips at this time. Please send in a water bottle for your child so they can hydrate themselves which will help prevent their lips from chapping.
News from the ECPO:
Winterfest is next weekend. We are desperately in need of volunteers to help make it successful. Please look at the sign up genius posted on our Facebook page or email us at [email protected] if you can help. We are looking for adult and high school volunteers in hour long blocks to help with crafts, Santa, raffles and the Holiday Shoppe. We also could use any help Friday, December 8th in the evening for set up and decorations. Without volunteers we may have to rethink our spring/end of school events.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, pleasejoin us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Vouchers have been sent out. The wreaths are ready to be picked up at the Garden Patch at any point. Thank you to all who helped to make our fall fundraiser a success!
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 25, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Here is our weekly information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! WINTERFEST, DECEMBER 9TH Winterfest planning is shaping up very nicely. We have many fun and exciting things planned for the day. The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate food donations, and help run the holiday shop, as well as volunteering for set up/clean up – this event takes many hands to make it happen and we cannot do it without your help! Please reach out to the ECPO via email or look out for the sign up genius coming soon if you are able to help out!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Here is our weekly information:
- Winter Clothing Drive - Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive to benefit The Wandering Heart Project. Donations can be dropped off in the container located in the front vestibule as you enter Merrill School through November 30th. Please visit the following link for more information. B-R Winter Clothing Drive
- Bridgewater-Raynham Educational Foundation Corporation is hosting a special event titted, “An Hour to Code.” Please see the link for more information. An Hour to Code
- School Council Meeting - Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 5th @ 4:00 pm.
- R.A.V.E. Holiday Craft Fair - Are you looking for an amazing holiday craft fair to get you in the holiday spirit?? Look no further!!! Please visit R.A.V.E.’s 16th Annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, December 2nd from 9:00 - 3:00 at Raynham Middle School. There will be more than 40 vendors, baked goods, luncheon items, raffle table, 50/50 raffle and complimentary kid’s holiday craft activities. This is a wonderful family event!
- Drop off and dismissal traffic - I understand that traffic is an issue during our arrival and dismissal times each day. However, for safety reasons, please do not park off to the side where cars enter and exit the parking lot. I ask for everyone’s patience and cooperation during this busy time of day.
- Early Release Professional Development Day - On Wednesday, December 6th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide professional development. Lunch will be served.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! WINTERFEST, DECEMBER 9TH Winterfest planning is shaping up very nicely. We have many fun and exciting things planned for the day. The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate food donations, and help run the holiday shop, as well as volunteering for set up/clean up – this event takes many hands to make it happen and we cannot do it without your help! Please reach out to the ECPO via email or look out for the sign up genius coming soon if you are able to help out!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, please join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 19, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It amazes me how fast time is going by and that this Thursday is Thanksgiving!! Here is our information for the upcoming short week:
iReady Kindergarten Diagnostic Test Results - Kindergarteners brought home their iReady test results this past Friday in their backpacks. If you have any questions, or if you did not receive them, please reach out to your child’s teacher or to me.
Prismatic Laser Magic Show - Last Wednesday, students and staff enjoyed an amazing show about kindness. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event.
Winter Clothing Drive - Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive to benefit The Wandering Heart Project. Donations can be dropped off in the container located in the front vestibule as you enter Merrill School through November 30th. Please visit the following link for more information. B-R Winter Clothing Drive
Bridgewater-Raynham Educational Foundation Corporation is hosting a special event titted, “An Hour to Code.” Please see the link for more information. An Hour to Code
School Council Meeting - Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 5th @ 4:00 pm.
Early Dismissal Wednesday - Students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm this Wednesday for the Thanksgiving break. Park & Rec afternoon session will take place that afternoon. If your child attends Park & Rec on Wednesday afternoons, please let your child’s teacher know if they will be going home as a car pick up or on the bus.
NO SCHOOL - In observance of Thanksgiving, there is no school Thursday and Friday of this week.
Early Release Professional Development Day - On Wednesday, December 5th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
The Health Office has received numerous reports this week from the students stating they have received medication and/or have vomited prior to coming to school.
If your child has an illness that warrants medication (including Tylenol, Motrin, Ibuprofen) for them to attend school OR has vomited prior to coming to school please, DO NOT SEND THEM.
Your child will not make the full day if they were administered medication or if they vomited before school. Please help us maintain a healthy environment for our students and staff.
News from the ECPO:
Winterfest planning is shaping up very nicely. We have many fun and exciting things planned for the day. The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate food donations, and help run the holiday shop, as well as volunteering for set up/clean up – this event takes many hands to make it happen and we cannot do it without your help! Please reach out to the ECPO via email or look out for the sign up genius coming soon if you are able to help out!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, pleasejoin us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
PRISMATIC MAGIC: This past Wednesday, the students participated in a laser light presentation on Kindness. Our Laser Scientist led the students on a quest for kindness. Students and staff had a great time!
STEM NIGHT: Thank you to Raynwater STEAM and the ECPO for such a fun event on November 9th. The families that attended the event had a great time! It was so much fun watching the families work together to solve the activity!
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Wreaths have been ordered and vouchers will be delivered to your students soon. When your vouchers have been received, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you to all who helped make our fall fundraiser a success!
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It amazes me how fast time is going by and that this Thursday is Thanksgiving!! Here is our information for the upcoming short week:
iReady Kindergarten Diagnostic Test Results - Kindergarteners brought home their iReady test results this past Friday in their backpacks. If you have any questions, or if you did not receive them, please reach out to your child’s teacher or to me.
Prismatic Laser Magic Show - Last Wednesday, students and staff enjoyed an amazing show about kindness. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event.
Winter Clothing Drive - Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive to benefit The Wandering Heart Project. Donations can be dropped off in the container located in the front vestibule as you enter Merrill School through November 30th. Please visit the following link for more information. B-R Winter Clothing Drive
Bridgewater-Raynham Educational Foundation Corporation is hosting a special event titted, “An Hour to Code.” Please see the link for more information. An Hour to Code
School Council Meeting - Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 5th @ 4:00 pm.
Early Dismissal Wednesday - Students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm this Wednesday for the Thanksgiving break. Park & Rec afternoon session will take place that afternoon. If your child attends Park & Rec on Wednesday afternoons, please let your child’s teacher know if they will be going home as a car pick up or on the bus.
NO SCHOOL - In observance of Thanksgiving, there is no school Thursday and Friday of this week.
Early Release Professional Development Day - On Wednesday, December 5th, students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm so teachers and staff can participate in district wide Professional Development. Lunch will be served.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Notes from Nurse Fallon:
The Health Office has received numerous reports this week from the students stating they have received medication and/or have vomited prior to coming to school.
If your child has an illness that warrants medication (including Tylenol, Motrin, Ibuprofen) for them to attend school OR has vomited prior to coming to school please, DO NOT SEND THEM.
Your child will not make the full day if they were administered medication or if they vomited before school. Please help us maintain a healthy environment for our students and staff.
News from the ECPO:
Winterfest planning is shaping up very nicely. We have many fun and exciting things planned for the day. The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate food donations, and help run the holiday shop, as well as volunteering for set up/clean up – this event takes many hands to make it happen and we cannot do it without your help! Please reach out to the ECPO via email or look out for the sign up genius coming soon if you are able to help out!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is December 14th, pleasejoin us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!! *BABYSITTING PROVIDED*
PRISMATIC MAGIC: This past Wednesday, the students participated in a laser light presentation on Kindness. Our Laser Scientist led the students on a quest for kindness. Students and staff had a great time!
STEM NIGHT: Thank you to Raynwater STEAM and the ECPO for such a fun event on November 9th. The families that attended the event had a great time! It was so much fun watching the families work together to solve the activity!
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Wreaths have been ordered and vouchers will be delivered to your students soon. When your vouchers have been received, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you to all who helped make our fall fundraiser a success!
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 12, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying this cold Sunday afternoon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Merrill students, staff and RAVE for creating such a moving tribute for our annual Veterans Day Celebration. It was truly a special moment that will not be forgotten. A heartfelt thank you to all!!! Here is our weekly information:
STEM Night - STEM Night was a big success. Families were given a task to construct a device that would safely retrieve their drone that was stuck in a tree. Our families engineered and constructed so many creative and thought provoking designs. Thank you to Raynwater Steam for facilitating this activity and to the ECPO for sponsoring the event.
Winter Clothing Drive - Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive to benefit The Wandering Heart Project. Donations can be dropped off in the container located in the front vestibule as you enter Merrill School. Please visit the following link for more information. B-R Winter Clothing Drive
LifeTouch Class Photos - Many of our classroom photos did not come out as well as we had hoped, therefore, LifeTouch will be retaking all classroom photos. A date has not yet been scheduled, but I will let you know as soon as it is. Individual picture make-up day is scheduled for this Friday, November 17th.
Kindergarten iReady Test Results - This Friday, the iReady Diagnostic Assessment Report will be sent home in your child’s backpack.
Outdoor Apparel - Now that the cold weather is here, it is very important for your child to wear the appropriate outside clothing. We will continue to go outside for recess until the inclement weather arrives. It gets very windy and cold in the area behind the school where recess is held.
Bridgewater-Raynham Educational Foundation Corporation is hosting a special event titted, “An Hour to Code.” Please see the link for more information. An Hour to Code
Wishing you all a great week! As always, please let me know if you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying this cold Sunday afternoon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Merrill students, staff and RAVE for creating such a moving tribute for our annual Veterans Day Celebration. It was truly a special moment that will not be forgotten. A heartfelt thank you to all!!! Here is our weekly information:
STEM Night - STEM Night was a big success. Families were given a task to construct a device that would safely retrieve their drone that was stuck in a tree. Our families engineered and constructed so many creative and thought provoking designs. Thank you to Raynwater Steam for facilitating this activity and to the ECPO for sponsoring the event.
Winter Clothing Drive - Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive to benefit The Wandering Heart Project. Donations can be dropped off in the container located in the front vestibule as you enter Merrill School. Please visit the following link for more information. B-R Winter Clothing Drive
LifeTouch Class Photos - Many of our classroom photos did not come out as well as we had hoped, therefore, LifeTouch will be retaking all classroom photos. A date has not yet been scheduled, but I will let you know as soon as it is. Individual picture make-up day is scheduled for this Friday, November 17th.
Kindergarten iReady Test Results - This Friday, the iReady Diagnostic Assessment Report will be sent home in your child’s backpack.
Outdoor Apparel - Now that the cold weather is here, it is very important for your child to wear the appropriate outside clothing. We will continue to go outside for recess until the inclement weather arrives. It gets very windy and cold in the area behind the school where recess is held.
Bridgewater-Raynham Educational Foundation Corporation is hosting a special event titted, “An Hour to Code.” Please see the link for more information. An Hour to Code
Wishing you all a great week! As always, please let me know if you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
November 4, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Finally, a sunny weekend!!!! I hope everyone is able to enjoy spending time outside. WE had lots going on last week at Merrill School!!! The Scholastic Book Fair was a huge success! Thank you Mrs. Borden for coordinating this event and to the many, many volunteers who helped our Merrill Cubs shop for the perfect book! It was wonderful to see so many families during our parent/guardian teacher conferences! Here is our information for this week.
RAVE Veterans Day Celebration - Students will participate in our annual Veterans Day Celebration this Thursday. Staff and students will show our appreciation to our Veterans and acknowledge special family members who served our country.
Family STEM Night - Please join us Thursday evening from 5:30 - 7:30 for a fun family STEM event. The activity will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Please arrive no later than 7:00 pm. Please visit the following link for more details.Merrill Elementary School Family STEM Night.
Winter Clothing Drive - Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive to benefit The Wandering Heart Project.Please visit the following link for more information. B-R Winter Clothing Drive
LifeTouch Photos - Fall Photos were sent home last week. Picture make-up day is scheduled for Friday, November 17th.
NO SCHOOL - In observance of Veterans Day, there is no school Friday, November 11th.Enjoy your week.
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
Finally, a sunny weekend!!!! I hope everyone is able to enjoy spending time outside. WE had lots going on last week at Merrill School!!! The Scholastic Book Fair was a huge success! Thank you Mrs. Borden for coordinating this event and to the many, many volunteers who helped our Merrill Cubs shop for the perfect book! It was wonderful to see so many families during our parent/guardian teacher conferences! Here is our information for this week.
RAVE Veterans Day Celebration - Students will participate in our annual Veterans Day Celebration this Thursday. Staff and students will show our appreciation to our Veterans and acknowledge special family members who served our country.
Family STEM Night - Please join us Thursday evening from 5:30 - 7:30 for a fun family STEM event. The activity will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Please arrive no later than 7:00 pm. Please visit the following link for more details.Merrill Elementary School Family STEM Night.
Winter Clothing Drive - Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive to benefit The Wandering Heart Project.Please visit the following link for more information. B-R Winter Clothing Drive
LifeTouch Photos - Fall Photos were sent home last week. Picture make-up day is scheduled for Friday, November 17th.
NO SCHOOL - In observance of Veterans Day, there is no school Friday, November 11th.Enjoy your week.
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
October 29, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is our last weekend of October!!! Here is our weekly information:
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our first trimester conferences will be held this week during the following days and times:
Monday, October 30, 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, November 1, 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Wednesday, November 1, 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Fall Scholastic Book Fair - The ECPO’s Annual Fall Scholastic Book Fair is finally here!! Students will have the opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair in the library with their class during the school day. You will find the schedule of when your child’s class is visiting below. The Scholastic Book Fair will also be open during parent/ guardian teacher conferences so adults can stop by and get some early holiday shopping done!
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, November 1st, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm for parent/guardian teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Merrill School Council Meeting - We held our first School Council meeting last week. The Merrill School Council Members are Ellen Fritz (community representative) Katrina Fisher and Cassandra Maraglia (parent representatives) Colleen Swart (teacher representative) and Deb Westell. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th @ 4:00 pm. All are welcome to attend.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Our fall fundraiser is underway! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Flyers went home last week, and sales have started to roll in! Reach out to the ECPO with any questions.
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. This year will be a STEM project for the whole family to work together and have fun! Please see the attachment for more information. Family STEM Night
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is our last weekend of October!!! Here is our weekly information:
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our first trimester conferences will be held this week during the following days and times:
Monday, October 30, 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, November 1, 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Wednesday, November 1, 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Fall Scholastic Book Fair - The ECPO’s Annual Fall Scholastic Book Fair is finally here!! Students will have the opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair in the library with their class during the school day. You will find the schedule of when your child’s class is visiting below. The Scholastic Book Fair will also be open during parent/ guardian teacher conferences so adults can stop by and get some early holiday shopping done!
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, November 1st, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm for parent/guardian teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Merrill School Council Meeting - We held our first School Council meeting last week. The Merrill School Council Members are Ellen Fritz (community representative) Katrina Fisher and Cassandra Maraglia (parent representatives) Colleen Swart (teacher representative) and Deb Westell. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th @ 4:00 pm. All are welcome to attend.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Our fall fundraiser is underway! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Flyers went home last week, and sales have started to roll in! Reach out to the ECPO with any questions.
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. This year will be a STEM project for the whole family to work together and have fun! Please see the attachment for more information. Family STEM Night
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Follow us on Facebook for updates or check out our website!
Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035
Caregivers of the Raynham Class of 2036
Raynham E.C.P.O. L.B. Merrill Elementary
October 21, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
We had such an exciting STEM week at Merrill School. First graders learned about coding and our kindergarteners learned about a solar eclipse. Again, thank you to many volunteers who made this event possible. Here is our information for this week:
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our first trimester conferences will be held on Monday evening, October 30th in addition to the afternoon and evening of November 1st. If you have not done so already, please return your appointment slip as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you!!
RAVE Family Contact List - As you know, Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. Please visit the link for more information and if you would like to participate: RAVE 2023 -2024 Classroom Contact List
Volunteer Procedures - We love to have volunteers at Merrill School, but just a reminder, that in addition to having a CORI check, volunteers must participate in a brief training with RAVE. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Fall Scholastic Book Fair - The ECPo will hold our annual Fall Scholastic Book Fair October 30th - November 3rd in the Merrill School Library. This will also be open during conferences so parents can stop by and get some early holiday shopping done!
October Literacy Newsletter - Please visit the October Literacy Newsletter written by our Title I team.
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, November 1st, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm for parent/teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Have a great week! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
APPAREL: Our fall apparel sale has ended and many of you purchased gear for Spirit Days, all items are expected to ship on October 24th and will be sorted and distributed to students the week of October 30th. We ordered a small number of extras – reach out to [email protected] if you missed the ordering deadline.
FALL BOOK FAIR: Is right around the corner! The book fair will be open during school for the kids to come and shop and during parent-teacher conferences. A Sign-up Genius for volunteers will be shared in the next few days – be on the lookout as we need CORI approved volunteers to help make this event run smoothly.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
FALL FEST: Our annual Fall Festival was a success! A wonderful time was had by the many students and families that attended. The Bubble Barge, magician, and balloons were a hit! Many thanks to the volunteers that helped with this event and to the many NJHS students from RMS that volunteered their Saturday morning to help with our kids!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. This year will be a STEM project for the whole family to work together and have fun! More info will be sent home soon.
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Our fall fundraiser is underway! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Flyers went home last week, and sales have started to roll in! Reach out to the ECPO with any questions.
RAYNHAM PARK AND REC TRUNK OR TREAT: The ECPO will be there representing Merrill with a trunk next Thursday, October 26th for the Raynham Park and Rec trunk or treat event at the King Philip soccer fields parking lot. Come say hello and bring your Pre-K-2 kids for some trunk or treating!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Hello Merrill Families,
We had such an exciting STEM week at Merrill School. First graders learned about coding and our kindergarteners learned about a solar eclipse. Again, thank you to many volunteers who made this event possible. Here is our information for this week:
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our first trimester conferences will be held on Monday evening, October 30th in addition to the afternoon and evening of November 1st. If you have not done so already, please return your appointment slip as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you!!
RAVE Family Contact List - As you know, Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. Please visit the link for more information and if you would like to participate: RAVE 2023 -2024 Classroom Contact List
Volunteer Procedures - We love to have volunteers at Merrill School, but just a reminder, that in addition to having a CORI check, volunteers must participate in a brief training with RAVE. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Fall Scholastic Book Fair - The ECPo will hold our annual Fall Scholastic Book Fair October 30th - November 3rd in the Merrill School Library. This will also be open during conferences so parents can stop by and get some early holiday shopping done!
October Literacy Newsletter - Please visit the October Literacy Newsletter written by our Title I team.
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, November 1st, students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm for parent/teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Have a great week! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
APPAREL: Our fall apparel sale has ended and many of you purchased gear for Spirit Days, all items are expected to ship on October 24th and will be sorted and distributed to students the week of October 30th. We ordered a small number of extras – reach out to [email protected] if you missed the ordering deadline.
FALL BOOK FAIR: Is right around the corner! The book fair will be open during school for the kids to come and shop and during parent-teacher conferences. A Sign-up Genius for volunteers will be shared in the next few days – be on the lookout as we need CORI approved volunteers to help make this event run smoothly.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Get those pictures in early if you attended Fall Fest or are having fun with other fall fun activities like town sports!
FALL FEST: Our annual Fall Festival was a success! A wonderful time was had by the many students and families that attended. The Bubble Barge, magician, and balloons were a hit! Many thanks to the volunteers that helped with this event and to the many NJHS students from RMS that volunteered their Saturday morning to help with our kids!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at Winterfest – this event takes many hands to make it happen. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
ECPO Meeting: Our next meeting is November 16th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. This year will be a STEM project for the whole family to work together and have fun! More info will be sent home soon.
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Our fall fundraiser is underway! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Flyers went home last week, and sales have started to roll in! Reach out to the ECPO with any questions.
RAYNHAM PARK AND REC TRUNK OR TREAT: The ECPO will be there representing Merrill with a trunk next Thursday, October 26th for the Raynham Park and Rec trunk or treat event at the King Philip soccer fields parking lot. Come say hello and bring your Pre-K-2 kids for some trunk or treating!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
October 15, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It was so nice to see so many families at our Fall Festival this past Saturday!! A HUGE thank you to the ECPO and the many volunteers that made this event possible and a huge success!! The bubble barge was a lot of fun and definitely a huge hit! He is our information for this week.
STEM Week - This upcoming week has been designated STEM Week in the state of Massachusetts. We have planned exciting activities to participate in. All kindergarten students will participate in a solar eclipse activity facilitated by Raynwater STEAM. First graders will participate in a coding activity facilitated by BSU Professor, Shawn O’Neill. We want to thank our volunteers in advance for donating your time and expertise to our Merrill students!!
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Testing - Kindergarten students will begin the iReady testing this week through October 27th. Students will be tested in the area of reading and math and results will be shared shortly after testing is completed. It is important to remember that at this time of year, testing provides us with a baseline of where your child is and what they currently know. This information will determine the amount of progress your child is making as we proceed throughout the school year.
Fire Safety Week - A HUGE thank you to the Raynham Fire Department for visiting Merrill School last to teach us about fire safety.
School Lunch - While lunch is free to all students this school year, students do need to purchase milk if not getting a school lunch and have brought their lunch from home. The price of milk is .50 for all students. Please visit the Food Services tab on the B-R website at for more information. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have as well.
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our first trimester conferences will be held on Monday evening, October 30th in addition to the afternoon and evening of November 1st. Appointment slips were sent home last week. Please return your slip as soon as possible in order for teachers to create their schedules. We look forward to seeing you!!
LifeTouch Portraits - Our picture day went very well last Friday. It’s always one of my favorite days of the school year as students are so excited to be dressed up to take their picture. If your child was absent, or if you are not pleased with the portrait that was taken, retakes will be scheduled soon. I will share that date once it is confirmed.
RAVE Family Contact List - As you know, Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. Please visit the link for more information and if you would like to participate: RAVE 2023 -2024 Classroom Contact List
Have an amazing week!! As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Our Fall Fundraiser is HERE! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Flyers and envelopes were delivered today – look for them in your child’s folder any day now! It will also be posted on Facebook and the ECPO website for digital download and sharing!
APPAREL: Our fall apparel sale has ended and many of you purchased gear for Spirit Days, we can’t wait to see all the pictures of your kids showing off their Merrill School Spirit! We ordered a small number of extras – reach out to [email protected] if you missed the ordering deadline.
FALL BOOK FAIR: Is right around the corner! The book fair will be open during school for the kids to come and shop and during parent-teacher conferences. Be on the lookout for a signup genius as we will need CORI approved volunteers during these times to help with shopping and the cash register.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Examples of pics would be - Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc.
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at our upcoming events. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
Our next meeting is October 19th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. More info will come out soon for this exciting night of STEM for the whole family!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Hello Merrill Families,
It was so nice to see so many families at our Fall Festival this past Saturday!! A HUGE thank you to the ECPO and the many volunteers that made this event possible and a huge success!! The bubble barge was a lot of fun and definitely a huge hit! He is our information for this week.
STEM Week - This upcoming week has been designated STEM Week in the state of Massachusetts. We have planned exciting activities to participate in. All kindergarten students will participate in a solar eclipse activity facilitated by Raynwater STEAM. First graders will participate in a coding activity facilitated by BSU Professor, Shawn O’Neill. We want to thank our volunteers in advance for donating your time and expertise to our Merrill students!!
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Testing - Kindergarten students will begin the iReady testing this week through October 27th. Students will be tested in the area of reading and math and results will be shared shortly after testing is completed. It is important to remember that at this time of year, testing provides us with a baseline of where your child is and what they currently know. This information will determine the amount of progress your child is making as we proceed throughout the school year.
Fire Safety Week - A HUGE thank you to the Raynham Fire Department for visiting Merrill School last to teach us about fire safety.
School Lunch - While lunch is free to all students this school year, students do need to purchase milk if not getting a school lunch and have brought their lunch from home. The price of milk is .50 for all students. Please visit the Food Services tab on the B-R website at for more information. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have as well.
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - Our first trimester conferences will be held on Monday evening, October 30th in addition to the afternoon and evening of November 1st. Appointment slips were sent home last week. Please return your slip as soon as possible in order for teachers to create their schedules. We look forward to seeing you!!
LifeTouch Portraits - Our picture day went very well last Friday. It’s always one of my favorite days of the school year as students are so excited to be dressed up to take their picture. If your child was absent, or if you are not pleased with the portrait that was taken, retakes will be scheduled soon. I will share that date once it is confirmed.
RAVE Family Contact List - As you know, Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. Please visit the link for more information and if you would like to participate: RAVE 2023 -2024 Classroom Contact List
Have an amazing week!! As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
WREATH FUNDRAISER: Our Fall Fundraiser is HERE! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Flyers and envelopes were delivered today – look for them in your child’s folder any day now! It will also be posted on Facebook and the ECPO website for digital download and sharing!
APPAREL: Our fall apparel sale has ended and many of you purchased gear for Spirit Days, we can’t wait to see all the pictures of your kids showing off their Merrill School Spirit! We ordered a small number of extras – reach out to [email protected] if you missed the ordering deadline.
FALL BOOK FAIR: Is right around the corner! The book fair will be open during school for the kids to come and shop and during parent-teacher conferences. Be on the lookout for a signup genius as we will need CORI approved volunteers during these times to help with shopping and the cash register.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Examples of pics would be - Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc.
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at our upcoming events. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
Our next meeting is October 19th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. More info will come out soon for this exciting night of STEM for the whole family!
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
October 9, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Well, it certainly felt like fall this weekend! Here is what’s happening at Merrill School this week:
Grade 1 iReady Diagnostic Test Results - First grade i ready test results were sent home with students last Friday. Please reach out to your child’s teacher should you have any questions or concerns.
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Assessment - Testing for our kindergarteners will take place October 16th - 27th. Results will be sent home shortly thereafter.
Fire Safety Week - The Raynham Fire Department will visit Merrill School this week to teach students the importance of Fire Safety.
Kindergarten Parent Morning Drop- Off - For safety reasons, your child is not to exit your vehicle until a staff member is present to open the car door.
Outdoor Recess - the outside area where students have recess can get quite windy and chilly during the day. Please provide your child with a sweatshirt or light jacket each day.
Word of the Month - For October, our word of the month is Self-Control. When we have self-control we are managing our emotions, behavior and reactions.
Merril the Cub Assembly - Last Thursday, our friend, Merrill the Cub, stopped by for a surprise visit as we had our Merrill the Cub Assembly. Merrill taught us that as C.U.B.S., we are caring, unique, brave students. Thank you, Merrill, for coming to see us!!!
Have a great week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
What does it mean to be a Peanut Aware School?
WE ARE sensitive to peanut allergy as a significant health issue for many children and staff members
WE ARE supportive of the cafeteria food program for not serving lunch and snacks without peanut products which has been done for many years.
WE ARE making every attempt to make lunch and snacks brought from home into school peanut free.
WE ARE aware that peanut products are not introduced in instructional areas of the school.
WE ARE reminding students that snacks and food cannot be shared because many commercial products contain peanut/nut elements.
WE ARE (staff, families, students) all working together to keep children and staff healthy and safe!!!
News from the ECPO:
APPAREL: Our fall apparel sale has ended and many of you purchased gear for Spirit Days, we can’t wait to see all the pictures of your kids showing off their Merrill School Spirit! We ordered a small number of extras – reach out to [email protected] if you missed the ordering deadline.
FALL BOOK FAIR: Is right around the corner! The book fair will be open during school for the kids to come and shop and during parent-teacher conferences. Be on the lookout for a signup genius as we will need CORI approved volunteers during these times to help with shopping and the cash register.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Examples of pics would be - Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc.
FALL FEST: Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 10-12pm. There will be games, crafts, snacks, pumpkins and more! We hope to see lots of Merrill families at this wonderful event!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at our upcoming events. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
Our next meeting is October 19th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. More info will come out soon for this exciting night of STEM for the whole family!
WREATH FUNDRAISER: A brand new fundraiser is coming! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Look for the flyer and order form in your child’s folder next week.
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
Hello Merrill Families,
Well, it certainly felt like fall this weekend! Here is what’s happening at Merrill School this week:
Grade 1 iReady Diagnostic Test Results - First grade i ready test results were sent home with students last Friday. Please reach out to your child’s teacher should you have any questions or concerns.
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Assessment - Testing for our kindergarteners will take place October 16th - 27th. Results will be sent home shortly thereafter.
Fire Safety Week - The Raynham Fire Department will visit Merrill School this week to teach students the importance of Fire Safety.
Kindergarten Parent Morning Drop- Off - For safety reasons, your child is not to exit your vehicle until a staff member is present to open the car door.
Outdoor Recess - the outside area where students have recess can get quite windy and chilly during the day. Please provide your child with a sweatshirt or light jacket each day.
Word of the Month - For October, our word of the month is Self-Control. When we have self-control we are managing our emotions, behavior and reactions.
Merril the Cub Assembly - Last Thursday, our friend, Merrill the Cub, stopped by for a surprise visit as we had our Merrill the Cub Assembly. Merrill taught us that as C.U.B.S., we are caring, unique, brave students. Thank you, Merrill, for coming to see us!!!
Have a great week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Message from Nurse Fallon:
What does it mean to be a Peanut Aware School?
WE ARE sensitive to peanut allergy as a significant health issue for many children and staff members
WE ARE supportive of the cafeteria food program for not serving lunch and snacks without peanut products which has been done for many years.
WE ARE making every attempt to make lunch and snacks brought from home into school peanut free.
WE ARE aware that peanut products are not introduced in instructional areas of the school.
WE ARE reminding students that snacks and food cannot be shared because many commercial products contain peanut/nut elements.
WE ARE (staff, families, students) all working together to keep children and staff healthy and safe!!!
News from the ECPO:
APPAREL: Our fall apparel sale has ended and many of you purchased gear for Spirit Days, we can’t wait to see all the pictures of your kids showing off their Merrill School Spirit! We ordered a small number of extras – reach out to [email protected] if you missed the ordering deadline.
FALL BOOK FAIR: Is right around the corner! The book fair will be open during school for the kids to come and shop and during parent-teacher conferences. Be on the lookout for a signup genius as we will need CORI approved volunteers during these times to help with shopping and the cash register.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Examples of pics would be - Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc.
FALL FEST: Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 10-12pm. There will be games, crafts, snacks, pumpkins and more! We hope to see lots of Merrill families at this wonderful event!
VOLUNTEERS AND MEETINGS: The ECPO is looking for volunteers to help coordinate some of the larger tasks at our upcoming events. Please reach out to the ECPO via email or attend our next meeting if you would like to help!
Our next meeting is October 19th, join us to hear about the exciting things we have planned and to share any thoughts or ideas you have, to help enrich the kids’ experience and fun this school year! We are always looking for fresh, fun and new ideas!!
STEM NIGHT: Save the date! November 9th will be STEM Night. More info will come out soon for this exciting night of STEM for the whole family!
WREATH FUNDRAISER: A brand new fundraiser is coming! – The Garden Patch of Raynham has offered to donate a percentage of each wreath we can sell. Look for the flyer and order form in your child’s folder next week.
MABELS LABELS: The lost and found is filling up. Get those water bottles and clothes labeled while supporting the ECPO! To order your labels visit and choose “ECPO – Merrill Elementary” when ordering.
BOX TOPS: Thank you for continuing to use the Box Tops apps when purchasing eligible items. Keep scanning those receipts and forwarding digital receipts to Box Tops so we continue to receive funds throughout the year!
October 1, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
We have another exciting week planned for Merrill School! Here is our weekly information:
Morning Drop Off - Just a reminder…Students are to exit the car when they are greeted by a Merrill School staff member. Please do not allow your child to exit your vehicle without a staff member present.
Early Release Day - Our first scheduled early release day (half day) is Wednesday, October 4th. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be provided.
iReady Testing Correction- In my email last week, I mistakenly stated that both first grade and kindergarten students completed their testing, however, only first graders have completed their testing at this time. Their testing results will be sent home in your child’s backpack this Friday. Kindergarten students will begin their iReady testing mid-October.
Outdoor Recess - Students should have a light jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt to wear during recess. Often, our outside area for recess is windy and it tends to be chilly during this time.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
APPAREL: Who's ready to show some school spirit? Get ready for spirit days with some fresh new styles. Our apparel sale runs through October 2nd at (group name is Merrill Elementary). Flyers also went home in your child’s folder this week.
FALL BOOK FAIR: It's right around the corner! Info will be coming soon.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Examples of pics would be - Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc.
ECPO MEETINGS: Thank you to everyone that attended our first meeting! We had a great turnout and discussed our plans and budget for this school year. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and join us as we jump into the planning of all the great activities and events we have planned!
Our next meeting is Thursday, 10/19/23 at 6:00 - Join us to hear all about it – babysitting is available in the café for kids.
FALL FESTIVAL - Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 10:00 - 12:00. There will be games, crafts, and food. This is a wonderful family event. Please contact the ECPO via email ([email protected]) if you are interested in volunteering at this event.
Hello Merrill Families,
We have another exciting week planned for Merrill School! Here is our weekly information:
Morning Drop Off - Just a reminder…Students are to exit the car when they are greeted by a Merrill School staff member. Please do not allow your child to exit your vehicle without a staff member present.
Early Release Day - Our first scheduled early release day (half day) is Wednesday, October 4th. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be provided.
iReady Testing Correction- In my email last week, I mistakenly stated that both first grade and kindergarten students completed their testing, however, only first graders have completed their testing at this time. Their testing results will be sent home in your child’s backpack this Friday. Kindergarten students will begin their iReady testing mid-October.
Outdoor Recess - Students should have a light jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt to wear during recess. Often, our outside area for recess is windy and it tends to be chilly during this time.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from the ECPO:
APPAREL: Who's ready to show some school spirit? Get ready for spirit days with some fresh new styles. Our apparel sale runs through October 2nd at (group name is Merrill Elementary). Flyers also went home in your child’s folder this week.
FALL BOOK FAIR: It's right around the corner! Info will be coming soon.
YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Examples of pics would be - Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc.
ECPO MEETINGS: Thank you to everyone that attended our first meeting! We had a great turnout and discussed our plans and budget for this school year. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and join us as we jump into the planning of all the great activities and events we have planned!
Our next meeting is Thursday, 10/19/23 at 6:00 - Join us to hear all about it – babysitting is available in the café for kids.
FALL FESTIVAL - Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 10:00 - 12:00. There will be games, crafts, and food. This is a wonderful family event. Please contact the ECPO via email ([email protected]) if you are interested in volunteering at this event.
September 23, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds both you and your family well on this rainy weekend. Here is our weekly information:
Have a great week! As always, please reach out to me or Mr.Poulos should you have any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
Information To Help You Know When To Keep Your Child Home From School
The decision to keep a sick child home from school can be difficult and stressful. It may involve schedule changes with some parents having to miss work, and children having to miss important classroom instruction. However, when a child is truly ill, they need to stay home in the care of an adult to get well and to prevent the spread of illness to others.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests starting with these three quick questions:
1. Does your child have a fever?
2. Is your child well enough to engage in the educational process? If an ill child seems too run down to endure the day or get much out of school, keep them home.
3. Do you think your child has a contagious illness, such as the flu or conjunctivitis?
The following circumstances necessitate keeping a child home from school:
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds both you and your family well on this rainy weekend. Here is our weekly information:
- Important Transportation Information:
- Students can only ride the bus they are assigned to. Students cannot be placed on a different bus for a last minute childcare concern or to have a playdate with a friend. Please call the office if a situation arises and we will be happy to help anyway we can.
- Please be at the bus stop 10-15 minutes before and after the estimated morning and afternoon scheduled bus time. There are numerous factors that determine when the bus arrives such as traffic, road construction, a substitute driver, the number of students riding the bus that day and weather conditions.
- Early Release Day - Our first scheduled early release day (half day) is Wednesday, October 4th. Students will be dismissed from school at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be provided.
- iReady Testing - Kindergarten and First grade just completed the beginning of the year iReady Diagnostic Assessment. Results will be sent home at the beginning of October.
- iReady at Home - We have had several inquiries regarding students completing iReady online lessons at home. We would prefer for students not to complete lessons at home. Time is provided for students to complete their individualized lessons at school, however, if you choose to have your child complete these lessons online, it is absolutely imperative that they receive no help from an adult or older sibling. The score a child earns on an assignment determines the instruction level of the next assignment. If a student is provided assistance. The iReady Program cannot accurately determine your child’s area of strength and need in order to provide the next appropriate lesson. It is also important for children not to exceed over 40 minutes per week.
Have a great week! As always, please reach out to me or Mr.Poulos should you have any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
Information To Help You Know When To Keep Your Child Home From School
The decision to keep a sick child home from school can be difficult and stressful. It may involve schedule changes with some parents having to miss work, and children having to miss important classroom instruction. However, when a child is truly ill, they need to stay home in the care of an adult to get well and to prevent the spread of illness to others.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests starting with these three quick questions:
1. Does your child have a fever?
2. Is your child well enough to engage in the educational process? If an ill child seems too run down to endure the day or get much out of school, keep them home.
3. Do you think your child has a contagious illness, such as the flu or conjunctivitis?
The following circumstances necessitate keeping a child home from school:
- Fever of 100˚ or more – Children should be kept home 24 hours after fever is no longer present without the use of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Encourage fluids and rest.
- Vomiting or Diarrhea – Children should be kept home 24 hours after the last episode. Encourage fluids and rest.
- Cough – When coughing interferes with sleep or ability to participate in school activities, children should be kept home. If it is associated with fever or a change in breathing, contact a pediatrician.
- Sore Throat – If associated with fever or difficulty swallowing, the child should be kept home for 24 hours. If associated with a diagnosis of strep throat, the child should be kept home 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment. Encourage fluids.
- Rash – If it is associated with fever or is itchy, scaly, open, draining or spreading, the child should be kept home and evaluated by their pediatrician before being sent to school.
- Earaches – If pain is severe, associated with fever or more than 24 hours in duration, the child should be kept home and evaluated by a pediatrician.
- Conjunctivitis - Child should be kept home and evaluated by a pediatrician if eye is draining, itchy or excessively inflamed. Children should not be sent back until after the start of antibiotic eye medication.
- Narcotic Medication – A child on narcotic pain medication should be kept home until 24 hours after the last dose due to associated impairments and side effects.
- Diagnosed Infection – Children should be kept home 24 hours after first dose of antibiotics and if associated with the skin, the site should remain covered.
- APPAREL: Who's ready to show some school spirit? Get ready for spirit days with some fresh new styles. Our apparel sale runs through October 2nd at (group name is Merrill Elementary). Flyers also went home in your child’s folder this week.
- FALL BOOK FAIR: It's right around the corner! Info will be coming soon.
- YEARBOOKS: Please visit to order your yearbook AND submit pictures of your kiddos! Examples of pics would be - Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc.
- ECPO MEETINGS: Thank you to everyone that attended our first meeting! We had a great turnout and discussed our plans and budget for this school year. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and join us as we jump into the planning of all the great activities and events we have planned! Our next meeting is Thursday, 10/19/23 at 6:00 - Join us to hear all about it – babysitting is available in the café for kids.
- FALL FESTIVAL - Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 10:00 - 12:00. There will be games, crafts, and food. This is a wonderful family event. Please contact the ECPO via email ([email protected]) if you are interested in volunteering at this event.
September 16, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Our first week of school was a HUGE success!!! Here is our information for the upcoming week.
Snacks - As you know, your child’s class has a scheduled snack time during the school day. Please provide your child with a snack and drink each day. When sending a snack from home, please be aware of the many serious food allergies classmates may have.
Emergency Forms - Please complete and return your child’s emergency forms as soon as possible.
Change of clothes - Should your child have a spill or accident, please send in a change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag.
Label personal items - Please label your child’s items (coat, backpack, lunch box, water bottle etc.) with their name.
LifeTouch School Photos - Fall school photos are scheduled for Friday,October 13th. Detailed information will follow soon.
iReady Diagnostic Testing - All students have started iReady Diagnostic Testing for both reading math this past week. Explanation of testing results will be sent home in several weeks.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
Students must be fever free for a full 24 hours (without the use of Tylenol etc…) before returning to school. If you have any questions, please contact me at 508-824-2715 or email me at [email protected]
News from the ECPO:
Fall Festival - Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 10:00 - 12:00. There will be games, crafts, and food. This is a wonderful family event. More information will be sent home if you are interested in volunteering for this exciting event.
ECPO Meeting - Our first ECPO meeting will be held this Thursday, September, 21st from 6:00 - 7:00 in the Merrill School Library. Please join us as we plan for the upcoming school year. Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Hello Merrill Families,
Our first week of school was a HUGE success!!! Here is our information for the upcoming week.
Snacks - As you know, your child’s class has a scheduled snack time during the school day. Please provide your child with a snack and drink each day. When sending a snack from home, please be aware of the many serious food allergies classmates may have.
Emergency Forms - Please complete and return your child’s emergency forms as soon as possible.
Change of clothes - Should your child have a spill or accident, please send in a change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag.
Label personal items - Please label your child’s items (coat, backpack, lunch box, water bottle etc.) with their name.
LifeTouch School Photos - Fall school photos are scheduled for Friday,October 13th. Detailed information will follow soon.
iReady Diagnostic Testing - All students have started iReady Diagnostic Testing for both reading math this past week. Explanation of testing results will be sent home in several weeks.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
Students must be fever free for a full 24 hours (without the use of Tylenol etc…) before returning to school. If you have any questions, please contact me at 508-824-2715 or email me at [email protected]
News from the ECPO:
Fall Festival - Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 10:00 - 12:00. There will be games, crafts, and food. This is a wonderful family event. More information will be sent home if you are interested in volunteering for this exciting event.
ECPO Meeting - Our first ECPO meeting will be held this Thursday, September, 21st from 6:00 - 7:00 in the Merrill School Library. Please join us as we plan for the upcoming school year. Looking forward to seeing you there!!
September 9, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Welcome to the first Merrill Moments of the 2023 - 2024 school year!!!! We had a wonderful first week of school!! It was so nice to have our staff, students, and families together again. Here is our weekly information.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
PRIME beverages are made with COCONUT WATER and “coconuts” are classified as a “tree nut” per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (1). These beverages should be treated like any other peanut/tree nut food within the school setting. While the schools are NOT peanut/tree nut FREE, they are peanut/tree nut AWARE. Therefore, these drinks may only be consumed in the cafeteria, not in the classroom due to the possibility that those children with life-threatening allergies to tree nuts could have a reaction. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hello Merrill Families,
Welcome to the first Merrill Moments of the 2023 - 2024 school year!!!! We had a wonderful first week of school!! It was so nice to have our staff, students, and families together again. Here is our weekly information.
- Open House - Our annual Open House will be held Monday, September 11th. Kindergarten families will be from 5:30 - 6:30 pm and First Grade families will be from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to show you their classroom, meet their teacher and to get information from several of our community organizations including, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, RAVE, ECPO, and Raynwater STEAM. Please don’t forget to stop by the office to say hello as well. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday evening!!
- Mural - When you come to Merrill School you will notice a beautiful mural painted in the main hallway. A kindergarten parent, Fernanda Fossatto, donated her time and talent to create an amazing mural of our friend, Merrill the Cub. Many thanks to Ms. Fossatto for this memorable gift!!!
- School Forms - If you have not done so already, please complete and return all required school forms as soon as possible. Thank you!
- Snacks - Just a reminder to please provide your child a snack and drink each day. Each classroom has a designated time for snack everyday.
- Thursday Packets - Each Thursday, you will receive a packet of information relative to school news, events or community happenings. This will begin this Thursday.
- Car Tags - Just a reminder that all students must have their car tag visibly secured to their backpack. Also, we will not accept an adult showing a picture of a car tag on their phone. Their car tag must be physically present at the time of dismissal.
- Donation of fans - We would like to thank a first grade family for the donation of several industrial size fans and tower fans this past week. Your generosity made a huge difference!!
- Summer Weather - Please send a water bottle to school with your child each day. They will have ample opportunities to refill it at our hydration station. Also, please dress your child in light clothing.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
PRIME beverages are made with COCONUT WATER and “coconuts” are classified as a “tree nut” per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (1). These beverages should be treated like any other peanut/tree nut food within the school setting. While the schools are NOT peanut/tree nut FREE, they are peanut/tree nut AWARE. Therefore, these drinks may only be consumed in the cafeteria, not in the classroom due to the possibility that those children with life-threatening allergies to tree nuts could have a reaction. Thank you for your cooperation.
June 5, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is my last weekly Merrill Moments for the 2022 - 2023 school year. To say that this school year went by fast would be an understatement!! It was definitely an amazing school year!! Through the unending efforts of the ECPO, we had a full year of engaging and fun family events and memorable enrichment activities. The most exciting news…volunteers and families were fully involved and present at Merrill School throughout the entire school year!
We love our little Merrill School, but the only thing that disappoints me is that we only get two years with our Merrill Cubs and families before they move on. I wish we had more time to watch our friends learn and grow, but we will certainly treasure the time we do have together.
I wish you all a fun, safe, and happy summer creating lifelong memories with families and friends. Thank you for supporting Merrill School and for allowing us to be a part of your family and your child’s educational journey.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Step Up Day - First grade students will walk to Laliberte on Wednesday to have a tour of the building, meet the second grade team of teachers and Principal Hargraves. Afterwards, they will enjoy a picnic lunch and a fun afternoon of special activities and games sponsored by the ECPO. It would be helpful if students wore sneakers and comfortable clothing.
Virtual Art Show - Merrill Art Educator, Mrs. Doherty arranged a piece of art from every Merrill student to be shown in the BRRSD K-12 Virtual Art Show. Please visit the link below to view the wonderful pieces our Merrill Artists created.
Lost & Found - Last call to retrieve any lost items in our Lost & Found.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Kindergarten Screening - We will begin screening our incoming Kindergarteners next week, June 12-15. We look forward to meeting our new friends.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
First Grade last Day of School is Friday, June 16th. This will be a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served.
Lost & Found - Please take a look in our Lost & Found area near the front door before the end of the school year. We have so many items waiting to go back home!!!!
ECPO Thank You! - I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank the ECPO for their generosity and support. A very special thank youtube the outgoing executive board, Co-Presidents -Janelle Hughes & Joanne Tucker; Vice-President - Falisha Porto; Treasurer - Kate Caron; Secretary - Heather Silva. We cannot thank you enough for your commitment, time, and dedication to the Merrill students, staff, and families over the past two years. We are truly grateful for all that you have accomplished.
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
If your child has medication in the ehealth Office, it must be picked up by the end of the school year. Kindergarten Parents/Guardians, please come to the Health Office by Friday June 9th and First Grade Parent/Guardians, please pick up your child’s medication by Friday June 16th. All medication that is not picked up must be discarded by the end of the day on Friday, June 16, 2023. This includes all daily prescription medications and PRN meds such as Epi-pens, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, inhalers, etc… Please contact Nurse Fallon with any questions at 508-824-2715.
June 5, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is the last week of school for our kindergarten friends!!! This school year has certainly gone by fast!! Here is our busy week ahead:
First Grade Field Trips- Monday - Thursday first grade classrooms are scheduled to visit Soule Homestead Farms.
Kindergarten End of the Year Concert - This will take place at 2:00 pm on Tuesday & Thursday. The schedule is as follows: Tuesday - Ms. Belcher, Mrs. Himberg & Mrs. Trott; Thursday - Mrs. Reilly, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake & Ms. McCarthy. Please send in a blue form or note to your child’s teacher if you are dismissing your child after the concert. Please know, for security reasons, students who are leaving after the concert will immediately return to their classroom after the performance and then will be dismissed from their classroom and escorted to the cafeteria where they will be dismissed by their teacher to you. We appreciate your patience as this process will take a few minutes.
Hallway Stroll - Wednesday evening our first grade students will provide a tour for our new kindergarteners. Our tour guides will arrive at 5:00 pm and the stroll will be from 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
C.A.S.T. Day - On Wednesday at 9:45, RAVE will escort a senior citizen from our community to read a story to our Merrill Cubs.
ECPO Block Party - Friday, June 9th from 5:00 -7: 00, the ECPO is ending the school year with their annual Block Party. This really is a lot of fun and it's so nice to see all our families get together.
Last Day for Kindergarten - this Friday is the last day for our kindergarten friends!!!! This will be a full day of school.
Kindergarten Screening - This will take place June 12th- 16th for incoming kindergarteners.
Lost & Found - We still have MANY items in our Lost & Found. All items not recovered will be discarded at the end of this week.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
If your child has medication in the health Office, it must be picked up by the end of the school year. Kindergarten Parents/Guardians, please come to the Health Office by Friday June 9th and First Grade Parent/Guardians, please pick up your child’s medication by Friday June 16th. All medication that is not picked up must be discarded by the end of the day on Friday, June 16, 2023. This includes all daily prescription medications and PRN meds such as Epi-pens, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, inhalers, etc. Please contact Nurse Fallon with any questions at 508-824-2715.
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting: Our last ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday June 8 @ 6:00pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is the last week of school for our kindergarten friends!!! This school year has certainly gone by fast!! Here is our busy week ahead:
First Grade Field Trips- Monday - Thursday first grade classrooms are scheduled to visit Soule Homestead Farms.
Kindergarten End of the Year Concert - This will take place at 2:00 pm on Tuesday & Thursday. The schedule is as follows: Tuesday - Ms. Belcher, Mrs. Himberg & Mrs. Trott; Thursday - Mrs. Reilly, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Blake & Ms. McCarthy. Please send in a blue form or note to your child’s teacher if you are dismissing your child after the concert. Please know, for security reasons, students who are leaving after the concert will immediately return to their classroom after the performance and then will be dismissed from their classroom and escorted to the cafeteria where they will be dismissed by their teacher to you. We appreciate your patience as this process will take a few minutes.
Hallway Stroll - Wednesday evening our first grade students will provide a tour for our new kindergarteners. Our tour guides will arrive at 5:00 pm and the stroll will be from 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
C.A.S.T. Day - On Wednesday at 9:45, RAVE will escort a senior citizen from our community to read a story to our Merrill Cubs.
ECPO Block Party - Friday, June 9th from 5:00 -7: 00, the ECPO is ending the school year with their annual Block Party. This really is a lot of fun and it's so nice to see all our families get together.
Last Day for Kindergarten - this Friday is the last day for our kindergarten friends!!!! This will be a full day of school.
Kindergarten Screening - This will take place June 12th- 16th for incoming kindergarteners.
Lost & Found - We still have MANY items in our Lost & Found. All items not recovered will be discarded at the end of this week.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
A Message from Nurse Fallon:
If your child has medication in the health Office, it must be picked up by the end of the school year. Kindergarten Parents/Guardians, please come to the Health Office by Friday June 9th and First Grade Parent/Guardians, please pick up your child’s medication by Friday June 16th. All medication that is not picked up must be discarded by the end of the day on Friday, June 16, 2023. This includes all daily prescription medications and PRN meds such as Epi-pens, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, inhalers, etc. Please contact Nurse Fallon with any questions at 508-824-2715.
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting: Our last ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday June 8 @ 6:00pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
May 30, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful holiday weekend!!! It was so nice to see so many of our Merrill families while marching in the parade on Saturday. Thank you to RAVE for organizing this special tribute to veterans. We have a very busy week ahead of us. Here is what’s happening.
Senior Stroll - Tuesday morning, Raynham graduating Seniors will walk the hall of Merrill School as we send cheers of congratulations for their accomplishments. This is such a special tradition that we look forward to every year.
Community Day - Wednesday and Thursday students will have the opportunity to participate in Community Day where members of the Raynham Fire and Police department as well as the Raynham Public Library Librarian, will share with students their special roles in our community.
Field Day - Weather permitting, Field Day will be held this Friday, June 2nd. Kindergarten Students will participate in field day from 9:30 - 11:00 and Grade 1 will participate from 1:00 - 2:30. Please dress your child in light colored, cool clothing, a hat, and sneakers. Also, please provide a water bottle and apply sunscreen before coming to school. Families are invited to watch this event from a designated area. If you are volunteering, Mr. Lewis will provide you with specific details for that day.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
Kindergarten Screening Letters - Kindergarten screening will take place June 12 - 15. Letters were mailed this week to our incoming kindergarten students with information regarding their screening appointments.
ACCESS Test Scores - Test results for our ELL students were sent home Friday , May 26th. Please check your child’s backpack . Please contact Merrill School should you have any questions. We are so proud of our students’ hard work and dedication!
Tide Pool Fair & Concert - Our first grade students have been learning about tide pools and this week they had an opportunity to share their knowledge and excitement!! Families enjoyed viewing the creative dioramas students made as they were proudly displayed at the Tide Pool Fair. From there, we were entertained by our talented first-grade singers during the Tide Pool concert that followed. Thank you to all the teachers and staff who helped make this such a wonderful event.
Marvelous Marvin - Students thoroughly enjoyed another exciting and entertaining performance by our favorite science friend, Marvelous Marvin!!! Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event.
Kindergarten Last Day of School - Just a reminder that the last day for our kindergarten students is Friday, June 9th.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting: Our last ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday June 8 @ 6:00pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful holiday weekend!!! It was so nice to see so many of our Merrill families while marching in the parade on Saturday. Thank you to RAVE for organizing this special tribute to veterans. We have a very busy week ahead of us. Here is what’s happening.
Senior Stroll - Tuesday morning, Raynham graduating Seniors will walk the hall of Merrill School as we send cheers of congratulations for their accomplishments. This is such a special tradition that we look forward to every year.
Community Day - Wednesday and Thursday students will have the opportunity to participate in Community Day where members of the Raynham Fire and Police department as well as the Raynham Public Library Librarian, will share with students their special roles in our community.
Field Day - Weather permitting, Field Day will be held this Friday, June 2nd. Kindergarten Students will participate in field day from 9:30 - 11:00 and Grade 1 will participate from 1:00 - 2:30. Please dress your child in light colored, cool clothing, a hat, and sneakers. Also, please provide a water bottle and apply sunscreen before coming to school. Families are invited to watch this event from a designated area. If you are volunteering, Mr. Lewis will provide you with specific details for that day.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
Kindergarten Screening Letters - Kindergarten screening will take place June 12 - 15. Letters were mailed this week to our incoming kindergarten students with information regarding their screening appointments.
ACCESS Test Scores - Test results for our ELL students were sent home Friday , May 26th. Please check your child’s backpack . Please contact Merrill School should you have any questions. We are so proud of our students’ hard work and dedication!
Tide Pool Fair & Concert - Our first grade students have been learning about tide pools and this week they had an opportunity to share their knowledge and excitement!! Families enjoyed viewing the creative dioramas students made as they were proudly displayed at the Tide Pool Fair. From there, we were entertained by our talented first-grade singers during the Tide Pool concert that followed. Thank you to all the teachers and staff who helped make this such a wonderful event.
Marvelous Marvin - Students thoroughly enjoyed another exciting and entertaining performance by our favorite science friend, Marvelous Marvin!!! Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event.
Kindergarten Last Day of School - Just a reminder that the last day for our kindergarten students is Friday, June 9th.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting: Our last ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday June 8 @ 6:00pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
May 22, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Lots of fun happenings at Merrill School this week!!! Here’s what ahead…
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Kindergarten Family Information Night - Tuesday, May 23rd, at 6:00 pm., we will host a Kindergarten Information Night for our incoming kindergarten families. We will share information regarding academics, procedures and the day to day operations of Merrill school. Given the large amount of information shared this evening, we ask that only adults attend.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
DEI District Recipe Book - As many of you know the district's PTO DEI Liaison group has come together to create a district-wide recipe book that celebrates our dynamic and diverse community through cuisine! We have been asking students, caregivers, and staff to submit recipes that are meaningful to them and to share why these dishes are so special. We are asking for your help in not only sharing these flyers with our students and caregivers but to submit recipes of your own!
Please note that the deadline has been extended to Friday, May 26th! We hope you all will consider adding to the recipe book!
First Grade Tide Pool Fair & Concert - Today, students from Mrs. Baillargeon, Mrs. O’Connor and Mrs. Gaffney class will present their dioramas at 1:15 in the gymnasium followed by a wonderful music concert in the cafeteria at 2:00 pm. Mrs.Donovan, Mrs.Bambery, Mrs. Tavares and Mrs. Holt’s classroom will have the same schedule for Thursday, May 24th.
Marvelous Marvin - Students will enjoy another amazing academic performance by the one and only, Marvelous Marvin on Friday.
Early Dismissal Wednesday - Students will be dismissed at 12:05 this Wednesday, May 24th so teachers can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting: Our last ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday June 8 @ 6:00pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
Lots of fun happenings at Merrill School this week!!! Here’s what ahead…
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Kindergarten Family Information Night - Tuesday, May 23rd, at 6:00 pm., we will host a Kindergarten Information Night for our incoming kindergarten families. We will share information regarding academics, procedures and the day to day operations of Merrill school. Given the large amount of information shared this evening, we ask that only adults attend.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
DEI District Recipe Book - As many of you know the district's PTO DEI Liaison group has come together to create a district-wide recipe book that celebrates our dynamic and diverse community through cuisine! We have been asking students, caregivers, and staff to submit recipes that are meaningful to them and to share why these dishes are so special. We are asking for your help in not only sharing these flyers with our students and caregivers but to submit recipes of your own!
Please note that the deadline has been extended to Friday, May 26th! We hope you all will consider adding to the recipe book!
First Grade Tide Pool Fair & Concert - Today, students from Mrs. Baillargeon, Mrs. O’Connor and Mrs. Gaffney class will present their dioramas at 1:15 in the gymnasium followed by a wonderful music concert in the cafeteria at 2:00 pm. Mrs.Donovan, Mrs.Bambery, Mrs. Tavares and Mrs. Holt’s classroom will have the same schedule for Thursday, May 24th.
Marvelous Marvin - Students will enjoy another amazing academic performance by the one and only, Marvelous Marvin on Friday.
Early Dismissal Wednesday - Students will be dismissed at 12:05 this Wednesday, May 24th so teachers can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting: Our last ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday June 8 @ 6:00pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
May 14, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Last week was filled with exciting happenings!! The fun and learning continues this week as well. Here is our week ahead…
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week - Last week recognized the hard work and dedication of our amazing teachers and staff!! Our students and families truly appreciate all you do each day. Thank you to the EPO and to the many families who helped make this week so special.
Kindergarten Field Trips - Our kindergarteners visited Sheep's Pasture in Easton last week. Students enjoyed learning about the many animals and even learned how to make butter!
Early Dismissal Procedure - Just a reminder to please send in a note if you are dismissing your child early from school. This aligns with and strengthens our safety protocols and allows for the teacher to have your child ready when you arrive.
iReady End of the Year Testing - We will begin iREady end of the Testing this week.
BMX Motivational Bike Program - Professional BMX Bike Rider, Mannue Nogueira, performed a wonderful motivational presentation last Thursday. As he demonstrated his athletic and biking abilities, he shared with students motivational stories about perseverance, friendship and kindness.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
I just wanted to remind parents/guardians to be sure to pack an extra set of clothing for your child in the event of a spill or accident. The weather is also starting to change so you may need to change out the extra set that you have already provided. It’s best to be prepared with an extra set of clothing on site so you don’t receive a call to bring a change of clothes, interrupting your day.
Also, if your child has an updated Physical Exam from their Pediatrician, please send a copy to the Health Office. If you are unsure if you sent in an updated PE this year, feel free to email me and I can check your child’s file. Thank you for your assistance! ([email protected])
News from ECPO:
Our Next ECPO Meeting is Thursday, June 8th @ 6:00 pm in the Merrill Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
Last week was filled with exciting happenings!! The fun and learning continues this week as well. Here is our week ahead…
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week - Last week recognized the hard work and dedication of our amazing teachers and staff!! Our students and families truly appreciate all you do each day. Thank you to the EPO and to the many families who helped make this week so special.
Kindergarten Field Trips - Our kindergarteners visited Sheep's Pasture in Easton last week. Students enjoyed learning about the many animals and even learned how to make butter!
Early Dismissal Procedure - Just a reminder to please send in a note if you are dismissing your child early from school. This aligns with and strengthens our safety protocols and allows for the teacher to have your child ready when you arrive.
iReady End of the Year Testing - We will begin iREady end of the Testing this week.
BMX Motivational Bike Program - Professional BMX Bike Rider, Mannue Nogueira, performed a wonderful motivational presentation last Thursday. As he demonstrated his athletic and biking abilities, he shared with students motivational stories about perseverance, friendship and kindness.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
I just wanted to remind parents/guardians to be sure to pack an extra set of clothing for your child in the event of a spill or accident. The weather is also starting to change so you may need to change out the extra set that you have already provided. It’s best to be prepared with an extra set of clothing on site so you don’t receive a call to bring a change of clothes, interrupting your day.
Also, if your child has an updated Physical Exam from their Pediatrician, please send a copy to the Health Office. If you are unsure if you sent in an updated PE this year, feel free to email me and I can check your child’s file. Thank you for your assistance! ([email protected])
News from ECPO:
Our Next ECPO Meeting is Thursday, June 8th @ 6:00 pm in the Merrill Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
May 9, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It finally feels like spring!!! Here is our information for this week:
ABC Countdown - Kindergarten students are having a great time with their ABC Countdown. Each day they celebrate a letter of the alphabet counting down to the last day of school!! Just a reminder, kindergarten’s last day of school is Friday June 9th.
Student Learning Information for next Year Placement- Mrs. Hargreaves and I are asking families to complete the brief survey below. The information provided below is intended to be helpful to the placement team in the final determination of class assignments for next year. Please feel free to comment on any or all of the areas which you consider to be important for your child. If you have more than one child in these grades, please fill out a separate form for each child. NOTE: The purpose of this form is NOT to request a specific teacher. Please complete this form by May 15, 2023. Please complete the survey for the grade your child is currently attending right now.
Kindergarten Family Information Sheet 2023-2024
Grade 1 Family Information Sheet 2023-2024
FUN RUN Rewards - This Friday, May 12th, students have earned a school-wide pajama day for achieving our participation goal. As a result of students meeting our monetary goal, Also on Friday, Mrs. Westell and Mr.Polous will be riding a tricycle throughout Merrill School for the entire day!!! (Or for as long as we are physically able too!!!)
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - The next ECPO meeting will be held this Thursday, May 11th from 6:00 - 7:00 in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
It finally feels like spring!!! Here is our information for this week:
ABC Countdown - Kindergarten students are having a great time with their ABC Countdown. Each day they celebrate a letter of the alphabet counting down to the last day of school!! Just a reminder, kindergarten’s last day of school is Friday June 9th.
Student Learning Information for next Year Placement- Mrs. Hargreaves and I are asking families to complete the brief survey below. The information provided below is intended to be helpful to the placement team in the final determination of class assignments for next year. Please feel free to comment on any or all of the areas which you consider to be important for your child. If you have more than one child in these grades, please fill out a separate form for each child. NOTE: The purpose of this form is NOT to request a specific teacher. Please complete this form by May 15, 2023. Please complete the survey for the grade your child is currently attending right now.
Kindergarten Family Information Sheet 2023-2024
Grade 1 Family Information Sheet 2023-2024
FUN RUN Rewards - This Friday, May 12th, students have earned a school-wide pajama day for achieving our participation goal. As a result of students meeting our monetary goal, Also on Friday, Mrs. Westell and Mr.Polous will be riding a tricycle throughout Merrill School for the entire day!!! (Or for as long as we are physically able too!!!)
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
ECPO Meeting - The next ECPO meeting will be held this Thursday, May 11th from 6:00 - 7:00 in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
April 30, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
We had a great week as we returned from April vacation!! Hopefully the warm weather will arrive soon. Here is our information for this week.
Fun Run Thank You - On Friday, April 14th, Merrill students and staff participated in our annual Fun Run fundraiser event. It was a HUGE success and a great time was had by all!!! We are so grateful to our Merrill families and community for their generosity and support. A special thank you to the ECPO, Mrs. Dale, and the many, many volunteers who helped in making this day possible.
Administrative Assistant Professional Day - This past Wednesday, we acknowledged Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Russello for their hard work and dedication. Thank you both for all you do for our kiddos, families, and staff!!
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23 All orders must be made by May 1st.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
Title I Family Newsletter - Please review our May Family Newsletter for important information regarding Merrill’s Tournament of Books!
Teacher Appreciation Week - This year, teacher appreciation week is May 8 - 12. The ECPO has some special events for our amazing teachers!!
End of Year Events for Parents/Guardians - So families can plan accordingly, I have listed the school events that families are invited to. Please let me know if you have any questions.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
PRIME beverages are made with COCONUT WATER and “coconuts” are classified as a “tree nut” per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (1). These beverages should be treated like any other peanut/tree nut food within the school setting. While the schools are NOT peanut/tree nut FREE, they are peanut/tree nut AWARE. Therefore, these drinks may only be consumed in the cafeteria, not in the classroom due to the possibility that those children with life-threatening allergies to tree nuts could have a reaction. Thank you for your cooperation.
*Please check all other kinds of beverages before sending in for classroom consumption. There are other brands similar to PRIME drinks made with COCONUT WATER*
Link to BRRSD LTA Policy:
Bridgewater- Raynham Regional School District (2017). Policy: Life threatening allergies.
Please email [email protected] with any questions.
News from ECPO:
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, May 11th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
We had a great week as we returned from April vacation!! Hopefully the warm weather will arrive soon. Here is our information for this week.
Fun Run Thank You - On Friday, April 14th, Merrill students and staff participated in our annual Fun Run fundraiser event. It was a HUGE success and a great time was had by all!!! We are so grateful to our Merrill families and community for their generosity and support. A special thank you to the ECPO, Mrs. Dale, and the many, many volunteers who helped in making this day possible.
Administrative Assistant Professional Day - This past Wednesday, we acknowledged Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Russello for their hard work and dedication. Thank you both for all you do for our kiddos, families, and staff!!
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23 All orders must be made by May 1st.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
Title I Family Newsletter - Please review our May Family Newsletter for important information regarding Merrill’s Tournament of Books!
Teacher Appreciation Week - This year, teacher appreciation week is May 8 - 12. The ECPO has some special events for our amazing teachers!!
End of Year Events for Parents/Guardians - So families can plan accordingly, I have listed the school events that families are invited to. Please let me know if you have any questions.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
PRIME beverages are made with COCONUT WATER and “coconuts” are classified as a “tree nut” per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (1). These beverages should be treated like any other peanut/tree nut food within the school setting. While the schools are NOT peanut/tree nut FREE, they are peanut/tree nut AWARE. Therefore, these drinks may only be consumed in the cafeteria, not in the classroom due to the possibility that those children with life-threatening allergies to tree nuts could have a reaction. Thank you for your cooperation.
*Please check all other kinds of beverages before sending in for classroom consumption. There are other brands similar to PRIME drinks made with COCONUT WATER*
Link to BRRSD LTA Policy:
Bridgewater- Raynham Regional School District (2017). Policy: Life threatening allergies.
Please email [email protected] with any questions.
News from ECPO:
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
ECPO Meeting - Thursday, May 11th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
April 23, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone enjoyed April Vacation!! The week certainly went by fast!!
On behalf of the teachers and staff at Merrill School, I’d like to thank our families and community for helping us exceed our Fun Run goal. With your support and generosity, we raised an amazing total of $39, 709.00!! This money will help support STEM activities, student enrichment opportunities and additional learning resources.
We also would like to thank the ECPO board members and volunteers for their help and support. Additionally, we especially want to thank Mrs. Fallon Dale, Fun Run Coordinator, for her endless effort, dedication, and exceptional organizational skills which undoubtedly, made our Fun Run day such a success. We cannot thank you enough for your hard work and we are truly grateful for all you have done.
Here is our weekly information as we enter the last full week of April:
FUN RUN Earned Incentives - As a result of students surpassing the number of students that registered for the Fun Run, students will enjoy a school-wide pajama day. Also, because we exceeded our monetary goal, Mr. Poulos and I will ride the halls of Merrill School on tricycles. (Yikes!!) More information (and pictures) to follow.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
TheaterWorks Production - Thursday before vacation, TheaterWorks Production from New York City presented Pete the Cat’s Big Hollywood Adventure. Students loved the show!! This was such a wonderful opportunity for students to experience a professional theater company production.
RECESS GAMES- Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23 All orders must be made by May 1st.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
April Family Literacy Newsletter - Please read the April Family Literacy Newsletter created by our Title I team.
Outdoor Sandbox - Students are having a blast playing in our new Sandbox at recess. Again, thank you to the ECPO for providing us this opportunity. Also, a special thank you to Mrs. Trott for her support in making this happen.
RAVE Fingerprinting - Rave will hold their final fingerprinting session this Thursday.
Field Trips - Please return kindergarten field trip consent forms as soon as possible. First grade field trip permission slips will be sent home in a couple of weeks.
Administrative Assistant Professional Day - This Wednesday, we will acknowledge the hard work and support of our dedicated administrative assistants, Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Rusello. We truly appreciate your unending kindness and all that you do for us!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
I just wanted to remind parents/guardians to be sure to pack an extra set of clothing for your child in the event of a spill or accident. The weather is also starting to change so you may need to change out the extra set that you have already provided. It’s best to be prepared with an extra set of clothing on site so you don’t receive a call to bring a change of clothes, interrupting your day.
Also, if your child has an updated Physical Exam from their Pediatrician, please send a copy to the Health Office. If you are unsure if you sent in an updated PE this year, feel free to email me and I can check your child’s file. Thank you for your assistance! ([email protected])
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone enjoyed April Vacation!! The week certainly went by fast!!
On behalf of the teachers and staff at Merrill School, I’d like to thank our families and community for helping us exceed our Fun Run goal. With your support and generosity, we raised an amazing total of $39, 709.00!! This money will help support STEM activities, student enrichment opportunities and additional learning resources.
We also would like to thank the ECPO board members and volunteers for their help and support. Additionally, we especially want to thank Mrs. Fallon Dale, Fun Run Coordinator, for her endless effort, dedication, and exceptional organizational skills which undoubtedly, made our Fun Run day such a success. We cannot thank you enough for your hard work and we are truly grateful for all you have done.
Here is our weekly information as we enter the last full week of April:
FUN RUN Earned Incentives - As a result of students surpassing the number of students that registered for the Fun Run, students will enjoy a school-wide pajama day. Also, because we exceeded our monetary goal, Mr. Poulos and I will ride the halls of Merrill School on tricycles. (Yikes!!) More information (and pictures) to follow.
Edgewood Fundraiser - Our Edgewood fundraiser has begun. If you purchase a membership for this coming summer, a donation will be made to the ECPO. Make sure you choose ECPO when you sign up!
TheaterWorks Production - Thursday before vacation, TheaterWorks Production from New York City presented Pete the Cat’s Big Hollywood Adventure. Students loved the show!! This was such a wonderful opportunity for students to experience a professional theater company production.
RECESS GAMES- Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23 All orders must be made by May 1st.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
April Family Literacy Newsletter - Please read the April Family Literacy Newsletter created by our Title I team.
Outdoor Sandbox - Students are having a blast playing in our new Sandbox at recess. Again, thank you to the ECPO for providing us this opportunity. Also, a special thank you to Mrs. Trott for her support in making this happen.
RAVE Fingerprinting - Rave will hold their final fingerprinting session this Thursday.
Field Trips - Please return kindergarten field trip consent forms as soon as possible. First grade field trip permission slips will be sent home in a couple of weeks.
Administrative Assistant Professional Day - This Wednesday, we will acknowledge the hard work and support of our dedicated administrative assistants, Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Rusello. We truly appreciate your unending kindness and all that you do for us!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from Nurse Fallon:
I just wanted to remind parents/guardians to be sure to pack an extra set of clothing for your child in the event of a spill or accident. The weather is also starting to change so you may need to change out the extra set that you have already provided. It’s best to be prepared with an extra set of clothing on site so you don’t receive a call to bring a change of clothes, interrupting your day.
Also, if your child has an updated Physical Exam from their Pediatrician, please send a copy to the Health Office. If you are unsure if you sent in an updated PE this year, feel free to email me and I can check your child’s file. Thank you for your assistance! ([email protected])
April 1, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It remains to be another busy week at Merrill School. Here is our information:
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
Fun Run:
It's Time!! Registration is now open for our Merrill Fun Run kicking off April 4th at!! This year if we get 75% of our whole school registering, the whole school gets a PJ Day!! Once you've registered, you have access to all the fun of sharing & donation features to help raise funds for STEM programs, field trips, family events, and enrichment opportunities at Merrill! Be on the lookout for details, as Mrs. Westell will be sending info out over the coming weeks, leading up to KICK OFF on APRIL 4th! The main event is Friday April 14th and families are welcome to come cheer on their kiddos! We hope to see you there!
We are also looking for help with Prize Patrol!! To help please see here:
Don’t wait! Place your order for your 2023 Merrill Yearbook today! Books are $20 and all orders can be placed online by visiting our website. Ordering closes on May 2nd! Also, be sure to submit photos of your student by visiting our website. The committee is looking for classroom photos that are shared by teachers, photos of Cubs in the Community, and photos from various school events.
Recess Games: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? This is it! We are looking for volunteers to bring the games the ECPO purchased (2 giant tic/tac/toes, 2 giant jengas, 2 toss across, etc) to blacktop for the kids to be able to play with at recess! Our goal is each class gets a few times a month to play with them at recess while on blacktop. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Stay tuned for more information about some exciting events we have in store for the kiddos over the next few months, such as Marvelous Marvin, Mannie Nogueira BMX Shows, and much much more .... all wrapping up with an EPIC Block Party at the end of the year! Please remember to check out our website for more info!!
Hello Merrill Families,
It remains to be another busy week at Merrill School. Here is our information:
- Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast - The ECPO sponsored a wonderful breakfast to show our appreciation for our dedicated bus and van drivers. The drivers truly appreciated the acknowledgement and the special cards students made.
- Word of the Month - Our April Word of the Month is HONESTY. An HONEST student is one who behaves in a straightforward manner with teachers, classmates and family members. An HONEST student is fair and sincere. HONESTY is always important when working with others. HONEST students gain everyone’s respect and trust.
- RAVE Fingerprinting - RAVE began their fingerprinting of kindergarten students and any new first grade students this past Friday. Our next session will be on Friday April 28th.
- Lost & Found - There are still many lost and found items waiting to find their way back home. Items can be found near the front door as you enter the building.
- FUN RUN Pep Rally - On Tuesday, to kick off the Fun Run Event, students will participate in the Fun Run Pep Rally. You never know if Merrill the Cub will stop by to join in on the fun!!!
- TheaterWorks Production - This Thursday, TheaterWorks Production will present, Pete the Cat’s Big Hollywood Adventure, to all students. This is such a wonderful opportunity for students to experience a professional theater company production. I’m sure your child will be excited to tell you about it when they come home.
- FUN RUN - Families are invited to watch as our Merrill Cubs participate in our anxiously awaited FUN RUN Event! Weather permitting, this will take place on the football field next to the Merrill Playground. Kindergarten students will participate from 9:45 - 10:30 and Grade 1 students will participate from 11:00 - 11:45.
- Field Trips - Great news!!! Field trips are back! Kindergarten students will be visiting Sheep’s Pasture in May and First Graders are going to Soule Homestead Farm Field Trip in June. More information will be sent home soon.
- April Family Literacy Newsletter - Please read the April Family Literacy Newsletter created by our Title I team.
- Outdoor Sandbox - Students are having a blast playing in our new Sandbox at recess. Again, thank you to the ECPO for providing us this opportunity. Also, a special thank you to Mrs. Trott for her support in making this happen.
- NO SCHOOL - There is no school this Friday, April 7th in observance of Good Friday.
- April Vacation - students will have no school from Monday, April 17th - Friday April 21st.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
Fun Run:
It's Time!! Registration is now open for our Merrill Fun Run kicking off April 4th at!! This year if we get 75% of our whole school registering, the whole school gets a PJ Day!! Once you've registered, you have access to all the fun of sharing & donation features to help raise funds for STEM programs, field trips, family events, and enrichment opportunities at Merrill! Be on the lookout for details, as Mrs. Westell will be sending info out over the coming weeks, leading up to KICK OFF on APRIL 4th! The main event is Friday April 14th and families are welcome to come cheer on their kiddos! We hope to see you there!
We are also looking for help with Prize Patrol!! To help please see here:
Don’t wait! Place your order for your 2023 Merrill Yearbook today! Books are $20 and all orders can be placed online by visiting our website. Ordering closes on May 2nd! Also, be sure to submit photos of your student by visiting our website. The committee is looking for classroom photos that are shared by teachers, photos of Cubs in the Community, and photos from various school events.
Recess Games: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? This is it! We are looking for volunteers to bring the games the ECPO purchased (2 giant tic/tac/toes, 2 giant jengas, 2 toss across, etc) to blacktop for the kids to be able to play with at recess! Our goal is each class gets a few times a month to play with them at recess while on blacktop. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Stay tuned for more information about some exciting events we have in store for the kiddos over the next few months, such as Marvelous Marvin, Mannie Nogueira BMX Shows, and much much more .... all wrapping up with an EPIC Block Party at the end of the year! Please remember to check out our website for more info!!
March 26, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
This is our last week of March and time is definitely moving fast!!! Here is our weekly information!
Spring Scholastic Book Fair - Thank you to many volunteers who helped make our book fair another HUGE success !! A very special thank you to Mrs. Alles for her endless time and effort in coordinating this huge event for the last 2 years. We certainly appreciate all that you have done for our Merrill Cubs and teachers!!
Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast - This Friday, March 31st, the ECPO will host a breakfast for our bus and van drivers to show our appreciation for all they do. Students will make thank you cards as well.
RAVE Fingerprinting - With parent permission, RAVE will begin their fingerprinting of kindergarten students and any new first grade students on Friday, March 31st and Friday April 28th.
Word of the Month - Our April Word of the Month is HONESTY. An HONEST student is one who behaves in a straightforward manner with teachers, classmates and family members. An HONEST student is fair and sincere. HONESTY is always important when working with others. HONEST students gain everyone’s respect and trust.
Lost & Found - There are still many lost and found items waiting to find their way back home. Items can be found near the front door as you enter the building.
Outdoor Sandbox - The ECPO purchased a 10X10 sandbox at the end of fall last year. A big thank you to Mr. Poulos for assembling the box and for filling it with sand. Classrooms rotate the use of the sandbox and the kids are having a blast!!!! Thank you, ECPO!! I hope you have a fabulous week! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you any questions, suggestions, or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
BOOK FAIR: The book fair was once again a great success!! It was wonderful to see the kids so excited to pick out some new books and grow their love of reading, all while raising scholastic dollars for the school!! A HUGE thank you to Beth Alles for all her hard work in coordinating this beloved week, and to all the volunteers who took time out of their day to help the students shop!
Fun Run:
It's Time!! Registration is now open for our Merrill Fun Run kicking off April 4th at!! This year if we get 75% of our whole school registering, the whole school gets a PJ Day!! Once you've registered, you have access to all the fun of sharing & donation features to help raise funds for STEM programs, field trips, family events, and enrichment opportunities at Merrill! Be on the lookout for details, as Mrs. Westell will be sending info out over the coming weeks, leading up to KICK OFF on APRIL 4th! The main event is Friday April 14th and families are welcome to come cheer on their kiddos! We hope to see you there!
We are also looking for help with Prize Patrol!! To help please see here:
Don’t wait! Place your order for your 2023 Merrill Yearbook today! Books are $20 and all orders can be placed online by visiting our website. Ordering closes on May 2nd! Also, be sure to submit photos of your student by visiting our website. The committee is looking for classroom photos that are shared by teachers, photos of Cubs in the Community, and photos from various school events.
Recess Games: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? This is it! We are looking for volunteers to bring the games the ECPO purchased (2 giant tic/tac/toes, 2 giant jengas, 2 toss across, etc) to blacktop for the kids to be able to play with at recess! Our goal is each class gets a few times a month to play with them at recess while on blacktop. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Stay tuned for more information about some exciting events we have in store for the kiddos over the next few months, such as Marvelous Marvin, Theaterworks presentation of Pete the Cat, Mannie Nogueira BMX Shows, and much much more .... all wrapping up with an EPIC Block Party at the end of the year! Please remember to check out our website for more info!!
Hello Merrill Families,
This is our last week of March and time is definitely moving fast!!! Here is our weekly information!
Spring Scholastic Book Fair - Thank you to many volunteers who helped make our book fair another HUGE success !! A very special thank you to Mrs. Alles for her endless time and effort in coordinating this huge event for the last 2 years. We certainly appreciate all that you have done for our Merrill Cubs and teachers!!
Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast - This Friday, March 31st, the ECPO will host a breakfast for our bus and van drivers to show our appreciation for all they do. Students will make thank you cards as well.
RAVE Fingerprinting - With parent permission, RAVE will begin their fingerprinting of kindergarten students and any new first grade students on Friday, March 31st and Friday April 28th.
Word of the Month - Our April Word of the Month is HONESTY. An HONEST student is one who behaves in a straightforward manner with teachers, classmates and family members. An HONEST student is fair and sincere. HONESTY is always important when working with others. HONEST students gain everyone’s respect and trust.
Lost & Found - There are still many lost and found items waiting to find their way back home. Items can be found near the front door as you enter the building.
Outdoor Sandbox - The ECPO purchased a 10X10 sandbox at the end of fall last year. A big thank you to Mr. Poulos for assembling the box and for filling it with sand. Classrooms rotate the use of the sandbox and the kids are having a blast!!!! Thank you, ECPO!! I hope you have a fabulous week! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you any questions, suggestions, or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
BOOK FAIR: The book fair was once again a great success!! It was wonderful to see the kids so excited to pick out some new books and grow their love of reading, all while raising scholastic dollars for the school!! A HUGE thank you to Beth Alles for all her hard work in coordinating this beloved week, and to all the volunteers who took time out of their day to help the students shop!
Fun Run:
It's Time!! Registration is now open for our Merrill Fun Run kicking off April 4th at!! This year if we get 75% of our whole school registering, the whole school gets a PJ Day!! Once you've registered, you have access to all the fun of sharing & donation features to help raise funds for STEM programs, field trips, family events, and enrichment opportunities at Merrill! Be on the lookout for details, as Mrs. Westell will be sending info out over the coming weeks, leading up to KICK OFF on APRIL 4th! The main event is Friday April 14th and families are welcome to come cheer on their kiddos! We hope to see you there!
We are also looking for help with Prize Patrol!! To help please see here:
Don’t wait! Place your order for your 2023 Merrill Yearbook today! Books are $20 and all orders can be placed online by visiting our website. Ordering closes on May 2nd! Also, be sure to submit photos of your student by visiting our website. The committee is looking for classroom photos that are shared by teachers, photos of Cubs in the Community, and photos from various school events.
Recess Games: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? This is it! We are looking for volunteers to bring the games the ECPO purchased (2 giant tic/tac/toes, 2 giant jengas, 2 toss across, etc) to blacktop for the kids to be able to play with at recess! Our goal is each class gets a few times a month to play with them at recess while on blacktop. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Stay tuned for more information about some exciting events we have in store for the kiddos over the next few months, such as Marvelous Marvin, Theaterworks presentation of Pete the Cat, Mannie Nogueira BMX Shows, and much much more .... all wrapping up with an EPIC Block Party at the end of the year! Please remember to check out our website for more info!!
March 19, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Here is another busy week at Merrill School.
Half Day of School Wednesday - Students will be dismissed WEdnesday, March 22nd at 12:05 for afternoon parent/guardian teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Lost & Found - Please be sure to visit our Lost & Found area when you come to your child’s teacher’s conference. We have many unclaimed items looking for their way back home.
Recess Sand Box - The ECPO purchased a 10x10 sandbox for students to use during recess. Mr. Poulos assembled the sandbox and filled it with sand. A very big thank you to Mr. Poulos for help with making our latest outside activity a reality.
Literacy Newsletter - Please read our March Literacy Newsletter . Our Title I teachers have created many fun and exciting family activities.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Please return your conference slip to secure your appointment time submitted by Tuesday, March 14th.
DEI Monthly Newsletter - Please view DEI March Monthly Newsletter
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
What a busy month!! Please see below for all our upcoming events/volunteer opportunities! Please remember to check out our website for more info!!
BOOK FAIR The Spring Book Fair starts Monday 3/20! To see when your child’s class will visit the book fair, please click here: Scholastic Book Fair Spring Schedule
Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. If you have an eWallet balance from the last fair, you must set up a NEW eWallet for this fair and transfer your balance at checkout. Set one up now here: Book Fair Homepage
We still need volunteers! Check out the Sign Up to see what's available: Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up
Don’t wait! Place your order for your 2023 Merrill Yearbook today! Books are $20 and all orders can be placed online by visiting our website. Ordering closes on May 2nd! Also, be sure to submit photos of your student by visiting our website. The committee is looking for classroom photos that are shared by teachers, photos of Cubs in the Community, and photos from various school events.
Fun Run:
We are thrilled that the Merrill School Fun Run is right around the corner!!! This event is one our students and staff look forward to each year and brings our Cub Community together! Be on the lookout for details, as Mrs. Westell will be sending info out over the coming weeks, leading up to KICK OFF on APRIL 4th! Register your student on March 21st at!
To help with Prize Patrol please see here:
Recess Games: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? This is it! We are looking for volunteers to bring the games the ECPO purchased (2 giant tic/tac/toes, 2 giant jengas, 2 toss across, etc) to blacktop for the kids to be able to play with at recess! Our goal is each class gets a few times a month to play with them at recess while on blacktop. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Play2K: Our Play2K committee is already hard at work planning some amazing events for the incoming Kindergarteners! If you would like to get involved, please reach out to us at [email protected], or check out the event list coming soon to
Stay tuned for more information about some exciting events we have in store for the kiddos over the next few months, such as Marvelous Marvin, Theaterworks presentation of Pete the Cat, Mannie Nogueira BMX Shows, and much much more .... all wrapping up with an EPIC Block Party at the end of the year!
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Here is another busy week at Merrill School.
Half Day of School Wednesday - Students will be dismissed WEdnesday, March 22nd at 12:05 for afternoon parent/guardian teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Lost & Found - Please be sure to visit our Lost & Found area when you come to your child’s teacher’s conference. We have many unclaimed items looking for their way back home.
Recess Sand Box - The ECPO purchased a 10x10 sandbox for students to use during recess. Mr. Poulos assembled the sandbox and filled it with sand. A very big thank you to Mr. Poulos for help with making our latest outside activity a reality.
Literacy Newsletter - Please read our March Literacy Newsletter . Our Title I teachers have created many fun and exciting family activities.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Please return your conference slip to secure your appointment time submitted by Tuesday, March 14th.
DEI Monthly Newsletter - Please view DEI March Monthly Newsletter
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
What a busy month!! Please see below for all our upcoming events/volunteer opportunities! Please remember to check out our website for more info!!
BOOK FAIR The Spring Book Fair starts Monday 3/20! To see when your child’s class will visit the book fair, please click here: Scholastic Book Fair Spring Schedule
Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. If you have an eWallet balance from the last fair, you must set up a NEW eWallet for this fair and transfer your balance at checkout. Set one up now here: Book Fair Homepage
We still need volunteers! Check out the Sign Up to see what's available: Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up
Don’t wait! Place your order for your 2023 Merrill Yearbook today! Books are $20 and all orders can be placed online by visiting our website. Ordering closes on May 2nd! Also, be sure to submit photos of your student by visiting our website. The committee is looking for classroom photos that are shared by teachers, photos of Cubs in the Community, and photos from various school events.
Fun Run:
We are thrilled that the Merrill School Fun Run is right around the corner!!! This event is one our students and staff look forward to each year and brings our Cub Community together! Be on the lookout for details, as Mrs. Westell will be sending info out over the coming weeks, leading up to KICK OFF on APRIL 4th! Register your student on March 21st at!
To help with Prize Patrol please see here:
Recess Games: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? This is it! We are looking for volunteers to bring the games the ECPO purchased (2 giant tic/tac/toes, 2 giant jengas, 2 toss across, etc) to blacktop for the kids to be able to play with at recess! Our goal is each class gets a few times a month to play with them at recess while on blacktop. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!
Play2K: Our Play2K committee is already hard at work planning some amazing events for the incoming Kindergarteners! If you would like to get involved, please reach out to us at [email protected], or check out the event list coming soon to
Stay tuned for more information about some exciting events we have in store for the kiddos over the next few months, such as Marvelous Marvin, Theaterworks presentation of Pete the Cat, Mannie Nogueira BMX Shows, and much much more .... all wrapping up with an EPIC Block Party at the end of the year!
March 11, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. We continue with lots of happenings at Merrill School. Here is information for this week.
Raynham Police Appreciation Breakfast - We had a wonderful time celebrating our friends from the Raynham Police Department. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event and to our Merrill Cubs for creating memorable thank you cards!!
Lifetouch Spring Portraits - Students will take their spring portraits on Tuesday, March 14th.
Theatre Works Presentation - This Friday, March 17th, students will enjoy the performance, Pete the Cat, sponsored by he ECPO. Theatre Works is a professional theater company from New York City and students will be mesmerized by this performance.
Author Read Aloud - Last Thursday, students enjoyed meeting author, Author Giovanna Ferrara, as she personally read aloud her charming children’s tale, “Bugsley, Where are you?’ Thank you Mrs. Ferrara for sharing your talent with us at Merrill School.
RaynWater STEAM Enrichment Activity - A big thank you to Nikki Glen and Leslie Kola from RaynWater STEAM Enrich Programs for facilitating the Roly Poly Engineering event. Students were thoroughly engaged in this hands-on activity. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this wonderful program.
Literacy Newsletter - Please read our March Literacy Newsletter . Our Title I teachers have created many fun and exciting family activities.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Please return your conference slip to secure your appointment time submitted by Tuesday, MArch 14th.
DEI Monthly Newsletter - Please view DEI March Monthly Newsletter
Friday, March 17th - Let’s show our St. Patrick’s Day spirit AND Merrill pride by wearing green and wearing the color blue.
RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" Comedy Night Fundraiser
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2023
Time: Doors open at 6:45pm- Show at 8:00pm
Place: American Legion Post #405, 291 Mill St., Raynham
Tickets: $25 each
How to purchase tickets: (Adults only for this event)
(1) Online tickets are available at:
(Print ticket(s) or access your ticket by phone at the event for ticket confirmation.)
(2) By Order form (attached below) and check payment - All checks can be made payable to: RAVE-Salute to our Veterans and dropped off at any Raynham School (or I can pick up from you) along with the attached order form. More details are provided within the order form attachment below.
Other Ways to Support this Fundraiser:
(1) Raffle baskets or gift cards etc. to include with our raffle table.
(2) Event sponsors ($100.00) - All event sponsors will be posted at the event.
(3) Monetary contributions (any amount) are always appreciated.
*Please keep in mind that RAVE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with all donations tax-deductible. All checks can be made payable to RAVE-Salute to our Veterans. If interested in supporting this fundraiser, or if you have any questions, please email Becky George at [email protected] or call Sandy Leahy at (508)272-7245.*
As always, please contact me with any questions, suggestions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support for the students and staff and Merrill School.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
We are excited to kick off our Merrill Fun Run on 04.04.2023. Our goal is to raise $38,000 for STEM programs, field trips, and enrichment opportunities, all while strengthening our school community.
Our school has always relied on fundraising to provide exceptional opportunities to enhance student learning and we need YOUR HELP registering your student(s) and sharing with friends and family.
Mark your calendars for the Merrill Fun Run fundraiser kicking off soon!
Key dates to remember:
● Tuesday, March 21st: Registration Opens – Visit MYBOOSTER.COM
● Tuesday, April 4th: Merrill Fun Run Kick Off
● Friday, April 14th: Fun Run Event Day
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Merrill Apparel Who's ready for spring and some sunshine?! Get ready to show your school spirit with some warm weather options. Our apparel sale runs through March 13 at (group name is Merrill Elementary)
Scholastic Book Fair: Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place the week of March 20 - 24. Information on how you can volunteer will be shared soon. To see when your child’s class will visit the book far, please click Scholastic Book Fair Spring Schedule
Recess SandBox - The ECPO purchased a 10x10 sandbox fro students to use during recess. We are happy to report that it been installed (thank you Mr. Poulos!) and it willbe filled with sand over the next week or so.
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
ECPO Meeting - Our next ECPO meeting is Thursday, March 16th from 6PM - 7PM
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. We continue with lots of happenings at Merrill School. Here is information for this week.
Raynham Police Appreciation Breakfast - We had a wonderful time celebrating our friends from the Raynham Police Department. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this event and to our Merrill Cubs for creating memorable thank you cards!!
Lifetouch Spring Portraits - Students will take their spring portraits on Tuesday, March 14th.
Theatre Works Presentation - This Friday, March 17th, students will enjoy the performance, Pete the Cat, sponsored by he ECPO. Theatre Works is a professional theater company from New York City and students will be mesmerized by this performance.
Author Read Aloud - Last Thursday, students enjoyed meeting author, Author Giovanna Ferrara, as she personally read aloud her charming children’s tale, “Bugsley, Where are you?’ Thank you Mrs. Ferrara for sharing your talent with us at Merrill School.
RaynWater STEAM Enrichment Activity - A big thank you to Nikki Glen and Leslie Kola from RaynWater STEAM Enrich Programs for facilitating the Roly Poly Engineering event. Students were thoroughly engaged in this hands-on activity. Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring this wonderful program.
Literacy Newsletter - Please read our March Literacy Newsletter . Our Title I teachers have created many fun and exciting family activities.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Please return your conference slip to secure your appointment time submitted by Tuesday, MArch 14th.
DEI Monthly Newsletter - Please view DEI March Monthly Newsletter
Friday, March 17th - Let’s show our St. Patrick’s Day spirit AND Merrill pride by wearing green and wearing the color blue.
RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" Comedy Night Fundraiser
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2023
Time: Doors open at 6:45pm- Show at 8:00pm
Place: American Legion Post #405, 291 Mill St., Raynham
Tickets: $25 each
How to purchase tickets: (Adults only for this event)
(1) Online tickets are available at:
(Print ticket(s) or access your ticket by phone at the event for ticket confirmation.)
(2) By Order form (attached below) and check payment - All checks can be made payable to: RAVE-Salute to our Veterans and dropped off at any Raynham School (or I can pick up from you) along with the attached order form. More details are provided within the order form attachment below.
Other Ways to Support this Fundraiser:
(1) Raffle baskets or gift cards etc. to include with our raffle table.
(2) Event sponsors ($100.00) - All event sponsors will be posted at the event.
(3) Monetary contributions (any amount) are always appreciated.
*Please keep in mind that RAVE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with all donations tax-deductible. All checks can be made payable to RAVE-Salute to our Veterans. If interested in supporting this fundraiser, or if you have any questions, please email Becky George at [email protected] or call Sandy Leahy at (508)272-7245.*
As always, please contact me with any questions, suggestions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support for the students and staff and Merrill School.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
We are excited to kick off our Merrill Fun Run on 04.04.2023. Our goal is to raise $38,000 for STEM programs, field trips, and enrichment opportunities, all while strengthening our school community.
Our school has always relied on fundraising to provide exceptional opportunities to enhance student learning and we need YOUR HELP registering your student(s) and sharing with friends and family.
Mark your calendars for the Merrill Fun Run fundraiser kicking off soon!
Key dates to remember:
● Tuesday, March 21st: Registration Opens – Visit MYBOOSTER.COM
● Tuesday, April 4th: Merrill Fun Run Kick Off
● Friday, April 14th: Fun Run Event Day
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Merrill Apparel Who's ready for spring and some sunshine?! Get ready to show your school spirit with some warm weather options. Our apparel sale runs through March 13 at (group name is Merrill Elementary)
Scholastic Book Fair: Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place the week of March 20 - 24. Information on how you can volunteer will be shared soon. To see when your child’s class will visit the book far, please click Scholastic Book Fair Spring Schedule
Recess SandBox - The ECPO purchased a 10x10 sandbox fro students to use during recess. We are happy to report that it been installed (thank you Mr. Poulos!) and it willbe filled with sand over the next week or so.
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
ECPO Meeting - Our next ECPO meeting is Thursday, March 16th from 6PM - 7PM
March 5, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
March is certainly a busy month!!! Here’s what is happening at Merrill School this week!
March Word of the Month - Cooperation A COOPERATIVE student is one who works with others so that all members of a team may benefit. Cooperation is an important tool in helping a team succeed!
Literacy Newsletter - Please read our March Literacy Newsletter . Our Title I teachers have created many fun and exciting family activities.
RaynWater STEAM Enrichment Activity - The ECPO is sponsoring a RaynWater STEAM event at Merrill next week, Roly Poly Engineering. RaynWater STEAM is a nature and community-focused enrichment program that aims to enhance the science, technology, engineering, and mathematical experiences of children while integrating the arts. If you'd like to volunteer to work with your child's class please sign up here:
NEXT ECPO MEETING - Thursday, 3/16 at 6:00 - We have LOTS of great events and enrichment programs planned for the spring! Come by to hear all about it
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Conference slips will be sent home this week.
Author Read Aloud and Book Signing - Author Giovanna Ferrara, grandmother to one of our kindergarten friends, recently released a charming children’s tale, “Bugsley, Where are you?’ Please see this flier for more information, Meet the Author
Lifetouch Spring Portraits - Students will take their spring portraits on Tuesday, March 14th.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Read Across America Week - We had great fun celebrating Read Across America this week. Thank you to RAVE and to the many volunteers who helped us celebrate the importance of reading!
Raynham Police Officer Appreciation Breakfast - To show our gratitude and appreciation to the Raynham Police Department, the ECPO is sponsoring the Raynham Police Department Appreciation Breakfast on Friday, March 10th.
RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" Comedy Night Fundraiser
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2023
Time: Doors open at 6:45pm- Show at 8:00pm
Place: American Legion Post #405, 291 Mill St., Raynham
Tickets: $25 each
How to purchase tickets: (Adults only for this event)
(1) Online tickets are available at:
(Print ticket(s) or access your ticket by phone at the event for ticket confirmation.)
(2) By Order form (attached below) and check payment - All checks can be made payable to: RAVE-Salute to our Veterans and dropped off at any Raynham School (or I can pick up from you) along with the attached order form. More details are provided within the order form attachment below.
Other Ways to Support this Fundraiser:
(1) Raffle baskets or gift cards etc. to include with our raffle table.
(2) Event sponsors ($100.00) - All event sponsors will be posted at the event.
(3) Monetary contributions (any amount) are always appreciated.
*Please keep in mind that RAVE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with all donations tax-deductible. All checks can be made payable to RAVE-Salute to our Veterans. If interested in supporting this fundraiser, or if you have any questions, please email Becky George at [email protected] or call Sandy Leahy at (508)272-7245.*
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Merrill Apparel Who's ready for spring and some sunshine?! Get ready to show your school spirit with some warm weather options. Our apparel sale runs through March 13 at (group name is Merrill Elementary)
Scholastic Book Fair: Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place the week of March 20 - 24. Information on how you can volunteer will be shared soon.
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
Hello Merrill Families,
March is certainly a busy month!!! Here’s what is happening at Merrill School this week!
March Word of the Month - Cooperation A COOPERATIVE student is one who works with others so that all members of a team may benefit. Cooperation is an important tool in helping a team succeed!
Literacy Newsletter - Please read our March Literacy Newsletter . Our Title I teachers have created many fun and exciting family activities.
RaynWater STEAM Enrichment Activity - The ECPO is sponsoring a RaynWater STEAM event at Merrill next week, Roly Poly Engineering. RaynWater STEAM is a nature and community-focused enrichment program that aims to enhance the science, technology, engineering, and mathematical experiences of children while integrating the arts. If you'd like to volunteer to work with your child's class please sign up here:
NEXT ECPO MEETING - Thursday, 3/16 at 6:00 - We have LOTS of great events and enrichment programs planned for the spring! Come by to hear all about it
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Conference slips will be sent home this week.
Author Read Aloud and Book Signing - Author Giovanna Ferrara, grandmother to one of our kindergarten friends, recently released a charming children’s tale, “Bugsley, Where are you?’ Please see this flier for more information, Meet the Author
Lifetouch Spring Portraits - Students will take their spring portraits on Tuesday, March 14th.
Kindergarten Registration - Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 is now open. A prominent link has been posted on the District, Mitchell, and Merrill's websites.
Read Across America Week - We had great fun celebrating Read Across America this week. Thank you to RAVE and to the many volunteers who helped us celebrate the importance of reading!
Raynham Police Officer Appreciation Breakfast - To show our gratitude and appreciation to the Raynham Police Department, the ECPO is sponsoring the Raynham Police Department Appreciation Breakfast on Friday, March 10th.
RAVE's "Salute to our Veterans" Comedy Night Fundraiser
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2023
Time: Doors open at 6:45pm- Show at 8:00pm
Place: American Legion Post #405, 291 Mill St., Raynham
Tickets: $25 each
How to purchase tickets: (Adults only for this event)
(1) Online tickets are available at:
(Print ticket(s) or access your ticket by phone at the event for ticket confirmation.)
(2) By Order form (attached below) and check payment - All checks can be made payable to: RAVE-Salute to our Veterans and dropped off at any Raynham School (or I can pick up from you) along with the attached order form. More details are provided within the order form attachment below.
Other Ways to Support this Fundraiser:
(1) Raffle baskets or gift cards etc. to include with our raffle table.
(2) Event sponsors ($100.00) - All event sponsors will be posted at the event.
(3) Monetary contributions (any amount) are always appreciated.
*Please keep in mind that RAVE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with all donations tax-deductible. All checks can be made payable to RAVE-Salute to our Veterans. If interested in supporting this fundraiser, or if you have any questions, please email Becky George at [email protected] or call Sandy Leahy at (508)272-7245.*
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Merrill Apparel Who's ready for spring and some sunshine?! Get ready to show your school spirit with some warm weather options. Our apparel sale runs through March 13 at (group name is Merrill Elementary)
Scholastic Book Fair: Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair will take place the week of March 20 - 24. Information on how you can volunteer will be shared soon.
RECESS GAMES: Looking for a quick, easy way to help? Consider donating 20 minutes of your day on Fridays to bring some great games out for the kids to enjoy at recess! See here for info:
February 26, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
February break certainly went by fast!!! I hope everyone relaxed and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Here is our weekly information.
Read Across America Week - This Merrill favorite annual event will take place the week we return from school… Monday, February 27 - through Friday, March 3rd. Each day, in acknowledgement and celebration of Read Across America, students and staff will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities. The activities for each day is as follows:
- Monday - wear a silly hat
- Tuesday- wear silly socks
- Wacky Wednesday - wear a wacky outfit
- Thursday - pajama and stuffed animal day
- Friday - dress as your favorite storybook character
Please note that in addition to the following activities, classroom teachers may incorporate activities and/or special stories as well.
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Appointment requests will be sent home this week.
Lifetouch Spring Portraits - Students will take their Spring portraits on Tuesday, March 14th.
Kindergarten Registration - Online Kindergarten Registration opens Wednesday, March 1st.
Early Dismissal on Wednesday, March 1st in order for teachers and staff to participate in professional development. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 and lunch will be served.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
Merrill School Apparel - Now is the time to order your Merrill School apparel! An Order form went home before vacation.
ECPO Meeting will be held on March 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
February break certainly went by fast!!! I hope everyone relaxed and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Here is our weekly information.
Read Across America Week - This Merrill favorite annual event will take place the week we return from school… Monday, February 27 - through Friday, March 3rd. Each day, in acknowledgement and celebration of Read Across America, students and staff will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities. The activities for each day is as follows:
- Monday - wear a silly hat
- Tuesday- wear silly socks
- Wacky Wednesday - wear a wacky outfit
- Thursday - pajama and stuffed animal day
- Friday - dress as your favorite storybook character
Please note that in addition to the following activities, classroom teachers may incorporate activities and/or special stories as well.
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Parent/GuardianTeachers Conferences - Our Spring Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday evening March 21st, Wednesday afternoon March 22nd (early release day) and Thursday evening March 23rd. Appointment requests will be sent home this week.
Lifetouch Spring Portraits - Students will take their Spring portraits on Tuesday, March 14th.
Kindergarten Registration - Online Kindergarten Registration opens Wednesday, March 1st.
Early Dismissal on Wednesday, March 1st in order for teachers and staff to participate in professional development. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 and lunch will be served.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
News from ECPO:
Merrill School Apparel - Now is the time to order your Merrill School apparel! An Order form went home before vacation.
ECPO Meeting will be held on March 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
February 12, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Can you believe the month of February is half over?! Here is our weekly information.
Valentine’s Day - In the spirit of celebrating friendship and inclusivity, we invite students to participate in sharing valentines. We also encourage everyone to wear pink, red, or white on this day. Please know that to ensure the safety of all of our students, food items cannot be distributed to classmates. If you would like to participate in bringing valentines, please be sure to include all students in the class.
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Art from the Heart - A huge thank you to ECPO Vice-President Falisha Porto for organizing this special event last Thursday evening. Also, another huge thank you to Merrill School’s beloved art teacher, Mrs. Doherty! Mrs. Doherty assisted Mrs. Porto with this event and facilitated two art stations as well. Thank you both for your help, support and assistance!! Fun was had by all!!
First Grade iReady Diagnostic Test Results - First grade students' mid-year iRead Diagnostic test results were sent home in their backpacks last Friday. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Test Results - Mid-year test results for our kindergarten students will be sent home this Friday.
NO SCHOOL - February vacation is the week of February 20 - 24. There will be no school.
I understand that there are many questions as to why at Merrill School we did not dress up as 100 years old. Please click on 100 Days of School Response for an explanation.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Brrrr it's cold outside! Please remember to send your child to school well prepared for the cold weather. Students spend time outside during recess, and even when it is too cold that we keep students inside for recess, emergencies with power and heat could arise in the building and/or school bus that could expose your child to cold conditions. We suggest that you send your child with a warm coat, hat, and mittens/gloves. A student can always take off layers he/she doesn’t end up needing.
Thank you and stay warm,
Nurse Maclean
News from ECPO:
ECPO Metting - Our next ECPO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
Can you believe the month of February is half over?! Here is our weekly information.
Valentine’s Day - In the spirit of celebrating friendship and inclusivity, we invite students to participate in sharing valentines. We also encourage everyone to wear pink, red, or white on this day. Please know that to ensure the safety of all of our students, food items cannot be distributed to classmates. If you would like to participate in bringing valentines, please be sure to include all students in the class.
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Art from the Heart - A huge thank you to ECPO Vice-President Falisha Porto for organizing this special event last Thursday evening. Also, another huge thank you to Merrill School’s beloved art teacher, Mrs. Doherty! Mrs. Doherty assisted Mrs. Porto with this event and facilitated two art stations as well. Thank you both for your help, support and assistance!! Fun was had by all!!
First Grade iReady Diagnostic Test Results - First grade students' mid-year iRead Diagnostic test results were sent home in their backpacks last Friday. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Test Results - Mid-year test results for our kindergarten students will be sent home this Friday.
NO SCHOOL - February vacation is the week of February 20 - 24. There will be no school.
I understand that there are many questions as to why at Merrill School we did not dress up as 100 years old. Please click on 100 Days of School Response for an explanation.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Brrrr it's cold outside! Please remember to send your child to school well prepared for the cold weather. Students spend time outside during recess, and even when it is too cold that we keep students inside for recess, emergencies with power and heat could arise in the building and/or school bus that could expose your child to cold conditions. We suggest that you send your child with a warm coat, hat, and mittens/gloves. A student can always take off layers he/she doesn’t end up needing.
Thank you and stay warm,
Nurse Maclean
News from ECPO:
ECPO Metting - Our next ECPO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
February 5, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I’m sure like many, I’m glad the arctic chill has left! Such crazy weather!!! Here is our information for the week.
February Word of the Month - Friendship is our February Word of the Month. Friendship is a relationship between two people who show care and concern for each other. To have good friends, you must be a good friend. In school we learn how to get along and be friends with many students and teachers.
100th Day of School - We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 8th with a spirit day…wear your Merrill T-shirt or the color blue. Your child’s teacher will have more information as to how this day will be celebrated in class. Please note we will not be dressing up as 100 years old.
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Merrill School Spirit Day - Show your school spirit everyFriday by wearing your Merrill apparel or wearing the color blue!!
Early Release Day: please note that Wednesday, February 8, 2023 will be an Early Release Day for all students in order for staff and teachers to participate in Staff Professional Development. Lunch will be served. Dismissal will begin promptly at 12:05p.m. Please be aware that it is necessary for someone to meet the students when they arrive home. *Parents/Guardians should be outside and visible at the bus stop 3.5 hours earlier than the usual afternoon drop off time.
NO SCHOOL - February vacation is the week of February 20 - 24. There will be no school.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Brrrr it's cold outside! Please remember to send your child to school well prepared for the cold weather. Students spend time outside during recess, and even when it is too cold that we keep students inside for recess, emergencies with power and heat could arise in the building and/or school bus that could expose your child to cold conditions. We suggest that you send your child with a warm coat, hat, and mittens/gloves. A student can always take off layers he/she doesn’t end up needing.
Thank you and stay warm,
Nurse Maclean
News from ECPO:
Art from the Heart - Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Art form the Heart Event on February 2nd due to illness. It has been rescheduled for next Thursday, February 9th during the following times: Kindergarteners 5:30 - 6:30 and First Graders 6:30 - 7:30. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
ECPO Metting - Our next ECPO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
I’m sure like many, I’m glad the arctic chill has left! Such crazy weather!!! Here is our information for the week.
February Word of the Month - Friendship is our February Word of the Month. Friendship is a relationship between two people who show care and concern for each other. To have good friends, you must be a good friend. In school we learn how to get along and be friends with many students and teachers.
100th Day of School - We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 8th with a spirit day…wear your Merrill T-shirt or the color blue. Your child’s teacher will have more information as to how this day will be celebrated in class. Please note we will not be dressing up as 100 years old.
Merrill School Yearbook - It’s time to order your Merrill School Yearbook!!! All orders are placed online. Please visit Password Merrill23
The Merrill Yearbook Committee is looking for parents to submit photos from magical moments of the 2022-2023 school year. This would include Classroom/Special Photos, Merrill Cubs in the Community, Fall Family Festival, First Day of School, In-School Events, Winterfest, Art from the Heart etc…Please visit to complete the photo form and to submit pictures. Photo submission deadline is March 31, 2023,. Please email questions to [email protected]
Merrill School Spirit Day - Show your school spirit everyFriday by wearing your Merrill apparel or wearing the color blue!!
Early Release Day: please note that Wednesday, February 8, 2023 will be an Early Release Day for all students in order for staff and teachers to participate in Staff Professional Development. Lunch will be served. Dismissal will begin promptly at 12:05p.m. Please be aware that it is necessary for someone to meet the students when they arrive home. *Parents/Guardians should be outside and visible at the bus stop 3.5 hours earlier than the usual afternoon drop off time.
NO SCHOOL - February vacation is the week of February 20 - 24. There will be no school.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Brrrr it's cold outside! Please remember to send your child to school well prepared for the cold weather. Students spend time outside during recess, and even when it is too cold that we keep students inside for recess, emergencies with power and heat could arise in the building and/or school bus that could expose your child to cold conditions. We suggest that you send your child with a warm coat, hat, and mittens/gloves. A student can always take off layers he/she doesn’t end up needing.
Thank you and stay warm,
Nurse Maclean
News from ECPO:
Art from the Heart - Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Art form the Heart Event on February 2nd due to illness. It has been rescheduled for next Thursday, February 9th during the following times: Kindergarteners 5:30 - 6:30 and First Graders 6:30 - 7:30. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
ECPO Metting - Our next ECPO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
January 29, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that the month of January is close to an end. Time is certainly flying by!! Here is our information for this week:
ECPO/LPO Comedy Night - A fun time was had by all this past Friday night when our parents groups hosted a fundraiser with a night out for adults. Thank you to both the ECPO and LPO for organizing this event and to the many, many area businesses for the generous donations. It was wonderful to see so many adults supporting Laliberte and Merrill Schools. We are so appreciative of the many volunteers who donated their time to make this night a reality.
Police Department Appreciation Breakfast - This Friday, February 3rd, the ECPO will host a breakfast at 9:30 am in the cafeteria for our Raynham Police Department.
Kindergarten iReady Testing - Mid-year diagnostic testing period for our kindergarteners will begin this Monday, January 30th through Friday, February 10th. Your child’s teacher will schedule two 45 minute sessions (math and reading) during this testing period.
Lost & Found - We still have a host of lost and found items waiting to be claimed. Please stop by to see if you can find articles of clothing your child may be missing.
100th Day of School - We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 8th with a spirit day…wear your Merrill T-shirt or the color blue. Your child’s teacher will have more information as to how this day will be celebrated in class. Please note, we will not be dressing up as 100 years old.
Merrill School Yearbook - Information was sent home this week regarding how to order our 2022-2023 yearbook online. Please come to the main office if you need assistance in placing your order.
Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, February 8th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There will be no school Monday, February 20th through Friday, February 24th.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Is my child too sick to attend school?
Parents are often confronted with this question when their child complains of not feeling well. The guidelines below may be helpful when these situations arise. These guidelines do not take the place of seeking medical attention. Please consult your doctor for specific medical advice.
General Illness - You know your child best. If they are under the weather and you think they would benefit from staying at home, then keep them at home until your child is feeling better. Any questions about keeping a child at home, please call your child's school nurse at 508-824-2715.
Fever - 100 degrees or higher - A fever is a sign of illness. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should not attend school. The child should be free of fever (without the aid of Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours before returning to school.
Sore Throat/Colds/Cough - Minor cold symptoms are common and usually don't interfere with school. A persistent, frequent cough and/or constant nasal drainage may affect your child's performance at school, and he/she may be more comfortable at home.
COVID - 19 - please see BRRSD guidelines.
Vomiting/Diarrhea - A child who has vomited should wait 24 hours and be able to retain solid foods before returning to school. A child who is having frequent diarrhea stools should not attend school. If there is cramping/abdominal pain with diarrhea, the student may be more comfortable at home.
Eyes – A child who wakes up with their eyes "glued" together may have "pink eye" or conjunctivitis. Other symptoms are redness (or pink) of the eye, gritty feeling in the eyes, itching and discharge of the eye. We are unable to determine here at school whether it is viral or bacterial or even if it is contagious or non-contagious. This must be done by a doctor. Please keep in mind that "conjunctivitis" is highly contagious and we need to work together to prevent an entire classroom from exposure. Your child needs to stay home on medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
News from ECPO:
Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
Merrill School Yerbook - Don't forget to order your Merrill School Yearbook! Information redaring how to order was sent home last week. Please reach out to the ECPO with any questions at [email protected]
ECPO Meeting - Our next ECPO meeting will be February 16th in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that the month of January is close to an end. Time is certainly flying by!! Here is our information for this week:
ECPO/LPO Comedy Night - A fun time was had by all this past Friday night when our parents groups hosted a fundraiser with a night out for adults. Thank you to both the ECPO and LPO for organizing this event and to the many, many area businesses for the generous donations. It was wonderful to see so many adults supporting Laliberte and Merrill Schools. We are so appreciative of the many volunteers who donated their time to make this night a reality.
Police Department Appreciation Breakfast - This Friday, February 3rd, the ECPO will host a breakfast at 9:30 am in the cafeteria for our Raynham Police Department.
Kindergarten iReady Testing - Mid-year diagnostic testing period for our kindergarteners will begin this Monday, January 30th through Friday, February 10th. Your child’s teacher will schedule two 45 minute sessions (math and reading) during this testing period.
Lost & Found - We still have a host of lost and found items waiting to be claimed. Please stop by to see if you can find articles of clothing your child may be missing.
100th Day of School - We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 8th with a spirit day…wear your Merrill T-shirt or the color blue. Your child’s teacher will have more information as to how this day will be celebrated in class. Please note, we will not be dressing up as 100 years old.
Merrill School Yearbook - Information was sent home this week regarding how to order our 2022-2023 yearbook online. Please come to the main office if you need assistance in placing your order.
Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, February 8th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There will be no school Monday, February 20th through Friday, February 24th.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Is my child too sick to attend school?
Parents are often confronted with this question when their child complains of not feeling well. The guidelines below may be helpful when these situations arise. These guidelines do not take the place of seeking medical attention. Please consult your doctor for specific medical advice.
General Illness - You know your child best. If they are under the weather and you think they would benefit from staying at home, then keep them at home until your child is feeling better. Any questions about keeping a child at home, please call your child's school nurse at 508-824-2715.
Fever - 100 degrees or higher - A fever is a sign of illness. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should not attend school. The child should be free of fever (without the aid of Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours before returning to school.
Sore Throat/Colds/Cough - Minor cold symptoms are common and usually don't interfere with school. A persistent, frequent cough and/or constant nasal drainage may affect your child's performance at school, and he/she may be more comfortable at home.
COVID - 19 - please see BRRSD guidelines.
Vomiting/Diarrhea - A child who has vomited should wait 24 hours and be able to retain solid foods before returning to school. A child who is having frequent diarrhea stools should not attend school. If there is cramping/abdominal pain with diarrhea, the student may be more comfortable at home.
Eyes – A child who wakes up with their eyes "glued" together may have "pink eye" or conjunctivitis. Other symptoms are redness (or pink) of the eye, gritty feeling in the eyes, itching and discharge of the eye. We are unable to determine here at school whether it is viral or bacterial or even if it is contagious or non-contagious. This must be done by a doctor. Please keep in mind that "conjunctivitis" is highly contagious and we need to work together to prevent an entire classroom from exposure. Your child needs to stay home on medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
News from ECPO:
Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
Merrill School Yerbook - Don't forget to order your Merrill School Yearbook! Information redaring how to order was sent home last week. Please reach out to the ECPO with any questions at [email protected]
ECPO Meeting - Our next ECPO meeting will be February 16th in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
January 22, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
100th Day of School - We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 8th with a spirit day…wear your Merrill T-shirt or the color blue. Your child’s teacher will have more information as to how this day will be celebrated in class. Pleaase note, we will not be dressing up as 100 years old.
Merrill School Yearbook - Information was sent home this week regarding how to order our 2022-2023 yearbook online. Please come to the main office if you need assistance in placing your order.
COMEDY PARENTS NIGHT OUT: January 27th is approaching fast for our Comedy Night! We are joining with LPO to host a parents night out at the PACC in Taunton. There are a limited amount of tickets available and Barrels and Boards has kindly offered to donate appetizers to the event as well! To purchase tickets or just donate, see the link above. If you would like to make a raffle donation for our event, please see the sign up genius below. We appreciate any help as always!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Is my child too sick to attend school?
Parents are often confronted with this question when their child complains of not feeling well. The guidelines below may be helpful when these situations arise. These guidelines do not take the place of seeking medical attention. Please consult your doctor for specific medical advice.
General Illness - You know your child best. If they are under the weather and you think they would benefit from staying at home, then keep them at home until your child is feeling better. Any questions about keeping a child at home, please call your child's school nurse at 508-824-2715.
Fever - 100 degrees or higher - A fever is a sign of illness. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should not attend school. The child should be free of fever (without the aid of Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours before returning to school.
Sore Throat/Colds/Cough - Minor cold symptoms are common and usually don't interfere with school. A persistent, frequent cough and/or constant nasal drainage may affect your child's performance at school, and he/she may be more comfortable at home.
COVID - 19 - please see BRRSD guidelines.
Vomiting/Diarrhea - A child who has vomited should wait 24 hours and be able to retain solid foods before returning to school. A child who is having frequent diarrhea stools should not attend school. If there is cramping/abdominal pain with diarrhea, the student may be more comfortable at home.
Eyes – A child who wakes up with their eyes "glued" together may have "pink eye" or conjunctivitis. Other symptoms are redness (or pink) of the eye, gritty feeling in the eyes, itching and discharge of the eye. We are unable to determine here at school whether it is viral or bacterial or even if it is contagious or non-contagious. This must be done by a doctor. Please keep in mind that "conjunctivitis" is highly contagious and we need to work together to prevent an entire classroom from exposure. Your child needs to stay home on medication for 24hours before returning to school.
News from ECPO:
Our comedy night is coming up - Friday, Jan 27th! It's BYOS(snacks) and in addition, Barrells and Boards has generously offered to provide appetizers!! Tickets are limited so make sure you get them soon so you don't miss out on this fun adult night out!
If you have a duplicate gift you don't want, a bottle of wine, gift card, scratch tix, etc lying around after the Holidays our raffle is a great way to repurpose them!! Please consider donating them and our awesome Comedy Committee will create baskets for raffling off on the 27th! Here's the link for info:
ART FROM THE HEART: Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
Hello Merrill Families,
100th Day of School - We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 8th with a spirit day…wear your Merrill T-shirt or the color blue. Your child’s teacher will have more information as to how this day will be celebrated in class. Pleaase note, we will not be dressing up as 100 years old.
Merrill School Yearbook - Information was sent home this week regarding how to order our 2022-2023 yearbook online. Please come to the main office if you need assistance in placing your order.
COMEDY PARENTS NIGHT OUT: January 27th is approaching fast for our Comedy Night! We are joining with LPO to host a parents night out at the PACC in Taunton. There are a limited amount of tickets available and Barrels and Boards has kindly offered to donate appetizers to the event as well! To purchase tickets or just donate, see the link above. If you would like to make a raffle donation for our event, please see the sign up genius below. We appreciate any help as always!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Is my child too sick to attend school?
Parents are often confronted with this question when their child complains of not feeling well. The guidelines below may be helpful when these situations arise. These guidelines do not take the place of seeking medical attention. Please consult your doctor for specific medical advice.
General Illness - You know your child best. If they are under the weather and you think they would benefit from staying at home, then keep them at home until your child is feeling better. Any questions about keeping a child at home, please call your child's school nurse at 508-824-2715.
Fever - 100 degrees or higher - A fever is a sign of illness. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should not attend school. The child should be free of fever (without the aid of Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours before returning to school.
Sore Throat/Colds/Cough - Minor cold symptoms are common and usually don't interfere with school. A persistent, frequent cough and/or constant nasal drainage may affect your child's performance at school, and he/she may be more comfortable at home.
COVID - 19 - please see BRRSD guidelines.
Vomiting/Diarrhea - A child who has vomited should wait 24 hours and be able to retain solid foods before returning to school. A child who is having frequent diarrhea stools should not attend school. If there is cramping/abdominal pain with diarrhea, the student may be more comfortable at home.
Eyes – A child who wakes up with their eyes "glued" together may have "pink eye" or conjunctivitis. Other symptoms are redness (or pink) of the eye, gritty feeling in the eyes, itching and discharge of the eye. We are unable to determine here at school whether it is viral or bacterial or even if it is contagious or non-contagious. This must be done by a doctor. Please keep in mind that "conjunctivitis" is highly contagious and we need to work together to prevent an entire classroom from exposure. Your child needs to stay home on medication for 24hours before returning to school.
News from ECPO:
Our comedy night is coming up - Friday, Jan 27th! It's BYOS(snacks) and in addition, Barrells and Boards has generously offered to provide appetizers!! Tickets are limited so make sure you get them soon so you don't miss out on this fun adult night out!
If you have a duplicate gift you don't want, a bottle of wine, gift card, scratch tix, etc lying around after the Holidays our raffle is a great way to repurpose them!! Please consider donating them and our awesome Comedy Committee will create baskets for raffling off on the 27th! Here's the link for info:
ART FROM THE HEART: Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
January 16, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend as we remember the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Here is our information for this week.
iReady Testing - First grade students will continue their iReady testing this week if they have not completed yet.
Kindergarten iReady Testing - Our iReady testing session for kindergarteners will be January 30th through February 10th. More information will follow.
Lost & Found - We are accumulating more and more items in our lost & found area that is located in the main vestibule. Please stop by and take a look to locate any missing items your child may have.
Kindergarten ABC Parade - This past Friday, our kindergarteners participated in an ABC Parade to celebrate all the letters they have learned. What a celebration it was!! Many thanks to the teachers, staff, and volunteers who organized this exciting event.
Merrill School Spirit Days - Every Friday we encourage students and staff to show their Merrill School pride by wearing their Merrill shirts or the color blue.
Title I Resources - Please read the atest edition of January Literacy Newsletter.
Early Dismissal - Our next half day is Wednesday, February 8th. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 and lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There will be no school the week of February 20 - 24 for February vacation.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
There may come a time when your child requires a change of clothes, from playground puddles, lunch spills, to tummy troubles, please make sure to send in, if you already haven’t, a Ziplock bag containing a full set of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, underwear) with your child’s name on it. This can be left at school or brought back and forth in their backpack!
While we are on the topic of clothing, with the cold weather season here please keep the following points in mind when sending your child to school.
News from ECPO:
- Our comedy night is coming up - Friday, Jan 27th! It's BYOS(snacks) and in addition, Barrells and Boards has generously offered to provide appetizers!! Tickets are limited so make sure you get them soon so you don't miss out on this fun adult night out!
- If you have a duplicate gift you don't want, a bottle of wine, gift card, scratch tix, etc lying around after the Holidays our raffle is a great way to repurpose them!! Please consider donating them and our awesome Comedy Committee will create baskets for raffling off on the 27th! Here's the link for info:
ART FROM THE HEART: Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, January 19th at 6:00.
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend as we remember the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Here is our information for this week.
iReady Testing - First grade students will continue their iReady testing this week if they have not completed yet.
Kindergarten iReady Testing - Our iReady testing session for kindergarteners will be January 30th through February 10th. More information will follow.
Lost & Found - We are accumulating more and more items in our lost & found area that is located in the main vestibule. Please stop by and take a look to locate any missing items your child may have.
Kindergarten ABC Parade - This past Friday, our kindergarteners participated in an ABC Parade to celebrate all the letters they have learned. What a celebration it was!! Many thanks to the teachers, staff, and volunteers who organized this exciting event.
Merrill School Spirit Days - Every Friday we encourage students and staff to show their Merrill School pride by wearing their Merrill shirts or the color blue.
Title I Resources - Please read the atest edition of January Literacy Newsletter.
Early Dismissal - Our next half day is Wednesday, February 8th. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 and lunch will be served.
February Vacation - There will be no school the week of February 20 - 24 for February vacation.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
There may come a time when your child requires a change of clothes, from playground puddles, lunch spills, to tummy troubles, please make sure to send in, if you already haven’t, a Ziplock bag containing a full set of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, underwear) with your child’s name on it. This can be left at school or brought back and forth in their backpack!
While we are on the topic of clothing, with the cold weather season here please keep the following points in mind when sending your child to school.
- Students should bring a lightweight sweatshirt or sweater to wear in class in case they get cold, especially if they are wearing short sleeves. Layering is best this time of year!
- We try our hardest to get outside for recess even in winter, so students should dress accordingly, including long pants (if wearing shorts, then leggings are recommended or bring sweets to put on when going outside), long sleeves, coats, hats, gloves/mittens, and socks!
- We have lots of lost and found items. Please make sure all of your winter wear has his/her name on the inside. If your child is missing anything please reach out as we can always look in the lost and found!
News from ECPO:
- Our comedy night is coming up - Friday, Jan 27th! It's BYOS(snacks) and in addition, Barrells and Boards has generously offered to provide appetizers!! Tickets are limited so make sure you get them soon so you don't miss out on this fun adult night out!
- If you have a duplicate gift you don't want, a bottle of wine, gift card, scratch tix, etc lying around after the Holidays our raffle is a great way to repurpose them!! Please consider donating them and our awesome Comedy Committee will create baskets for raffling off on the 27th! Here's the link for info:
ART FROM THE HEART: Art from the Heart is February 2nd - This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, January 19th at 6:00.
January 7, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Happy New Year and welcome back Merrill Cubs and families! We hope that everyone had a restful and healthy winter break. It’s great to be back together again as we continue to learn and grow together in 2023!!!
Merrill Word of the Month - January’s word of the month is PERSEVERANCE. Perseverance is the ability and self-control that pushes you to work through challenges. Perseverance means that when things get tough, you use your mind, your body, and your emotions to overcome it. Perseverance is the ability to do your best toward a goal, working through difficulties and always saying, “I CAN!”
Early Release Day - Wednesday, January 11th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
NO SCHOOL- In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there will be no school on Monday, January 16th.
Merrill School Spirit Days - Every Friday we encourage students and staff to show their Merrill School pride by wearing their Merrill shirts or the color blue.
Have wonderful week. Please contact me with any questions, concerns or thoughts.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Dear Merrill Cub Families,
There may come a time when your child requires a change of clothes, from playground puddles, lunch spills, to tummy troubles, please make sure to send in, if you already haven’t, a Ziplock bag containing a full set of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, underwear) with your child’s name on it. This can be left at school or brought back and forth in their backpack!
While we are on the topic of clothing, with the cold weather season here please keep the following points in mind when sending your child to school.
Karen Maclean RN, BSN
Lillie B. Merrill Elementary School
News from ECPO:
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great Holiday!
- Our comedy night is coming up - Friday, Jan 27th! It's BYOS(snacks) and in addition, Barrells and Boards has generously offered to provide appetizers!! Tickets are limited so make sure you get them soon so you don't miss out on this fun adult night out!
- If you have a duplicate gift you don't want, a bottle of wine, gift card, scratch tix, etc lying around after the Holidays our raffle is a great way to repurpose them!! Please consider donating them and our awesome Comedy Committee will create baskets for raffling off on the 27th! Here's the link for info.
ART FROM THE HEART (February 2nd): This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, January 19th at 6:00.
Hello Merrill Families,
Happy New Year and welcome back Merrill Cubs and families! We hope that everyone had a restful and healthy winter break. It’s great to be back together again as we continue to learn and grow together in 2023!!!
Merrill Word of the Month - January’s word of the month is PERSEVERANCE. Perseverance is the ability and self-control that pushes you to work through challenges. Perseverance means that when things get tough, you use your mind, your body, and your emotions to overcome it. Perseverance is the ability to do your best toward a goal, working through difficulties and always saying, “I CAN!”
Early Release Day - Wednesday, January 11th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 so teachers and staff can participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
NO SCHOOL- In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there will be no school on Monday, January 16th.
Merrill School Spirit Days - Every Friday we encourage students and staff to show their Merrill School pride by wearing their Merrill shirts or the color blue.
Have wonderful week. Please contact me with any questions, concerns or thoughts.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Dear Merrill Cub Families,
There may come a time when your child requires a change of clothes, from playground puddles, lunch spills, to tummy troubles, please make sure to send in, if you already haven’t, a Ziplock bag containing a full set of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, underwear) with your child’s name on it. This can be left at school or brought back and forth in their backpack!
While we are on the topic of clothing, with the cold weather season here please keep the following points in mind when sending your child to school.
- Students should bring a lightweight sweatshirt or sweater to wear in class in case they get cold, especially if they are wearing short sleeves. Layering is best this time of year!
- We try our hardest to get outside for recess even in winter, so students should dress accordingly, including long pants (if wearing shorts, then leggings are recommended or bring sweets to put on when going outside), long sleeves, coats, hats, gloves/mittens, and socks!
- We have lots of lost and found items. Please make sure all of your winter wear has his/her name on the inside. If your child is missing anything please reach out as we can always look in the lost and found!
Karen Maclean RN, BSN
Lillie B. Merrill Elementary School
News from ECPO:
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great Holiday!
- Our comedy night is coming up - Friday, Jan 27th! It's BYOS(snacks) and in addition, Barrells and Boards has generously offered to provide appetizers!! Tickets are limited so make sure you get them soon so you don't miss out on this fun adult night out!
- If you have a duplicate gift you don't want, a bottle of wine, gift card, scratch tix, etc lying around after the Holidays our raffle is a great way to repurpose them!! Please consider donating them and our awesome Comedy Committee will create baskets for raffling off on the 27th! Here's the link for info.
ART FROM THE HEART (February 2nd): This is a fun art enrichment program. We will have a variety of arts and crafts for the students to enjoy. K is from 5:30-6:30. 1st grade is 6:30-7:30. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. More info to come!!
WEBSITE: Don't forget to check out our website for updated info!!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Thursday, January 19th at 6:00.
January 2, 2023
Hello Merrill Families,
Happy New Year!!! I hope you and your family enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. This past week of vacation has certainly gone by quickly, but I’m excited to get back to school and start the new year with our Merrill Cubs and families!! Here is our weekly information:
Outdoor Recess - Just a reminder that we will continue to go outside for recess if the weather allows us to. It is very important for students to wear winter coats, hats, gloves etc… to school each day.
Absence from School - Thank you for calling in your child's absence each day. Please continue to do so if your child will be absent from school.
Lost & Found - We have many articles of clothing in our lost and found area located inside the front vestibule at the main door of Merrill School. Please take a look if your child is missing something.
Early Release Day - Wednesday, January 11th, students will be dismissed from school in order for teachers to participate in professional development. Dismissal will be at 12:05 pm and lunch will be served.
NO School - There will be no school on Monday, January 16th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
THANK YOU ECPO - We would like to thank the ECPO for creating such wonderful memories for our students and staff during the month of December! From Winterfest, to sponsoring classroom activities, winter decorations, cookies and hot chocolate..the list goes on and on! Your generosity, dedication, and enthusiasm is ALWAYS appreciated.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at 508-824-2490. Have a great first week of January!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Dear Merrill Cub Families,
We have been seeing an increase in respiratory illnesses and flu. Some of these are unavoidable but there are several things we can do to help prevent illness and keep everyone feeling healthy. Here are some tips to remember:
1. WASH, WASH, WASH YOUR HANDS! This is still the best defense against illness. Encourage your children to wash, especially before meals, using soap and warm water. To ensure they are taking enough time to adequately kill germs, have them sing the ABC song while scrubbing.
2. Get plenty of rest. School age children should get 9-11 hours of sleep each night. Grownups should try to get 8 hours.
3. Drink lots of fluids and eat a balanced diet - especially breakfast! I'm seeing a lot of children with stomach aches and headaches due to hunger and unhealthy meal options.
4. Dress appropriately for cold weather. Please help your child choose warm, comfortable clothing for school each day, including socks. Make sure they are wearing a coat and you may want to consider a hat and gloves as well. Even in cool weather they need the exercise and fresh air during recess. If your child is in need of a winter coat, please reach out by emailing the school nurse at [email protected] or calling 508-824-2715, we were very graciously donated many coats to help our cubs!
5. Unfortunately, even with the best care, a virus can make us sick. Cold symptoms are best relieved with rest and fluids and may last as long as 10 days. If symptoms persist longer than this, the child should see a physician. Please keep in mind the guidelines below when deciding if your child should come to school. Any child with the following symptoms should stay home:
-A fever 100 degrees or higher. A child should not come back to school until the temperature is normal for 24 hours without medication.
-vomiting or diarrhea. A child should not come back to school until the vomiting has subsided for 24 hours.
-a frequent cough (interfering with learning)
-any rash accompanied by a fever
-sore throat with a fever and/or rash
Please call if you have any questions or would like to discuss your child’s illness. If you have a change in address or phone number, remember to contact the school office. It is very important to be able to reach you in the event your child becomes ill at school. Have a safe and HEALTHY winter!
Thank you,
Karen Maclean RN, BSN
Lillie B. Merrill Elementary School
News from ECPO:
COMEDY PARENTS NIGHT OUT: Mark your calendars for Jan 27th. We are joining with LPO (Laliberte School Parent Organization) to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected]. To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below.
ECPO Meeting - Our next ECPO meeting is Thursday, December 19th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Hello Merrill Families,
Happy New Year!!! I hope you and your family enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. This past week of vacation has certainly gone by quickly, but I’m excited to get back to school and start the new year with our Merrill Cubs and families!! Here is our weekly information:
Outdoor Recess - Just a reminder that we will continue to go outside for recess if the weather allows us to. It is very important for students to wear winter coats, hats, gloves etc… to school each day.
Absence from School - Thank you for calling in your child's absence each day. Please continue to do so if your child will be absent from school.
Lost & Found - We have many articles of clothing in our lost and found area located inside the front vestibule at the main door of Merrill School. Please take a look if your child is missing something.
Early Release Day - Wednesday, January 11th, students will be dismissed from school in order for teachers to participate in professional development. Dismissal will be at 12:05 pm and lunch will be served.
NO School - There will be no school on Monday, January 16th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
THANK YOU ECPO - We would like to thank the ECPO for creating such wonderful memories for our students and staff during the month of December! From Winterfest, to sponsoring classroom activities, winter decorations, cookies and hot chocolate..the list goes on and on! Your generosity, dedication, and enthusiasm is ALWAYS appreciated.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at 508-824-2490. Have a great first week of January!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Dear Merrill Cub Families,
We have been seeing an increase in respiratory illnesses and flu. Some of these are unavoidable but there are several things we can do to help prevent illness and keep everyone feeling healthy. Here are some tips to remember:
1. WASH, WASH, WASH YOUR HANDS! This is still the best defense against illness. Encourage your children to wash, especially before meals, using soap and warm water. To ensure they are taking enough time to adequately kill germs, have them sing the ABC song while scrubbing.
2. Get plenty of rest. School age children should get 9-11 hours of sleep each night. Grownups should try to get 8 hours.
3. Drink lots of fluids and eat a balanced diet - especially breakfast! I'm seeing a lot of children with stomach aches and headaches due to hunger and unhealthy meal options.
4. Dress appropriately for cold weather. Please help your child choose warm, comfortable clothing for school each day, including socks. Make sure they are wearing a coat and you may want to consider a hat and gloves as well. Even in cool weather they need the exercise and fresh air during recess. If your child is in need of a winter coat, please reach out by emailing the school nurse at [email protected] or calling 508-824-2715, we were very graciously donated many coats to help our cubs!
5. Unfortunately, even with the best care, a virus can make us sick. Cold symptoms are best relieved with rest and fluids and may last as long as 10 days. If symptoms persist longer than this, the child should see a physician. Please keep in mind the guidelines below when deciding if your child should come to school. Any child with the following symptoms should stay home:
-A fever 100 degrees or higher. A child should not come back to school until the temperature is normal for 24 hours without medication.
-vomiting or diarrhea. A child should not come back to school until the vomiting has subsided for 24 hours.
-a frequent cough (interfering with learning)
-any rash accompanied by a fever
-sore throat with a fever and/or rash
Please call if you have any questions or would like to discuss your child’s illness. If you have a change in address or phone number, remember to contact the school office. It is very important to be able to reach you in the event your child becomes ill at school. Have a safe and HEALTHY winter!
Thank you,
Karen Maclean RN, BSN
Lillie B. Merrill Elementary School
News from ECPO:
COMEDY PARENTS NIGHT OUT: Mark your calendars for Jan 27th. We are joining with LPO (Laliberte School Parent Organization) to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected]. To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below.
ECPO Meeting - Our next ECPO meeting is Thursday, December 19th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
December 18, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you had a great week! It was cerainly a busy for us at Merrill and we have so many fun and exciting events happening this week before Winter Break! Here is our weekly information:
Inclusive Schools Week - Last week, we celebrated Inclusive Schools Week through different activities and events. Thank you to Leslie Kola and Lauren Suarez for your providing support and resources.
WinterFest - Last Saturday, the ECPO hosted our annual Winterfest for our Merrill families. It was a huge success and fun was had by all!!! Many thanks to the countless volunteers and the many donations that made this event yet another memorable event. Of course, thank you to the ECPO for continuing to create opportunities for Merrill families to connect and build relationships!!
Merrill Spirit Week - This week we have lots of exciting fun planned as we approach our Winter Break. Please see below for our Spirit Week schedule:
Monday -
Tuesday -
Thursday -
M I S T L E " T O E S " W E A R H O L I D A Y S O C K S O R S C A R F
Friday -
Comedy Adult Night Out - Mark your calendars for Jan 27th. We are joining with LPO (Laliberte School Parent Organization) to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected]. To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below.
Early Release Day - Friday, December 23, 2022: This is a reminder that Friday, December 23, 2022 will be an Early Release Day. Dismissal will begin promptly at 12:05p.m. Please be aware that it is necessary for someone to meet the students as they arrive home. Buses will arrive 3 hours and 20 minutes early. Lunch will be served.
Lost and Found - We are beginning to accumulate a variety of items in our lost and found area which is located in the vestibule of the building. Please come by and check to see if any of your child’s missing articles are waiting to be found.
Winter Apparel - Please know that we will continue to go outside for recess unless it is too cold to do so. It’s important for students to have adequate winter wear when going outside for recess.
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Dear Merrill Cub Families,
We have been seeing an increase in respiratory illnesses and flu. Some of these are unavoidable but there are several things we can do to help prevent illness and keep everyone feeling healthy. Here are some tips to remember:
1. WASH, WASH, WASH YOUR HANDS! This is still the best defense against illness. Encourage your children to wash, especially before meals, using soap and warm water. To ensure they are taking enough time to adequately kill germs, have them sing the ABC song while scrubbing.
2. Get plenty of rest. School age children should get 9-11 hours of sleep each night. Grownups should try to get 8 hours.
3. Drink lots of fluids and eat a balanced diet - especially breakfast! I'm seeing a lot of children with stomachaches and headaches due to hunger and unhealthy meal options.
4. Dress appropriately for cold weather. Please help your child choose warm, comfortable clothing for school each day, including socks. Make sure they are wearing a coat and you may want to consider a hat and gloves as well. Even in cool weather they need the
exercise and fresh air during recess. If your child is in need of a winter coat, please reach out by emailing the school nurse at [email protected] or calling 508-824-2715, we were very graciously donated many coats to help our cubs!
5. Unfortunately, even with the best care, a virus can make us sick. Cold symptoms are best relieved with rest and fluids and may last as long as 10 days. If symptoms persist longer than this, the child should see a physician. Please keep in mind the guidelines below when deciding if your child should come to school. Any child with the following symptoms should stay home:
-A fever 100 degrees or higher. A child should not come back to school until the temperature is normal for 24 hours without medication.
-vomiting or diarrhea. A child should not come back to school until the vomiting has subsided for 24 hours.
-a frequent cough (interfering with learning)
-any rash accompanied by a fever
-sore throat with a fever and/or rash
Please call if you have any questions or would like to discuss your child's illness. If you have a change in address or phone number, remember to contact the school office. It is very important to be able to reach you in the event your child becomes ill at school. Have a safe and HEALTHY winter!
Thank you,
Karen Maclean RN, BSN
Lillie B. Merrill Elementary School
News from ECPO:
- We are getting ready for our ADULT night out book your sitters and mark the date! Our joint Comedy Show fundraiser with LPO is 1/27. Tickets are limited due to venue capacity so get your tickets here: We are looking for donations to make raffle baskets - even just a $5 scratch ticket or coffee gift card can help create a big basket to raffle off. Please see the sign up genius here:
- Winterfest was a HUGE success! We loved seeing all those smiling faces as they saw their school transformed into a Winter Wonderland! Thank you to all the volunteers who stepped up to help make such a wonderful memory for our Merrill families!
- Thank you to all who dropped off items to stock the lounge for the teachers! The teachers are so grateful!
We hope you have a wonderful Holiday!
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you had a great week! It was cerainly a busy for us at Merrill and we have so many fun and exciting events happening this week before Winter Break! Here is our weekly information:
Inclusive Schools Week - Last week, we celebrated Inclusive Schools Week through different activities and events. Thank you to Leslie Kola and Lauren Suarez for your providing support and resources.
WinterFest - Last Saturday, the ECPO hosted our annual Winterfest for our Merrill families. It was a huge success and fun was had by all!!! Many thanks to the countless volunteers and the many donations that made this event yet another memorable event. Of course, thank you to the ECPO for continuing to create opportunities for Merrill families to connect and build relationships!!
Merrill Spirit Week - This week we have lots of exciting fun planned as we approach our Winter Break. Please see below for our Spirit Week schedule:
Monday -
Tuesday -
Thursday -
M I S T L E " T O E S " W E A R H O L I D A Y S O C K S O R S C A R F
Friday -
Comedy Adult Night Out - Mark your calendars for Jan 27th. We are joining with LPO (Laliberte School Parent Organization) to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected]. To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below.
Early Release Day - Friday, December 23, 2022: This is a reminder that Friday, December 23, 2022 will be an Early Release Day. Dismissal will begin promptly at 12:05p.m. Please be aware that it is necessary for someone to meet the students as they arrive home. Buses will arrive 3 hours and 20 minutes early. Lunch will be served.
Lost and Found - We are beginning to accumulate a variety of items in our lost and found area which is located in the vestibule of the building. Please come by and check to see if any of your child’s missing articles are waiting to be found.
Winter Apparel - Please know that we will continue to go outside for recess unless it is too cold to do so. It’s important for students to have adequate winter wear when going outside for recess.
Information from Nurse Maclean:
Dear Merrill Cub Families,
We have been seeing an increase in respiratory illnesses and flu. Some of these are unavoidable but there are several things we can do to help prevent illness and keep everyone feeling healthy. Here are some tips to remember:
1. WASH, WASH, WASH YOUR HANDS! This is still the best defense against illness. Encourage your children to wash, especially before meals, using soap and warm water. To ensure they are taking enough time to adequately kill germs, have them sing the ABC song while scrubbing.
2. Get plenty of rest. School age children should get 9-11 hours of sleep each night. Grownups should try to get 8 hours.
3. Drink lots of fluids and eat a balanced diet - especially breakfast! I'm seeing a lot of children with stomachaches and headaches due to hunger and unhealthy meal options.
4. Dress appropriately for cold weather. Please help your child choose warm, comfortable clothing for school each day, including socks. Make sure they are wearing a coat and you may want to consider a hat and gloves as well. Even in cool weather they need the
exercise and fresh air during recess. If your child is in need of a winter coat, please reach out by emailing the school nurse at [email protected] or calling 508-824-2715, we were very graciously donated many coats to help our cubs!
5. Unfortunately, even with the best care, a virus can make us sick. Cold symptoms are best relieved with rest and fluids and may last as long as 10 days. If symptoms persist longer than this, the child should see a physician. Please keep in mind the guidelines below when deciding if your child should come to school. Any child with the following symptoms should stay home:
-A fever 100 degrees or higher. A child should not come back to school until the temperature is normal for 24 hours without medication.
-vomiting or diarrhea. A child should not come back to school until the vomiting has subsided for 24 hours.
-a frequent cough (interfering with learning)
-any rash accompanied by a fever
-sore throat with a fever and/or rash
Please call if you have any questions or would like to discuss your child's illness. If you have a change in address or phone number, remember to contact the school office. It is very important to be able to reach you in the event your child becomes ill at school. Have a safe and HEALTHY winter!
Thank you,
Karen Maclean RN, BSN
Lillie B. Merrill Elementary School
News from ECPO:
- We are getting ready for our ADULT night out book your sitters and mark the date! Our joint Comedy Show fundraiser with LPO is 1/27. Tickets are limited due to venue capacity so get your tickets here: We are looking for donations to make raffle baskets - even just a $5 scratch ticket or coffee gift card can help create a big basket to raffle off. Please see the sign up genius here:
- Winterfest was a HUGE success! We loved seeing all those smiling faces as they saw their school transformed into a Winter Wonderland! Thank you to all the volunteers who stepped up to help make such a wonderful memory for our Merrill families!
- Thank you to all who dropped off items to stock the lounge for the teachers! The teachers are so grateful!
We hope you have a wonderful Holiday!
December 11, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. Below you will find our weekly information:
Winterfest - This past Saturday, the EPCO held its annual Winterfest celebration. What an AMAZING event!! A HUGE thank you to the many, many volunteers who made this event possible. Also, many thanks to the ECPO for securing resources, coordinating volunteers, and for fully funding this wonderful event.
Merrill Winter Spirit Week - during our last full week before break, December 19th - 23rd, we will have Merrill Spirit week. Each day, staff and students will participate in school-wide events. Participation is voluntary. Please see the flyer for information. A notice will be sent home with a list of the upcoming events. Blue and White Simple Modern Winter Sale Flyer.pdf
Sickness and Absences - We are still experiencing a significant amount of student illnesses at Merrill. We cannot stress enough that If your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school. If you need to give your child Tylenol or Ibuprofen in the morning because they have a slight fever, they should not come to school. Yes, the fever is down or gone entirely by the time school starts, but that only means the medication is doing its job and the fever will definitely return during the day. I understand that finding daycare is difficult, but the safety and well-being of your child, Merrill students, and staff will always be our first priority.
Merrill School Toy Drive - If you would like to be Santa’s helper, we are collecting toys for area families starting Monday, December 5th, and we extendee it through Friday, December 16th. Toys must be new and unwrapped. Donation bins will be placed near the front door. We thank you in advance for your support and generosity.
Report Cards - were released through PowerSchool Portal on Wednesday, December 14th. Please call Merrill School if you are unable to view your child’s report card.
Information from Nurse MacLean -
It is important to keep your child home if they are not feeling well.
Please be sure that we have accurate and updated emergency numbers in the event we need to call you if your chid is not feeling well.
Students should wear appropriate outerwear as the temperatures continue to drop. This includes winter coats, hats, gloves etc…
We ask that yearly physicals are sent to school following exams.
News from ECPO:
STOCK THE LOUNGE - We are stocking the lounge so the teachers can have treats for the Holiday month! Please see here to contribute:
COMEDY SHOW - Mark your calendars for January 27th and get a babysitter! We are joining with LPO to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected] To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below. TICKETS ARE LIMITED so grab them now!!
ECPO Meeting - 12/16 from 6-7 - come hear about all the AMAZING things we do! The meetings are SUPER FUN!!!! Free babysitting in the gym!
December Newsletter:
Important Dates to Remember:
December 5 -16 - Toy Drive
December 19 - 23 - Merrill Spirit Week
December 23 - Early Release Day @ 12:05
December 26 -January 2 - No School
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. Below you will find our weekly information:
Winterfest - This past Saturday, the EPCO held its annual Winterfest celebration. What an AMAZING event!! A HUGE thank you to the many, many volunteers who made this event possible. Also, many thanks to the ECPO for securing resources, coordinating volunteers, and for fully funding this wonderful event.
Merrill Winter Spirit Week - during our last full week before break, December 19th - 23rd, we will have Merrill Spirit week. Each day, staff and students will participate in school-wide events. Participation is voluntary. Please see the flyer for information. A notice will be sent home with a list of the upcoming events. Blue and White Simple Modern Winter Sale Flyer.pdf
Sickness and Absences - We are still experiencing a significant amount of student illnesses at Merrill. We cannot stress enough that If your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school. If you need to give your child Tylenol or Ibuprofen in the morning because they have a slight fever, they should not come to school. Yes, the fever is down or gone entirely by the time school starts, but that only means the medication is doing its job and the fever will definitely return during the day. I understand that finding daycare is difficult, but the safety and well-being of your child, Merrill students, and staff will always be our first priority.
Merrill School Toy Drive - If you would like to be Santa’s helper, we are collecting toys for area families starting Monday, December 5th, and we extendee it through Friday, December 16th. Toys must be new and unwrapped. Donation bins will be placed near the front door. We thank you in advance for your support and generosity.
Report Cards - were released through PowerSchool Portal on Wednesday, December 14th. Please call Merrill School if you are unable to view your child’s report card.
Information from Nurse MacLean -
It is important to keep your child home if they are not feeling well.
Please be sure that we have accurate and updated emergency numbers in the event we need to call you if your chid is not feeling well.
Students should wear appropriate outerwear as the temperatures continue to drop. This includes winter coats, hats, gloves etc…
We ask that yearly physicals are sent to school following exams.
News from ECPO:
STOCK THE LOUNGE - We are stocking the lounge so the teachers can have treats for the Holiday month! Please see here to contribute:
COMEDY SHOW - Mark your calendars for January 27th and get a babysitter! We are joining with LPO to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected] To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below. TICKETS ARE LIMITED so grab them now!!
ECPO Meeting - 12/16 from 6-7 - come hear about all the AMAZING things we do! The meetings are SUPER FUN!!!! Free babysitting in the gym!
December Newsletter:
Important Dates to Remember:
December 5 -16 - Toy Drive
December 19 - 23 - Merrill Spirit Week
December 23 - Early Release Day @ 12:05
December 26 -January 2 - No School
December 2, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
Happy December!!! It’s certainly starting to feel more like winter! Here is our weekly information:
Sickness and Absences - As you know, there are quite a few illnesses making their way around our schools. If your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school. If you need to give your child Tylenol or Ibuprofen in the morning because they have a slight fever, they should not come to school. Yes, the fever is down or gone entirely by the time school starts, but that only means the medication is doing its job and the fever will definitely return during the day. I understand that finding daycare is difficult, but the safety and well-being of your child, Merrill students, and staff will always be our first priority.
Inclusive Schools Week - From December 5th - 9th, Merrill school will be celebrating Inclusive Schools Week. Inclusive Schools Week is an annual event sponsored by the Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) which is held each year during the first full week in December. Classrooms will participate in different activities throughout the week.
Merrill School Toy Drive - If you would like to be Santa’s helper, we are collecting toys for area families starting Monday, December 5th, through Monday, December 12th. Toys must be new and unwrapped. Donation bins will be placed near the front door. We thank you in advance for your support and generosity.
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, December 7th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 in order for teachers to participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
Grades and Report Cards - First Trimester grades close Friday, December 2nd. Report Cards will be released through PowerSchool Portal on Wednesday, December 14th.
R.A.V.E Holiday Craft Fair - Join us Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00 - 3:00 at St. Anne’s Parish Hall for an AMAZING craft fair. There will be over 30 crafters, a kid’s craft table, food, raffles and more!
Information from Nurse MacLean -
News from ECPO:
WINTERFEST - Saturday, December 10th from 10-12. There will be crafts, games, snacks, shopping, Santa and more!! We are looking for volunteers to help with a few things - please see here:
STOCK THE LOUNGE - We are stocking the lounge so the teachers can have treats for the Holiday month! Please see here to contribute:
COMEDY SHOW - Mark your calendars for January 27th and get a babysitter! We are joining with LPO to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected] To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below. TICKETS ARE LIMITED so grab them now!!
ECPO Meeting - 12/16 from 6-7 - come hear about all the AMAZING things we do! The meetings are SUPER FUN!!!! Free babysitting in the gym!
December Newsletter - -
Important Dates to Remember:
December 5 -9 Inclusive Schools Week
December 7 -Early release Day @ 12:05
December 10 Winterfest
Hello Merrill Families,
Happy December!!! It’s certainly starting to feel more like winter! Here is our weekly information:
Sickness and Absences - As you know, there are quite a few illnesses making their way around our schools. If your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school. If you need to give your child Tylenol or Ibuprofen in the morning because they have a slight fever, they should not come to school. Yes, the fever is down or gone entirely by the time school starts, but that only means the medication is doing its job and the fever will definitely return during the day. I understand that finding daycare is difficult, but the safety and well-being of your child, Merrill students, and staff will always be our first priority.
Inclusive Schools Week - From December 5th - 9th, Merrill school will be celebrating Inclusive Schools Week. Inclusive Schools Week is an annual event sponsored by the Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) which is held each year during the first full week in December. Classrooms will participate in different activities throughout the week.
Merrill School Toy Drive - If you would like to be Santa’s helper, we are collecting toys for area families starting Monday, December 5th, through Monday, December 12th. Toys must be new and unwrapped. Donation bins will be placed near the front door. We thank you in advance for your support and generosity.
Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, December 7th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 in order for teachers to participate in professional development. Lunch will be served.
Grades and Report Cards - First Trimester grades close Friday, December 2nd. Report Cards will be released through PowerSchool Portal on Wednesday, December 14th.
R.A.V.E Holiday Craft Fair - Join us Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00 - 3:00 at St. Anne’s Parish Hall for an AMAZING craft fair. There will be over 30 crafters, a kid’s craft table, food, raffles and more!
Information from Nurse MacLean -
- It is important to keep your child home if they are not feeling well.
- Students should wear appropriate outerwear as the temperatures continue to drop. This includes winter coats, hats, gloves etc…
- We ask that yearly physicals are sent to school following exams.
- Kindergarten and First Grade screenings were completed and referral notices were sent home. If you received a notice, please follow up with your child’s provider and return the paperwork to school.
News from ECPO:
WINTERFEST - Saturday, December 10th from 10-12. There will be crafts, games, snacks, shopping, Santa and more!! We are looking for volunteers to help with a few things - please see here:
STOCK THE LOUNGE - We are stocking the lounge so the teachers can have treats for the Holiday month! Please see here to contribute:
COMEDY SHOW - Mark your calendars for January 27th and get a babysitter! We are joining with LPO to host a parents night out comedy night at the PACC in Taunton. If anyone is interested in helping out with raffle prizes and decorations, we would love to have you! Reach out to [email protected] To purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or just donate, see the link below. TICKETS ARE LIMITED so grab them now!!
ECPO Meeting - 12/16 from 6-7 - come hear about all the AMAZING things we do! The meetings are SUPER FUN!!!! Free babysitting in the gym!
December Newsletter - -
Important Dates to Remember:
December 5 -9 Inclusive Schools Week
December 7 -Early release Day @ 12:05
December 10 Winterfest
November 28, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Here is our information for this week:
Book Vending Machine - Beginning in December, students who exemplify our Word of the Month, may be chosen to receive a token to choose a book from the Book Vending Machine located in the cafeteria. Each student will have an opportunity to receive a book by the end of the school year.
Winterfest - Join us Saturday, December 10th, from 10:00 - 12:00 to celebrate the holiday season with games, activities, crafts, and fun!! This annual, free event is proudly sponsored by the ECPO.
ECPO Website - Stay up-to-date on all the latest ECPO news with our new website:! Here you will find information about upcoming events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities, as well as see pictures from past events!
RAVE Holiday Craft Fair - Please visit St. Anne’s Parish at 660 North Main St, Raynham, this Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00 - 3:00 for RAVE’s 15th annual Holiday Craft Fair. You don’t want to miss this event! There will be over 30 craft vendors and raffles. See you there!
Absence from School - please call Merrill School if your child is going to be absent from school. Friendly reminder, if your child is absent from school for five (5) consecutive days, they must have a doctor's note when they return to school.
Have a great week! Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Here is our information for this week:
Book Vending Machine - Beginning in December, students who exemplify our Word of the Month, may be chosen to receive a token to choose a book from the Book Vending Machine located in the cafeteria. Each student will have an opportunity to receive a book by the end of the school year.
Winterfest - Join us Saturday, December 10th, from 10:00 - 12:00 to celebrate the holiday season with games, activities, crafts, and fun!! This annual, free event is proudly sponsored by the ECPO.
ECPO Website - Stay up-to-date on all the latest ECPO news with our new website:! Here you will find information about upcoming events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities, as well as see pictures from past events!
RAVE Holiday Craft Fair - Please visit St. Anne’s Parish at 660 North Main St, Raynham, this Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00 - 3:00 for RAVE’s 15th annual Holiday Craft Fair. You don’t want to miss this event! There will be over 30 craft vendors and raffles. See you there!
Absence from School - please call Merrill School if your child is going to be absent from school. Friendly reminder, if your child is absent from school for five (5) consecutive days, they must have a doctor's note when they return to school.
Have a great week! Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
November 20, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe this is Thanksgiving week!!! Time is going by way too fast! Here is weekly information:
Early Release Wednesday - This Wednesday, November 24th, students will be dismissed from school at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served. Please let your child’s teacher know if there is a change in their typical dismissal process.
Thanksgiving Break - There is no school Thanksgiving Day and Friday, November 26th.
Kindergarten i-Ready Test Results - Kindergarten i-Ready test results will be sent home to parents/guardians on Tuesday, November 23rd. Please look for the envelope in your child’s backpack.
Daisy and Girl Scout Troops - There are openings for our Daisy and Girl Scout troops. This is a wonderful activity for students to participate in. Please see the flier for more information.
Merrill School Food Drive - Thank you Merrill Families for your generosity! Our food drive was a huge success!!! We tightly packed an entire SUV full of your donations. Your kindness will certainly help many families in our community! THANK YOU!!!
Friendly Reminder - The weather is definitely getting colder and gone are those 80 degrees days!!! We ask that all students have proper outdoor clothing in order to play outside for recess.
From Nurse Maclean: Hello Merrill Families, Most of our students have their own reusable water bottles. These bottles and straws can develop bacteria, if not disinfected or cleaned properly. Here is a helpful article on the importance of cleaning as well as how often and how to clean/disinfect them.
The following information is from Acting Superintendent Ryan Powers
Covid-19 Test Kits: The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has made Covid-19 test kits available to districts to distribute and utilize after the Thanksgiving and December breaks. Each student is eligible for one test kit to start. If you are interested in your child(ren) receiving a test kit to bring home next Tuesday or Wednesday, please complete the form below no later than Monday, November 21st.
Student Success Plan: I am reaching out today to enlist your assistance. As a district, we are in the process of revising our Student Success Plan for 2023 and beyond. This multi-year plan serves as a dynamic, student-centered roadmap that guides our decisions and plans, while also ensuring our collective responsibility as a district. The development of our plan is only strengthened by your feedback, so please take a moment to complete the anonymous survey linked below. If you need a translated version of the survey please click here. STUDENT SUCCESS PLAN FAMILY SURVEY
Have a great week and thank you for your continued support!!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe this is Thanksgiving week!!! Time is going by way too fast! Here is weekly information:
Early Release Wednesday - This Wednesday, November 24th, students will be dismissed from school at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served. Please let your child’s teacher know if there is a change in their typical dismissal process.
Thanksgiving Break - There is no school Thanksgiving Day and Friday, November 26th.
Kindergarten i-Ready Test Results - Kindergarten i-Ready test results will be sent home to parents/guardians on Tuesday, November 23rd. Please look for the envelope in your child’s backpack.
Daisy and Girl Scout Troops - There are openings for our Daisy and Girl Scout troops. This is a wonderful activity for students to participate in. Please see the flier for more information.
Merrill School Food Drive - Thank you Merrill Families for your generosity! Our food drive was a huge success!!! We tightly packed an entire SUV full of your donations. Your kindness will certainly help many families in our community! THANK YOU!!!
Friendly Reminder - The weather is definitely getting colder and gone are those 80 degrees days!!! We ask that all students have proper outdoor clothing in order to play outside for recess.
From Nurse Maclean: Hello Merrill Families, Most of our students have their own reusable water bottles. These bottles and straws can develop bacteria, if not disinfected or cleaned properly. Here is a helpful article on the importance of cleaning as well as how often and how to clean/disinfect them.
The following information is from Acting Superintendent Ryan Powers
Covid-19 Test Kits: The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has made Covid-19 test kits available to districts to distribute and utilize after the Thanksgiving and December breaks. Each student is eligible for one test kit to start. If you are interested in your child(ren) receiving a test kit to bring home next Tuesday or Wednesday, please complete the form below no later than Monday, November 21st.
Student Success Plan: I am reaching out today to enlist your assistance. As a district, we are in the process of revising our Student Success Plan for 2023 and beyond. This multi-year plan serves as a dynamic, student-centered roadmap that guides our decisions and plans, while also ensuring our collective responsibility as a district. The development of our plan is only strengthened by your feedback, so please take a moment to complete the anonymous survey linked below. If you need a translated version of the survey please click here. STUDENT SUCCESS PLAN FAMILY SURVEY
Have a great week and thank you for your continued support!!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
November 10, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
It has been a busy week at Merrill School!!! On behalf of the Merrill School Staff, I would like to thank all Veterans for your service, bravery, dedication and commitment.
Here is our weekly information!
Merrill School Food Drive -Thank you Merrill Families for your generosity. We had a great turnout of non-perishable items for the Raynham Food Bank to include in their Holiday Baskets. We have extended our Food Drive…you can still donate items through next Wednesday, November 14th.
Veterans Day Tribute and Assembly As a school community, we participated in an assembly honoring our Veterans. Speakers discussed the meaning and importance of Veteran’s Day and acknowledged Veterans from our Merrill Families. This was such a special and wonderful tribute to all Veterans. A huge thank you to RAVE for sponsoring this event.
RAVE Classroom Contact information - Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. If you would like to be included on this list, please complete the survey at by Friday, November 11th. R.A.V.E. Board of Directors member, Nicole Williams, will compile the information and a list will be sent to you for your child's classroom. Please remember that providing the information is strictly on a voluntary basis. Submitting this survey means you give permission to share your information with your child's class. Thank you.
Lifetouch Picture Retake - Students who need to retake their picture, or were absent on picture day, will have the opportunity to take their picture on Friday, November 18th.
R.A.V.E.'s 3rd Annual Holiday Pie Fundraiser - The Raynham Association of Volunteers for Education, (R.A.V.E.), Inc., is raising funds to support its volunteer programs in the Raynham Schools. Pies from Lyman Orchards will be sold for $22 each. LaLiberte families are invited to participate by selling these handcrafted pies through Tuesday, November 15th. Payment by check/order forms can be dropped off at the main office. There is also an online option available at this link.
Merrill Family Survey: Winter Holidays - The purpose of this survey is to determine which winter holidays are celebrated by our staff, students and families to foster shared experiences through food, music, decor, crafts and activities at WinterFest and throughout Inclusive Schools Week. Your input is valuable to us.
K-2 Literacy Curriculum Night - Due to the amount of important information that will be shared, this event is for parents/guardians only
STEM Night - STEM Night was a huge success. Students and families had a great time participating numerous STEM Activities. Thank you to Dr. Niki Glen and Leslie Kola for organizing this exciting event. A special thank you to Bridgewater State University students for creating and facilitating such engaging and fun activities!!!
ECPO Updates:
Cherrydale Order Pickup! - If you (or anyone you sold to) ordered anything that was shipping to the school, the pickup window will be Thursday November 17th from 5:30-7:00! Our ECPO Meeting is 6-7 in the library so feel free to swing by while you are there!
Merrill School Ornaments - Place your order for your Merrill Cub Ornament. This is a wonderful keepsake to have for years to come.
Comedy Show Fundraiser - Save the Date! Need some fun on your calendar in January?? Join us Friday January 27th for an adult night out full of fun and laughs to support Merrill and Laliberte! We are still looking for some volunteers for this so if you're able to help please email us or join us for a quick informational meeting at the end of our ECPO meeting on November 17th from 6:30-7!
ECPO Meeting! - Please join us for our November meeting Thursday, November 17th from 6-7 in the Merrill Library! The meetings are super fun and quick! They're a great way to meet people and hear what we have done and have planned. Our special Teacher Liaison this month will be the wonderful Mrs. Swartz! Free babysitting is in the gym.
Winterfest - Save the Date! - Join us to celebrate the holiday season with games, crafts, music, and more on Saturday December 10th from 10-12! Please complete our survey previously listed.
Although a "thank you" isn't enough we would like to thank our Veterans for your service. We appreciate your bravery and sacrifice!
As always, please contact us should you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Wishing you a fabulous week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
It has been a busy week at Merrill School!!! On behalf of the Merrill School Staff, I would like to thank all Veterans for your service, bravery, dedication and commitment.
Here is our weekly information!
Merrill School Food Drive -Thank you Merrill Families for your generosity. We had a great turnout of non-perishable items for the Raynham Food Bank to include in their Holiday Baskets. We have extended our Food Drive…you can still donate items through next Wednesday, November 14th.
Veterans Day Tribute and Assembly As a school community, we participated in an assembly honoring our Veterans. Speakers discussed the meaning and importance of Veteran’s Day and acknowledged Veterans from our Merrill Families. This was such a special and wonderful tribute to all Veterans. A huge thank you to RAVE for sponsoring this event.
RAVE Classroom Contact information - Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents. If you would like to be included on this list, please complete the survey at by Friday, November 11th. R.A.V.E. Board of Directors member, Nicole Williams, will compile the information and a list will be sent to you for your child's classroom. Please remember that providing the information is strictly on a voluntary basis. Submitting this survey means you give permission to share your information with your child's class. Thank you.
Lifetouch Picture Retake - Students who need to retake their picture, or were absent on picture day, will have the opportunity to take their picture on Friday, November 18th.
R.A.V.E.'s 3rd Annual Holiday Pie Fundraiser - The Raynham Association of Volunteers for Education, (R.A.V.E.), Inc., is raising funds to support its volunteer programs in the Raynham Schools. Pies from Lyman Orchards will be sold for $22 each. LaLiberte families are invited to participate by selling these handcrafted pies through Tuesday, November 15th. Payment by check/order forms can be dropped off at the main office. There is also an online option available at this link.
Merrill Family Survey: Winter Holidays - The purpose of this survey is to determine which winter holidays are celebrated by our staff, students and families to foster shared experiences through food, music, decor, crafts and activities at WinterFest and throughout Inclusive Schools Week. Your input is valuable to us.
K-2 Literacy Curriculum Night - Due to the amount of important information that will be shared, this event is for parents/guardians only
STEM Night - STEM Night was a huge success. Students and families had a great time participating numerous STEM Activities. Thank you to Dr. Niki Glen and Leslie Kola for organizing this exciting event. A special thank you to Bridgewater State University students for creating and facilitating such engaging and fun activities!!!
ECPO Updates:
Cherrydale Order Pickup! - If you (or anyone you sold to) ordered anything that was shipping to the school, the pickup window will be Thursday November 17th from 5:30-7:00! Our ECPO Meeting is 6-7 in the library so feel free to swing by while you are there!
Merrill School Ornaments - Place your order for your Merrill Cub Ornament. This is a wonderful keepsake to have for years to come.
Comedy Show Fundraiser - Save the Date! Need some fun on your calendar in January?? Join us Friday January 27th for an adult night out full of fun and laughs to support Merrill and Laliberte! We are still looking for some volunteers for this so if you're able to help please email us or join us for a quick informational meeting at the end of our ECPO meeting on November 17th from 6:30-7!
ECPO Meeting! - Please join us for our November meeting Thursday, November 17th from 6-7 in the Merrill Library! The meetings are super fun and quick! They're a great way to meet people and hear what we have done and have planned. Our special Teacher Liaison this month will be the wonderful Mrs. Swartz! Free babysitting is in the gym.
Winterfest - Save the Date! - Join us to celebrate the holiday season with games, crafts, music, and more on Saturday December 10th from 10-12! Please complete our survey previously listed.
Although a "thank you" isn't enough we would like to thank our Veterans for your service. We appreciate your bravery and sacrifice!
As always, please contact us should you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Wishing you a fabulous week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
November 5, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!!! It certainly did not feel like November! Here is our weekly information:
- Veteran’s Day NO SCHOOL: In observance of Veteran’s Day, there is no school Friday, November 11th.
- Veteran’s Day Ceremony: RAVE is sponsoring a school-wide ceremony this Thursday, November 10th.
- Merrill School Food Drive: We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Raynham Food Pantry. Our last day for collection is this Thursday, November 10th.
Have a great week!! Below you will find updates from Nurse Maclean and from our community organizations. Please contact me with any questions.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
ECPO Updates:
Marvelous Marvin!
We were so excited to invite Marvelous Marvin back to Merrill! The students (and teachers!) loved his performance of 'Bugging Out"!
STEM Night Thursday November 10th!
Join us for an evening of science, technology, engineering, and math THIS Thursday from 5:30-6:30 (Kindergarteners) and 6:30-7:30 (1st Graders)! If you cannot make your assigned time, feel free to come any time during the 2 hour window! Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the whole night.
Cherrydale Order Pickup!
If you (or anyone you sold to) ordered anything that was shipping to the school, the pickup window will be Thursday November 17th from 5:30-7:00! Our ECPO Meeting is 6-7 in the library so feel free to swing by while you are there!
Merrill Cub Ornaments!
We are so excited to share the news of our Merrill Ornaments! The keepsake will be so wonderful to look back on and remember these days when your Merrill Cubs have grown! Please see the attached flier!
Winterfest - Save the Date!
Join us to celebrate the holiday season with games, crafts, music, and more on Saturday December 10th from 10-12!
Comedy Show Fundraiser - Save the Date!
Need some fun on your calendar in January?? Join us Friday January 27th for an adult night out full of fun and laughs to support Merrill and Laliberte! Details to come soon!
Message from Nurse Maclean:
All screening programs begin in the fall of each school year. Dates vary based on the availability of the screener and the classroom schedules. Parents may opt —out of any screening procedure including BMI's, with a written note to the school nurse at the beginning of the school year.
1. Hearing and Vision Tests
Hearing and vision tests are done annually for pupils in grades PreK-5, grade 7 and grade 10
by a screener who is trained by the Department of Public Health. If your child fails the first
screening, he will then be given an individual retest by the school nurse who will notify you if
there is a failure. If you need help in planning to have your child seen by
a physician, please call your school nurse. In addition to the routine vision and hearing
screening, individual tests are given by the school nurses throughout the year as needs are indicated by parental request, classroom teachers, other pupil personnel and private physicians.
2. BMI Screening Program
Is required in grades 1, 4, 7, and 10 by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The
result of your child's BMI screening is strictly confidential, and will not be discussed with
anyone. All height and weight are done in a confidential manner. Parents may
choose to opt-out if they notify the school nurse in writing.
Thank you,
Karen Maclean, RN BSN
RAVE Updates:
Serving the Raynham Schools of the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District
Dear Families,
Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents.
If you would like to be included on this list, please complete the survey at by Friday, November 11th. R.A.V.E. Board of Directors member, Nicole Williams, will compile the information and a list will be sent to you for your child's classroom. Please remember that providing the information is strictly on a voluntary basis. Submitting this survey means you give permission to share your information with your child's class. Thank you.
Becky George
R.A.V.E. Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected]
Nicole Williams
R.A.V.E. Community Resource Chairperson
[email protected]
R.A.V.E.’s 3rd Annual Holiday Pie Fundraiser
Help the Raynham Association of Volunteers for Education, (R.A.V.E.), Inc., raisefunds to support our Raynham schools and R.A.V.E.’s Volunteer Programs from our classroom helpers to our Mary Lou Arruda Child Safety Program, Read Across America Week, Children and Seniors Together Week, Grade 4 Pen Pal Program, as well as scholarships for continuing education and more! How to participate: Sell delicious, handcrafted pies from Lyman Orchards to family, friends, and co-workers etc. Order form is attached. There are a variety of pies such as Blueberry, Chocolate Cream, Hi-Top Apple, Pumpkin, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and more! Collect Checks only when taking orders. No cash please. Please Make Checks Payable to R.A.V.E., Inc. OR register to sell online at:
Credit card payment is available using the online option. Return Orders and payment to your child’s teacher by Tuesday, November 15, 2022. Please ensure that order forms are complete and placed in an envelope with payment AND/OR check that online orders are completed by this date. Pick-Up Information: ALL PIES ARE DELIVERED FROZEN AND WILL NEED TO BE PICKED UP ON Monday, December 19 th FROM 3:30PM-6:30PM AT 37 QUEEN’S CIRCLE IN RAYNHAM. (Easy Pick up from garage). Pies can be left out of freezer for 6-8 hours only. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR AS THIS IS THE ONLY PICK-UP DATE FOR THIS FUNDRAISER. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDERS NOT PICKED UP by Dec. 19.
Any questions? Please contact Becky George [email protected] or 781-608-4467. Please note that R.A.V.E. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all checks are tax-deductible. This fundraiser is not affiliated with the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District.
Hello Merrill Families,
What a beautiful weekend!!! It certainly did not feel like November! Here is our weekly information:
- Veteran’s Day NO SCHOOL: In observance of Veteran’s Day, there is no school Friday, November 11th.
- Veteran’s Day Ceremony: RAVE is sponsoring a school-wide ceremony this Thursday, November 10th.
- Merrill School Food Drive: We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Raynham Food Pantry. Our last day for collection is this Thursday, November 10th.
Have a great week!! Below you will find updates from Nurse Maclean and from our community organizations. Please contact me with any questions.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
ECPO Updates:
Marvelous Marvin!
We were so excited to invite Marvelous Marvin back to Merrill! The students (and teachers!) loved his performance of 'Bugging Out"!
STEM Night Thursday November 10th!
Join us for an evening of science, technology, engineering, and math THIS Thursday from 5:30-6:30 (Kindergarteners) and 6:30-7:30 (1st Graders)! If you cannot make your assigned time, feel free to come any time during the 2 hour window! Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the whole night.
Cherrydale Order Pickup!
If you (or anyone you sold to) ordered anything that was shipping to the school, the pickup window will be Thursday November 17th from 5:30-7:00! Our ECPO Meeting is 6-7 in the library so feel free to swing by while you are there!
Merrill Cub Ornaments!
We are so excited to share the news of our Merrill Ornaments! The keepsake will be so wonderful to look back on and remember these days when your Merrill Cubs have grown! Please see the attached flier!
Winterfest - Save the Date!
Join us to celebrate the holiday season with games, crafts, music, and more on Saturday December 10th from 10-12!
Comedy Show Fundraiser - Save the Date!
Need some fun on your calendar in January?? Join us Friday January 27th for an adult night out full of fun and laughs to support Merrill and Laliberte! Details to come soon!
Message from Nurse Maclean:
All screening programs begin in the fall of each school year. Dates vary based on the availability of the screener and the classroom schedules. Parents may opt —out of any screening procedure including BMI's, with a written note to the school nurse at the beginning of the school year.
1. Hearing and Vision Tests
Hearing and vision tests are done annually for pupils in grades PreK-5, grade 7 and grade 10
by a screener who is trained by the Department of Public Health. If your child fails the first
screening, he will then be given an individual retest by the school nurse who will notify you if
there is a failure. If you need help in planning to have your child seen by
a physician, please call your school nurse. In addition to the routine vision and hearing
screening, individual tests are given by the school nurses throughout the year as needs are indicated by parental request, classroom teachers, other pupil personnel and private physicians.
2. BMI Screening Program
Is required in grades 1, 4, 7, and 10 by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The
result of your child's BMI screening is strictly confidential, and will not be discussed with
anyone. All height and weight are done in a confidential manner. Parents may
choose to opt-out if they notify the school nurse in writing.
Thank you,
Karen Maclean, RN BSN
RAVE Updates:
Serving the Raynham Schools of the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District
Dear Families,
Many times school personnel are asked to provide names and addresses of the students in their classroom because parents want to extend invitations for parties or make arrangements for play dates. While children are encouraged to make these connections with their classmates, school personnel cannot provide this information. Therefore, our R.A.V.E. Organization once again this year will compile, on a voluntary basis, the information which is requested by parents.
If you would like to be included on this list, please complete the survey at by Friday, November 11th. R.A.V.E. Board of Directors member, Nicole Williams, will compile the information and a list will be sent to you for your child's classroom. Please remember that providing the information is strictly on a voluntary basis. Submitting this survey means you give permission to share your information with your child's class. Thank you.
Becky George
R.A.V.E. Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected]
Nicole Williams
R.A.V.E. Community Resource Chairperson
[email protected]
R.A.V.E.’s 3rd Annual Holiday Pie Fundraiser
Help the Raynham Association of Volunteers for Education, (R.A.V.E.), Inc., raisefunds to support our Raynham schools and R.A.V.E.’s Volunteer Programs from our classroom helpers to our Mary Lou Arruda Child Safety Program, Read Across America Week, Children and Seniors Together Week, Grade 4 Pen Pal Program, as well as scholarships for continuing education and more! How to participate: Sell delicious, handcrafted pies from Lyman Orchards to family, friends, and co-workers etc. Order form is attached. There are a variety of pies such as Blueberry, Chocolate Cream, Hi-Top Apple, Pumpkin, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and more! Collect Checks only when taking orders. No cash please. Please Make Checks Payable to R.A.V.E., Inc. OR register to sell online at:
Credit card payment is available using the online option. Return Orders and payment to your child’s teacher by Tuesday, November 15, 2022. Please ensure that order forms are complete and placed in an envelope with payment AND/OR check that online orders are completed by this date. Pick-Up Information: ALL PIES ARE DELIVERED FROZEN AND WILL NEED TO BE PICKED UP ON Monday, December 19 th FROM 3:30PM-6:30PM AT 37 QUEEN’S CIRCLE IN RAYNHAM. (Easy Pick up from garage). Pies can be left out of freezer for 6-8 hours only. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR AS THIS IS THE ONLY PICK-UP DATE FOR THIS FUNDRAISER. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDERS NOT PICKED UP by Dec. 19.
Any questions? Please contact Becky George [email protected] or 781-608-4467. Please note that R.A.V.E. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all checks are tax-deductible. This fundraiser is not affiliated with the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District.
October 29, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoy our last weekend of October!!! It was certainly another busy and exciting week at Merrill School. Here is our information for the upcoming week.
STEM Week - Students and staff were very busy participating in exciting STEM activities throughout the week. Thank you to the teachers and Rainwater STEAM for an amazing week!
Food Drive- We are participating in a food drive for the Raynham Community. We are collecting non-perishable food items within the assigned expiration dates. This will take place from 10/31 through 11/10.
Merrill Title 1 Family Information Night: We will be hosting a Title 1 Family Information night to share information about i-Ready, Fundations, and other ideas for supporting your K-2 students at home. Monday, November 14th from 6:00-6:45 in the Merrill School cafeteria
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - We a huge turnout for conferences. It was nice to see so many families in our school last week.
Scholastic Book Fair - Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring another successful Scholastic Book Fair!! A HUGE thank you to the many volunteers to help make this happen!!!
Life Touch Picture Retake - Our fall portraits should arrive soon. For students who were absent on picture, or if you would like your child to retake their picture, this will happen on Friday, November 18th.
Playground - Thank you to the Raynham Park & Recreation for replacing the broken slide on our playground. We love the new vibrant color!!!
Spirit Day – Show your Merrill Cub pride by wearing your Merrill shirt or the color blue every Friday!! This will begin this week.
Friendly Reminder – Please have your child bring a sweater/jacket to school to wear at recess. It’s definitely getting cooler and it can get quite chilly at recess.
Information from Nurse MacLean - When to keep a child home letter- KCF.docx
Below is an update from the ECPO:
Book Fair Success! - On behalf of the ECPO we want to extend a huge thank you to all who supported the Scholastic Book Fair this week, and an EXTRA special shout out to our amazing volunteers who made it all possible! It was so wonderful to see the kids' excitement in selecting their books! Every purchase earns scholastic dollars for our school - and we are thrilled to announce that with the scholastic dollars earned we were able to present each classroom with $150 for new books, the library with $250 for new books, and we were able to stock our beloved book vending machine! Although our in-person sale has ended, online shopping is still available through November 6th! If you missed the fair or have more e-wallet funds you would like to spend, visit our scholastic website at! Merrill will continue to earn 25% back in scholastic dollars!
Marvelous Marvin! - We are excited to welcome back Marvelous Marvin on Friday November 4th for two performances of "Bugging Out"! In rhyme, Marvin teaches about bug habits, bug archaeology, and the importance of bugs to humans! We hope your kids love it!
Apparel! - All school spirit apparel was sent home with the students this week! We are so excited to see your kids show off their Merrill pride with their new swag!
ECPO Website! - Stay up-to-date on all the latest ECPO news with our new website:! Here you will find information about upcoming events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities, as well as see pictures from past events! We would like to send a HUGE thank you to Fallan Dale for all your hard work in putting this together!!
Wishing everyone a fabulous week as we enter the month of November! As always, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you enjoy our last weekend of October!!! It was certainly another busy and exciting week at Merrill School. Here is our information for the upcoming week.
STEM Week - Students and staff were very busy participating in exciting STEM activities throughout the week. Thank you to the teachers and Rainwater STEAM for an amazing week!
Food Drive- We are participating in a food drive for the Raynham Community. We are collecting non-perishable food items within the assigned expiration dates. This will take place from 10/31 through 11/10.
Merrill Title 1 Family Information Night: We will be hosting a Title 1 Family Information night to share information about i-Ready, Fundations, and other ideas for supporting your K-2 students at home. Monday, November 14th from 6:00-6:45 in the Merrill School cafeteria
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences - We a huge turnout for conferences. It was nice to see so many families in our school last week.
Scholastic Book Fair - Thank you to the ECPO for sponsoring another successful Scholastic Book Fair!! A HUGE thank you to the many volunteers to help make this happen!!!
Life Touch Picture Retake - Our fall portraits should arrive soon. For students who were absent on picture, or if you would like your child to retake their picture, this will happen on Friday, November 18th.
Playground - Thank you to the Raynham Park & Recreation for replacing the broken slide on our playground. We love the new vibrant color!!!
Spirit Day – Show your Merrill Cub pride by wearing your Merrill shirt or the color blue every Friday!! This will begin this week.
Friendly Reminder – Please have your child bring a sweater/jacket to school to wear at recess. It’s definitely getting cooler and it can get quite chilly at recess.
Information from Nurse MacLean - When to keep a child home letter- KCF.docx
Below is an update from the ECPO:
Book Fair Success! - On behalf of the ECPO we want to extend a huge thank you to all who supported the Scholastic Book Fair this week, and an EXTRA special shout out to our amazing volunteers who made it all possible! It was so wonderful to see the kids' excitement in selecting their books! Every purchase earns scholastic dollars for our school - and we are thrilled to announce that with the scholastic dollars earned we were able to present each classroom with $150 for new books, the library with $250 for new books, and we were able to stock our beloved book vending machine! Although our in-person sale has ended, online shopping is still available through November 6th! If you missed the fair or have more e-wallet funds you would like to spend, visit our scholastic website at! Merrill will continue to earn 25% back in scholastic dollars!
Marvelous Marvin! - We are excited to welcome back Marvelous Marvin on Friday November 4th for two performances of "Bugging Out"! In rhyme, Marvin teaches about bug habits, bug archaeology, and the importance of bugs to humans! We hope your kids love it!
Apparel! - All school spirit apparel was sent home with the students this week! We are so excited to see your kids show off their Merrill pride with their new swag!
ECPO Website! - Stay up-to-date on all the latest ECPO news with our new website:! Here you will find information about upcoming events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities, as well as see pictures from past events! We would like to send a HUGE thank you to Fallan Dale for all your hard work in putting this together!!
Wishing everyone a fabulous week as we enter the month of November! As always, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
October 23, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is our last full week of October! Here is our information for the upcoming week.
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences (P/GTC): Our P/GTC will be held this week during the following times: Monday, October 24th, from 5:00 – 7:30pm and Wednesday, October 26th, from 1:00 – 3:00pm and 5:00 – 7:30pm. Please contact your child’s teacher if you do not have an appointment. Conferences can be held either in person or virtually.
Early Release Day: Due to P/GTC, this Wednesday students will be released at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served. Please send in a blue slip or note if you are changing your child’s typical dismissal procedure…for example, if they are going to be parent/adult pick up rather going on the bus etc...
Scholastic Book Fair: Students will have the opportunity to shop the Scholastic Book Fair this week in our library. If your child did not bring money or is absent on the day they are scheduled to visit, time is allotted on Friday for them to do so. This is the Scholastic Book Fair Schedule.
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Testing: This week, Kindergarten students will participate in the iReady Diagnostic Testing for both reading and math. Results will be shared with families in a few weeks.
Fire Safety Week: Thank you to the Raynham Fire Department for visiting our Merrill Cubs this week to talk about Fire Safety.
STEM Week: All students participated in STEM Week. Each classroom participated in exciting hands-on STEM activities and lessons. Thank you to Leslie Kola and Nikki Glen for coordinating an additional activity with each classroom in our cafeteria. Our students had such a great time learning!!
First Responders Breakfast: A big thank you to the Raynham Parent Groups, the ECPO, the LPO, and the RMSPO for sponsoring our First Responders Breakfast last Friday. Students walked thought the cafeteria to say thank you with a smile and a card or picture while our first responders enjoyed a delicious breakfast. A great time was had by all!
Halloween: Just a reminder that students cannot wear costumes to school for Halloween.
I look forward to seeing our parents/guardians this week during our P/GTCs. Have a wonderful week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
It’s hard to believe that this is our last full week of October! Here is our information for the upcoming week.
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences (P/GTC): Our P/GTC will be held this week during the following times: Monday, October 24th, from 5:00 – 7:30pm and Wednesday, October 26th, from 1:00 – 3:00pm and 5:00 – 7:30pm. Please contact your child’s teacher if you do not have an appointment. Conferences can be held either in person or virtually.
Early Release Day: Due to P/GTC, this Wednesday students will be released at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be served. Please send in a blue slip or note if you are changing your child’s typical dismissal procedure…for example, if they are going to be parent/adult pick up rather going on the bus etc...
Scholastic Book Fair: Students will have the opportunity to shop the Scholastic Book Fair this week in our library. If your child did not bring money or is absent on the day they are scheduled to visit, time is allotted on Friday for them to do so. This is the Scholastic Book Fair Schedule.
Kindergarten iReady Diagnostic Testing: This week, Kindergarten students will participate in the iReady Diagnostic Testing for both reading and math. Results will be shared with families in a few weeks.
Fire Safety Week: Thank you to the Raynham Fire Department for visiting our Merrill Cubs this week to talk about Fire Safety.
STEM Week: All students participated in STEM Week. Each classroom participated in exciting hands-on STEM activities and lessons. Thank you to Leslie Kola and Nikki Glen for coordinating an additional activity with each classroom in our cafeteria. Our students had such a great time learning!!
First Responders Breakfast: A big thank you to the Raynham Parent Groups, the ECPO, the LPO, and the RMSPO for sponsoring our First Responders Breakfast last Friday. Students walked thought the cafeteria to say thank you with a smile and a card or picture while our first responders enjoyed a delicious breakfast. A great time was had by all!
Halloween: Just a reminder that students cannot wear costumes to school for Halloween.
I look forward to seeing our parents/guardians this week during our P/GTCs. Have a wonderful week!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
October 16, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
It was so nice to see so many families Saturday morning enjoying the Fall Festival!!! What a beautiful day!!! We have a very busy and exciting week before us at Merrill School. Here is our weekly information.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion: This year the district introduced a new online reporting system for any incidences relating to discrimination, harassment, bias, and/or retaliation in the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District to coincide with the updated Non-Discrimination Policy the School Committee revised last school year. In an effort to foster transparency, we would like to invite caregivers/family members of students in our district to join us for one of two virtual focus groups on the discrimination protocol that follows any report made. Please see the flyer attached for more information!
i-Ready Scores: First grade families received their child’s i-Ready scores on Friday. i-Ready is one way we collect data to measure your child’s progress and growth in reading. i-Ready is an online program that will help us determine your child’s strengths and areas for growth, personalize their learning, and monitor their progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child where they are and provides us with data to inform instruction. The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your child’s needs. Each item a student receives is based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier ones. The purpose of this is not to give your child a score or grade but to determine how to best support their learning. Kindergarten students will be tested at the week of October 24th.
Merrill School Spirit Apparel: Our shipment of Merrill School apparel should be delivered within the next 3 weeks.
Fire Safety Week: The week of October 17-21 is Fire Safety Week. Members of the Raynham Fire Department will teach students about Fire Safety. There will also be a special presentation of the fire trucks and equipment.
First Responders Appreciation Breakfast Friday, October 21st, the parent groups of Merrill School, Laliberte School and Raynham Middle School will sponsor a First Responder Breakfast in order to show our appreciation for the care and support our Raynham First Responders give us each and every day. Merrill School will host this event.
STEM Week: Massachusetts STEM Week is scheduled for next week. Our classrooms will be participating in a variety of STEM activities including some special events hosted by RaynWater STEAM.
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences: Conferences will be held the evening of Monday, October 24th and both the afternoon and evening of Wednesday October 26th. Please schedule your appointment with your child’s teacher.
Early Release Day: Wednesday, October 24th, students will be released at 12:05 for parent/guardian teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Scholastic Book Fair: Scholastic Book Fair will be held the week of October 24 - 28.
Merrill the Cub Pep Rally: This past Thursday, students and staff participated in our Merrill the Cub Kick-Off Pep Rally. Students learned what being a Merrill Cub means: Caring Unique Brave Students. Our friend and school mascot, Merrill the Cub, stopped by for a special visit and gave each student a little gift.
Lifetouch Pictures - Last Friday was picture day at Merrill School. The kids were so excited and proud to have their pictures taken. If your child was absent or if you ar unhappy with your child's portrait, retakes will happen at a future date. I will let you know once it is scheduled.
ECPO Fall Festival: This past Saturday, The ECPO sponsored their first event f the school year, The Fall Festival. It was such a beautiful morning!! Students enjoyed carnival games, food, music, crafts, and everyone received a pumpkin! A great time was had by all!!! A HUGE thank you to the ECPO for coordinating and sponsoring such a fun family outing and creating lifelong memories!!
Outdoor Recess: Just a reminder to please send a light jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with your child each day in the event it is need for outdoor recess. It can get quite windy and chilly behind the school where recess is held each day.
BR Family Movie Night - The sophomore class invites you to the first annual BR Family Movie Night. The sophomore class will be hosting the elementary schools’ families here at the high school. The movie will be the Addams Family (2019 cartoon version). Come for dinner, hot dogs, pizza, popcorn, candy, cotton candy, and snow cones will all be available for $1 each. We hope to see you there! Please share with any friends and family! Future of Red Nation t-shirts available for purchase at the event.
I hope you all have a great week. As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
It was so nice to see so many families Saturday morning enjoying the Fall Festival!!! What a beautiful day!!! We have a very busy and exciting week before us at Merrill School. Here is our weekly information.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion: This year the district introduced a new online reporting system for any incidences relating to discrimination, harassment, bias, and/or retaliation in the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District to coincide with the updated Non-Discrimination Policy the School Committee revised last school year. In an effort to foster transparency, we would like to invite caregivers/family members of students in our district to join us for one of two virtual focus groups on the discrimination protocol that follows any report made. Please see the flyer attached for more information!
i-Ready Scores: First grade families received their child’s i-Ready scores on Friday. i-Ready is one way we collect data to measure your child’s progress and growth in reading. i-Ready is an online program that will help us determine your child’s strengths and areas for growth, personalize their learning, and monitor their progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child where they are and provides us with data to inform instruction. The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your child’s needs. Each item a student receives is based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier ones. The purpose of this is not to give your child a score or grade but to determine how to best support their learning. Kindergarten students will be tested at the week of October 24th.
Merrill School Spirit Apparel: Our shipment of Merrill School apparel should be delivered within the next 3 weeks.
Fire Safety Week: The week of October 17-21 is Fire Safety Week. Members of the Raynham Fire Department will teach students about Fire Safety. There will also be a special presentation of the fire trucks and equipment.
First Responders Appreciation Breakfast Friday, October 21st, the parent groups of Merrill School, Laliberte School and Raynham Middle School will sponsor a First Responder Breakfast in order to show our appreciation for the care and support our Raynham First Responders give us each and every day. Merrill School will host this event.
STEM Week: Massachusetts STEM Week is scheduled for next week. Our classrooms will be participating in a variety of STEM activities including some special events hosted by RaynWater STEAM.
Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences: Conferences will be held the evening of Monday, October 24th and both the afternoon and evening of Wednesday October 26th. Please schedule your appointment with your child’s teacher.
Early Release Day: Wednesday, October 24th, students will be released at 12:05 for parent/guardian teacher conferences. Lunch will be served.
Scholastic Book Fair: Scholastic Book Fair will be held the week of October 24 - 28.
Merrill the Cub Pep Rally: This past Thursday, students and staff participated in our Merrill the Cub Kick-Off Pep Rally. Students learned what being a Merrill Cub means: Caring Unique Brave Students. Our friend and school mascot, Merrill the Cub, stopped by for a special visit and gave each student a little gift.
Lifetouch Pictures - Last Friday was picture day at Merrill School. The kids were so excited and proud to have their pictures taken. If your child was absent or if you ar unhappy with your child's portrait, retakes will happen at a future date. I will let you know once it is scheduled.
ECPO Fall Festival: This past Saturday, The ECPO sponsored their first event f the school year, The Fall Festival. It was such a beautiful morning!! Students enjoyed carnival games, food, music, crafts, and everyone received a pumpkin! A great time was had by all!!! A HUGE thank you to the ECPO for coordinating and sponsoring such a fun family outing and creating lifelong memories!!
Outdoor Recess: Just a reminder to please send a light jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with your child each day in the event it is need for outdoor recess. It can get quite windy and chilly behind the school where recess is held each day.
BR Family Movie Night - The sophomore class invites you to the first annual BR Family Movie Night. The sophomore class will be hosting the elementary schools’ families here at the high school. The movie will be the Addams Family (2019 cartoon version). Come for dinner, hot dogs, pizza, popcorn, candy, cotton candy, and snow cones will all be available for $1 each. We hope to see you there! Please share with any friends and family! Future of Red Nation t-shirts available for purchase at the event.
I hope you all have a great week. As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
October 1, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is what’s happening at Merrill School this week:
ALICE Evacuation Drill: On Tuesday, September 29th, staff and students participated in an evacuation drill under the guidance of the Raynham Police Department. This practice went very well and we than the RPD for their assistance.
i-Ready Testing: First Grade students completed the i-Ready Diagnostic Testing last week. This testing provides teachers with important information to support your child’s learning. Results will be sent home on Friday, October 14th.
Early Release Day: Wednesday, October 5th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 in order for teachers and staff to participate in professional development. Lunch will be served. Park & Rec will be open.
Cherrydale Fundraiser: Our Fall fundraiser is underway!! Last week students brought home packets with a wonderful assortment of items to buy… including gift wrap, kitchen accessories, and of course, Otis Spunkemeyer Cookies!! It’s never too early to start your holiday shopping!!!
Lifetouch Portraits: Picture Day will be Friday, October 14th. Information will be sent home soon. SMILE!!
Scholastic Book Fair: The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in our library from October 24 - 28. You will receive the date and time when your child’s class will visit and have the opportunity to purchase books.
Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent teacher Conferences will be held October 24th and October 26th. Detailed information and forms to schedule an appointment will be sent home this week.
Columbus Day Weekend: There is no school, next Monday, October 10th, for Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
ECPO Meeting: Our next ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday, October 14th in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
RAVE: We would like to thank our RAVE volunteers for putting together our communication packets every Thursday morning that go home that afternoon. Their help with this project in addition to helping teachers in the workroom, is much appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering at Merrill School, please email RAVE Coordinator, Becky George at [email protected]
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to learning and growing with our Merrill Cubs this week!!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. Here is what’s happening at Merrill School this week:
ALICE Evacuation Drill: On Tuesday, September 29th, staff and students participated in an evacuation drill under the guidance of the Raynham Police Department. This practice went very well and we than the RPD for their assistance.
i-Ready Testing: First Grade students completed the i-Ready Diagnostic Testing last week. This testing provides teachers with important information to support your child’s learning. Results will be sent home on Friday, October 14th.
Early Release Day: Wednesday, October 5th, students will be dismissed at 12:05 in order for teachers and staff to participate in professional development. Lunch will be served. Park & Rec will be open.
Cherrydale Fundraiser: Our Fall fundraiser is underway!! Last week students brought home packets with a wonderful assortment of items to buy… including gift wrap, kitchen accessories, and of course, Otis Spunkemeyer Cookies!! It’s never too early to start your holiday shopping!!!
Lifetouch Portraits: Picture Day will be Friday, October 14th. Information will be sent home soon. SMILE!!
Scholastic Book Fair: The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in our library from October 24 - 28. You will receive the date and time when your child’s class will visit and have the opportunity to purchase books.
Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent teacher Conferences will be held October 24th and October 26th. Detailed information and forms to schedule an appointment will be sent home this week.
Columbus Day Weekend: There is no school, next Monday, October 10th, for Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
ECPO Meeting: Our next ECPO meeting will be held on Thursday, October 14th in the Merrill School Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
RAVE: We would like to thank our RAVE volunteers for putting together our communication packets every Thursday morning that go home that afternoon. Their help with this project in addition to helping teachers in the workroom, is much appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering at Merrill School, please email RAVE Coordinator, Becky George at [email protected]
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to learning and growing with our Merrill Cubs this week!!!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
September 25, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the first weekend of Autumn! Here is our information for this week:
Cherrydale Fundraiser – Packets were sent home Friday for the ECPO’s first fundraiser. Please be sure to check out the great items in the catalog. Don’t forget the Otis Spunkemeyer cookies!!!
Recess – With the arrival of autumn, please be sure your child has a sweatshirt or jacket to use when we go outside for recess.
Morning Drop Off – Staff member will be outside for drop off from 8:50 – 9:05. An adult must escort a student in the building if they arrive after 9:05 and a staff member is no longer present.
Dismissal – Just a reminder, for safety reasons, students will not be dismissed from the office after 3:00 pm.
Picture Day – School portraits will be taken on Friday, October 14th. More information will be provided in the upcoming weeks.
Early Release Day – Wednesday, October 5th is an early release for students in order for teachers and staff to participate in professional development. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 and lunch will be served.
The following information is from the ECPO:
We look forward to another week of fun and learning! As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal
Hello Merrill Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the first weekend of Autumn! Here is our information for this week:
Cherrydale Fundraiser – Packets were sent home Friday for the ECPO’s first fundraiser. Please be sure to check out the great items in the catalog. Don’t forget the Otis Spunkemeyer cookies!!!
Recess – With the arrival of autumn, please be sure your child has a sweatshirt or jacket to use when we go outside for recess.
Morning Drop Off – Staff member will be outside for drop off from 8:50 – 9:05. An adult must escort a student in the building if they arrive after 9:05 and a staff member is no longer present.
Dismissal – Just a reminder, for safety reasons, students will not be dismissed from the office after 3:00 pm.
Picture Day – School portraits will be taken on Friday, October 14th. More information will be provided in the upcoming weeks.
Early Release Day – Wednesday, October 5th is an early release for students in order for teachers and staff to participate in professional development. Students will be dismissed at 12:05 and lunch will be served.
The following information is from the ECPO:
- Thank you to everyone who attended our first meeting!! We had an excellent turnout, and are so excited for all the support!! If you were not able to attend the meeting, there are still lots of opportunities to sign up to help plan some great events for the Merrill students, staff, and families!! Please feel free to reach out with any questions!
- Our first event is THIS FRIDAY 9/30 from 5-7 at the gazebo on King Philip St! Bring a blanket and dinner/snacks and enjoy Wayne Potash playing live music while the kids get to see new and old friends!
- Thank you for supporting the apparel sale! This was a huge success! We can't wait to see all of your kiddos in their Merrill gear!
- Our Fall Fundraiser has begun!! Wrapping paper, gifts, Otis Spunkemeyer cookies and more!
- Follow us on Facebook for updates! Parents of the Raynham Class of 2034, Parents of the Raynham Class of 2035 and ECPO page.
- EASY ways to support us without leaving your home:
- Box Tops: Download the app and take a picture of your receipt
- Amazon Smiles: Select AmazonSmile from the Your Account menu. Search for and select Lillie B Merrill and a small amount of your purchases will automatically be donated to our school.
We look forward to another week of fun and learning! As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns!
All my best,
Deb Westell, Principal